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pandora_client is a commandline client for pan.do/ra. it is used to import videos into a pan.do/ra system. It is currently known to work on Linux and Mac OS X.


 sudo pip3 install pandora_client


 sudo pip3 install -U pandora_client


 pandora_client config

enter api url of your pandora server(i.e. https://pad.ma/api/), username, password

 pandora_client add_volume <name of volume> </path/to/volume>

add or update a volume that should be scanned for files, if you added a volume with that name previously, it will update the path.

(you need to have a special folder structure in your volume, more about that here)

 pandora_client scan

scan all available volumes for changes

 pandora_client sync

sync information about files with server

 pandora_client upload

encode and upload videos that are needed

Advanced Usage

 pandora_client extract

if you want to only create videos, you can use extract

 pandora_client import_srt itemid layername /path/to/srt

import annotations from srt into a layer

You can also upload individual files, this also work to upload a file again:

 pandora_client upload <oshash>

you can also pass the path to the video

 pandora_client upload <path>

To see the command line that pandora_client uses to create the webm file, passing the full path of the file you are trying to upload/create:

 pandora_client cmd path

Distributed encoding

pandora_client can distribute the encoding to multiple nodes on a local network or multiple encodings on the same host.

to do this you need to install additional dependencies: apt-get install python3-twisted python3-requests

now run one node in server mode:

pandora_client server

and start the other nodes with:

pandora_client client http://SERVER_IP:8789


It is possible to customize path parsing and more using custom python functions. For more info click here


git clone https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora_client


If you find a bug or need a new feature, report it here