
510 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# GPL 2012
from __future__ import division, with_statement
import os
import json
import sqlite3
import time
import shutil
import sys
import ox
import extract
import utils
DEBUG = False
__version__ = '0.2'
CHUNK_SIZE = 1024*1024
default_media_cache = os.environ.get('oxMEDIA', os.path.expanduser('~/.ox/media'))
def encode(filename, prefix, profile, info=None):
if not info:
info = utils.avinfo(filename)
if not 'oshash' in info:
return None
oshash = info['oshash']
frames = []
cache = os.path.join(prefix, os.path.join(*utils.hash_prefix(oshash)))
if info['video']:
for pos in utils.video_frame_positions(info['duration']):
frame_name = '%s.png' % pos
frame_f = os.path.join(cache, frame_name)
if not os.path.exists(frame_f):
print frame_f
extract.frame(filename, frame_f, pos)
video_f = os.path.join(cache, profile)
if not os.path.exists(video_f):, video_f, profile, info)
return {
'info': info,
'oshash': oshash,
'frames': frames,
'video': video_f
def encode_cmd(filename, prefix, profile, info):
if not info:
info = utils.avinfo(filename)
if not 'oshash' in info:
return None
oshash = info['oshash']
cache = os.path.join(prefix, os.path.join(*utils.hash_prefix(oshash)))
video_f = os.path.join(cache, profile)
return extract.video_cmd(filename, video_f, profile, info)
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, config, offline=False):
if isinstance(config, basestring):
with open(config) as f:
self._config = json.load(f)
self._config = config
self.profile = self._config.get('profile', '480p.webm')
if not offline:
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS setting (key varchar(1024) unique, value text)''')
if int(self.get('version', 0)) < 1:
self.set('version', 1)
db = [
path varchar(1024) unique,
oshash varchar(16),
atime FLOAT,
ctime FLOAT,
mtime FLOAT,
size INT,
info TEXT,
created INT,
modified INT,
deleted INT)''',
'''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS path_idx ON file (path)''',
'''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS oshash_idx ON file (oshash)''',
for i in db:
def _conn(self):
db_conn = os.path.expanduser(self._config['cache'])
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(db_conn)):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_conn, timeout=10)
conn.text_factory = sqlite3.OptimizedUnicode
return conn, conn.cursor()
def media_cache(self):
return os.path.expanduser(self._config.get('media-cache', default_media_cache))
def get(self, key, default=None):
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute('SELECT value FROM setting WHERE key = ?', (key, ))
for row in c:
return row[0]
return default
def set(self, key, value):
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute(u'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO setting values (?, ?)', (key, str(value)))
def info(self, oshash):
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute('SELECT info FROM file WHERE oshash = ?', (oshash, ))
for row in c:
return json.loads(row[0])
return None
def path(self, oshash):
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute('SELECT path FROM file WHERE oshash = ?', (oshash, ))
paths = []
for row in c:
return paths
def online(self):
self.api = API(self._config['url'], media_cache=self.media_cache())
self.api.DEBUG = DEBUG
self.profile = "%sp.webm" % max(self.api._config['video']['resolutions'])
def signin(self):
if 'username' in self._config:
r = self.api.signin(username=self._config['username'], password=self._config['password'])
if r['status']['code'] == 200 and not 'errors' in r['data']:
self.user = r['data']['user']
self.user = False
print 'login failed'
return False
r = self.api.init()
if r['status']['code'] == 200:
self.api._config = r['data']['site']
return True
def scan_file(self, path):
conn, c = self._conn()
update = True
modified = time.mktime(time.localtime())
created = modified
sql = 'SELECT atime, ctime, mtime, size, created FROM file WHERE deleted < 0 AND path=?'
c.execute(sql, [path])
stat = os.stat(path)
for row in c:
if stat.st_atime == row[0] and stat.st_ctime == row[1] and stat.st_mtime == row[2] and stat.st_size == row[3]:
created = row[4]
update = False
if update:
info = utils.avinfo(path)
if info['size'] > 0:
oshash = info['oshash']
deleted = -1
t = (path, oshash, stat.st_atime, stat.st_ctime, stat.st_mtime,
stat.st_size, json.dumps(info), created, modified, deleted)
c.execute(u'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO file values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', t)
def cmd(self, args):
filename = args[0]
if len(filename) == 16:
path = self.paths(filename)
path = [filename]
for p in path:
if os.path.exists(p):
cmd = encode_cmd(p, self.media_cache(), self.profile, None)
cmd = [' ' in c and '"%s"' % c or c for c in cmd]
print ' '.join(cmd)
def scan(self, args):
print "checking for new files ..."
for name in self._config['volumes']:
path = self._config['volumes'][name]
path = os.path.normpath(path)
files = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path, followlinks=True):
if isinstance(dirpath, str):
dirpath = dirpath.decode('utf-8')
if filenames:
for filename in sorted(filenames):
if isinstance(filename, str):
filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
if not filename.startswith('._') and not filename in ('.DS_Store', ):
file_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
if os.path.exists(file_path):
conn, c = self._conn()
c.execute('SELECT path FROM file WHERE path LIKE ? AND deleted < 0', ["%s%%"%path])
known_files = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()]
deleted_files = filter(lambda f: f not in files, known_files)
if deleted_files:
deleted = time.mktime(time.localtime())
for f in deleted_files:
c.execute('UPDATE file SET deleted=? WHERE path=?', (deleted, f))
print "scanned volume %s: %s files, %s new, %s deleted" % (
name, len(files), len(files) - len(known_files), len(deleted_files))
def extract(self, args):
conn, c = self._conn()
volumes = {}
for name in self._config['volumes']:
path = self._config['volumes'][name]
path = os.path.normpath(path)
volumes[name] = {}
volumes[name]['path'] = path
if os.path.exists(path):
volumes[name]['available'] = True
volumes[name]['available'] = False
for name in volumes:
if volumes[name]['available']:
prefix = volumes[name]['path']
files = self.files(prefix)
for f in files['files']:
filename = os.path.join(prefix, f['path'])
info = files['info'][f['oshash']]
if 'video' in info and \
info['video'] and \
'/extras' not in filename.lower() and \
'/versions' not in filename.lower():
print filename.encode('utf-8')
i = encode(filename, self.media_cache(), self.profile, info)
def sync(self, args):
if not self.user:
print "you need to login"
conn, c = self._conn()
volumes = {}
for name in self._config['volumes']:
path = self._config['volumes'][name]
path = os.path.normpath(path)
volumes[name] = {}
volumes[name]['path'] = path
if os.path.exists(path):
volumes[name]['available'] = True
volumes[name]['available'] = False
for name in volumes:
if volumes[name]['available']:
prefix = volumes[name]['path']
files = self.files(prefix)
post = {}
post['files'] = files['files']
post['volume'] = name
print 'sending list of files in %s (%s total)' % (name, len(post['files']))
r = self.api.update(post)
if r['status']['code'] == 200:
#backend works on update request asyncronously, wait for it to finish
if 'taskId' in r['data']:
t = self.api.taskStatus(task_id=r['data']['taskId'])
print 'waiting for server ...'
while t['data']['status'] == 'PENDING':
t = self.api.taskStatus(task_id=r['data']['taskId'])
#send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data
post = {'info': {}}
r = self.api.update(post)
if r['data']['info']:
info = r['data']['info']
max_info = 100
total = len(info)
print 'sending info for %s files' % total
for offset in range(0, total, max_info):
post = {'info': {}, 'upload': True}
for oshash in info[offset:offset+max_info]:
if oshash in files['info']:
post['info'][oshash] = files['info'][oshash]
if len(post['info']):
r = self.api.update(post)
if r['data']['data']:
files = []
for f in r['data']['data']:
for path in self.path(f):
if os.path.exists(path):
if files:
print '\ncould encoded and upload %s videos:\n' % len(files)
print '\n'.join(files)
if r['data']['file']:
files = []
for f in r['data']['file']:
for path in self.path(f):
if os.path.exists(path):
if files:
print '\ncould upload %s subtitles:\n' % len(files)
print '\n'.join(files)
def upload(self, args):
if not self.user:
print "you need to login"
conn, c = self._conn()
#send empty list to get updated list of requested info/files/data
post = {'info': {}}
r = self.api.update(post)
if r['data']['file']:
print 'uploading %s files' % len(r['data']['file'])
for oshash in r['data']['file']:
for path in self.path(oshash):
if os.path.exists(path):
self.api.uploadData(path, oshash)
if r['data']['data']:
print 'encoding and uploading %s videos' % len(r['data']['data'])
for oshash in r['data']['data']:
data = {}
for path in self.path(oshash):
if os.path.exists(path):
info =
if not self.api.uploadVideo(path, data, self.profile, info):
if not self.signin():
print "failed to login again"
def files(self, prefix):
conn, c = self._conn()
files = {}
files['info'] = {}
files['files'] = []
sql = 'SELECT path, oshash, info, atime, ctime, mtime FROM file WHERE deleted < 0 AND path LIKE ? ORDER BY path'
t = [u"%s%%"%prefix]
c.execute(sql, t)
for row in c:
path = row[0]
oshash = row[1]
info = json.loads(row[2])
for key in ('atime', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'path'):
if key in info:
del info[key]
files['info'][oshash] = info
'oshash': oshash,
'path': path[len(prefix)+1:],
'atime': row[3],
'ctime': row[4],
'mtime': row[5],
return files
def clean(self):
print "remove temp videos and stills"
if os.path.exists(self.prefix()):
class API(ox.API):
__name__ = 'pandora_client'
__version__ = __version__
def __init__(self, url, cj=None, media_cache=None):
super(API, self).__init__(url, cj)
self.media_cache = media_cache
if not self.media_cache:
self.media_cache = default_media_cache
def uploadVideo(self, filename, data, profile, info=None):
i = encode(filename, self.media_cache, profile, info)
if not i:
print "failed"
#upload frames
if self._config['media']['importPosterFrames']:
form = ox.MultiPartForm()
form.add_field('action', 'upload')
form.add_field('id', i['oshash'])
for key in data:
form.add_field(key, data[key])
for frame in i['frames']:
fname = os.path.basename(frame)
if os.path.exists(frame):
form.add_file('frame', fname, open(frame, 'rb'))
r = self._json_request(self.url, form)
#upload video
if os.path.exists(i['video']):
size = ox.formatBytes(os.path.getsize(i['video']))
print "uploading %s of %s (%s)" % (profile, os.path.basename(filename), size)
url = self.url + 'upload/' + '?profile=' + str(profile) + '&id=' + i['oshash']
if not self.upload_chunks(url, i['video'], data):
print "failed"
return False
print "Failed"
return False
return True
def uploadData(self, filename, oshash):
print 'upload', filename
form = ox.MultiPartForm()
form.add_field('action', 'upload')
form.add_field('id', str(oshash))
fname = os.path.basename(filename)
if isinstance(fname, unicode): fname = fname.encode('utf-8')
form.add_file('file', fname, open(filename, 'rb'))
r = self._json_request(self.url, form)
return r
def upload_chunks(self, url, filename, data=None):
form = ox.MultiPartForm()
if not data:
for key in data:
form.add_field(key, data[key])
data = self._json_request(url, form)
if 'url' in data:
print data['url']
if 'uploadUrl' in data:
uploadUrl = data['uploadUrl']
f = open(filename)
fsize = os.stat(filename).st_size
done = 0
start = time.mktime(time.localtime())
chunk =
fname = os.path.basename(filename)
if isinstance(fname, unicode):
fname = fname.encode('utf-8')
while chunk:
elapsed = time.mktime(time.localtime()) - start
remaining = elapsed / (done/fsize) - elapsed
print '%0.2f%% %s of %s done, %s remaining\r' % (
100 * done/fsize, ox.formatBytes(done), ox.formatBytes(fsize),
ox.formatDuration(remaining, verbosity=2)),
form = ox.MultiPartForm()
form.add_file('chunk', fname, chunk)
if len(chunk) < CHUNK_SIZE or f.tell() == fsize:
form.add_field('done', '1')
data = self._json_request(uploadUrl, form)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "\ninterrupted by user."
print "uploading chunk failed, will try again in 5 seconds\r",
print '\n', uploadUrl
import traceback
data = {'result': -1}
if data and 'status' in data:
if data['status']['code'] == 403:
print "login required"
return False
if data['status']['code'] != 200:
print "request returned error, will try again in 5 seconds"
print data
if data and data.get('result') == 1:
done += len(chunk)
chunk =
print ' '
return data and 'result' in data and data.get('result') == 1
if 'status' in data and data['status']['code'] == 401:
print "login required"
print "failed to upload file to", url
print data
return False