2 Customization
j edited this page 2019-07-18 10:01:43 +00:00

Customizing pan.do/ra

the best way to cusotmize pan.do/ra ist to create an overlay repository

cd /srv/pandora/
git clone https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora_overlay.git <sitename>

now configure config.jsonc and add custom JavaScript files and images. i.e.

cd /srv/pandora/<sitename>
cp /srv/pandora/pandora/config.padma.jsonc config.jsonc
mkdir -p static/js
cp /srv/pandora/static/js/infoView.padma.js static/js/infoView.<sitename>.js
vim config.jsonc

to active / update run:

cd /srv/pandora/<sitename>

after installation or updates, you also have to update static files:

cd /srv/pandora
./update.py static