If (for example) you have a type of entities, "participants", and a second annotation layer for them, like this: { "id": "participantsdiscussed", "title": "Participants discussed", "type": "entity", "entity": "participants" } then we should be passing key="participants" to autocompleteEntities (since that is the type of entity), not key="participantsdiscussed" (which is not a type of entities and raises an error).
355 lines
15 KiB
355 lines
15 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.editor = function(data) {
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
that = Ox.VideoAnnotationPanel({
annotationsCalendarSize: ui.annotationsCalendarSize,
annotationsMapSize: ui.annotationsMapSize,
annotationsRange: ui.annotationsRange,
annotationsSize: ui.annotationsSize,
annotationsSort: ui.annotationsSort,
annotationsTooltip: Ox._('annotations')
+ ' <span class="OxBright">' + Ox.SYMBOLS.shift + 'A</span>',
audioTrack: data.audioTrack,
censored: data.censored,
censoredIcon: pandora.site.cantPlay.icon,
censoredTooltip: Ox._(pandora.site.cantPlay.text),
clickLink: pandora.clickLink,
cuts: data.cuts || [],
duration: data.duration,
enableDownload: pandora.site.capabilities.canDownloadVideo[pandora.user.level] >= data.rightslevel || data.editable,
enableExport: pandora.site.capabilities.canExportAnnotations[pandora.user.level] || data.editable,
enableImport: pandora.site.capabilities.canImportAnnotations[pandora.user.level] || data.editable,
enableSetPosterFrame: !pandora.site.media.importFrames && data.editable,
enableSubtitles: ui.videoSubtitles,
find: ui.itemFind,
getFrameURL: function(position) {
return pandora.getMediaURL('/' + ui.item + '/' + ui.videoResolution + 'p' + position + '.jpg?' + data.modified);
getLargeTimelineURL: function(type, i) {
return pandora.getMediaURL('/' + ui.item + '/timeline' + type + '64p' + i + '.jpg?' + data.modified);
getSmallTimelineURL: function(type, i) {
return pandora.getMediaURL('/' + ui.item + '/timeline' + type + '16p' + i + '.jpg?' + data.modified);
height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1),
id: 'editor',
'in': ui.videoPoints[ui.item]['in'],
itemName: pandora.site.itemName,
layers: data.annotations.map(function(layer) {
return Ox.extend({
editable: layer.canAddAnnotations[pandora.user.level]
}, layer, {
autocomplete: layer.type == 'entity'
? function(key, value, callback) {
key: layer.entity,
operator: '=',
range: [0, 20],
value: value
}, function(result) {
} : layer.autocomplete
? function(key, value, callback) {
key: key,
operator: '=',
range: [0, 20],
value: value
}, function(result) {
} : null
loop: ui.videoLoop,
muted: ui.videoMuted,
out: ui.videoPoints[ui.item].out,
position: ui.videoPoints[ui.item].position,
posterFrame: data.posterFrame,
resolution: ui.videoResolution,
selected: ui.videoPoints[ui.item].annotation
? ui.item + '/' + ui.videoPoints[ui.item].annotation
: '',
selectResult: !pandora._dontSelectResult,
showAnnotations: ui.showAnnotations,
showAnnotationsCalendar: ui.showAnnotationsCalendar,
showAnnotationsMap: ui.showAnnotationsMap,
showLargeTimeline: true,
showLayers: Ox.clone(ui.showLayers),
showUsers: pandora.site.annotations.showUsers,
subtitles: data.subtitles,
subtitlesDefaultTrack: Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(pandora.site.language),
subtitlesLayer: data.subtitlesLayer,
subtitlesOffset: ui.videoSubtitlesOffset,
subtitlesTrack: Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(pandora.site.language),
timeline: ui.videoTimeline,
timelines: pandora.site.timelines,
video: data.video,
videoRatio: data.videoRatio,
videoSize: ui.videoSize,
volume: ui.videoVolume,
width: pandora.$ui.document.width() - pandora.$ui.mainPanel.size(0) - 1
addannotation: function(data) {
Ox.Log('', 'addAnnotation', data);
// async to not capture keyboard input
setTimeout(function() {
var created = Ox.formatDate(new Date(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
type = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.layers, data.layer).type;
that.addAnnotation(data.layer, Ox.extend(
created: created,
duration: data.out - data['in'],
editable: true,
id: '_' + Ox.uid(),
'in': data['in'],
modified: created,
out: data.out,
user: pandora.user.username,
value: ''
type == 'place' ? {
place: {lat: null, lng: null}
} : type == 'event' ? {
event: {start: '', end: ''}
} : {}
annotationsrange: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({annotationsRange: data.range});
annotationssize: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({annotationsSize: data.size});
annotationssort: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({annotationsSort: data.sort});
censored: function() {
copy: function(data) {
pandora.clipboard.copy(data.map(function(clip) {
return clip.annotation || ui.item + '/' + clip['in'] + '-' + clip.out
}), 'clip');
copyadd: function(data) {
pandora.clipboard.add(data.map(function(clip) {
return clip.annotation || ui.item + '/' + clip['in'] + '-' + clip.out
}), 'clip');
define: function(data) {
var dialog = data.type + 'sDialog';
pandora.$ui[dialog] && pandora.$ui[dialog].remove();
pandora.$ui[dialog] = pandora.ui[dialog](data).open();
downloadvideo: function() {
document.location.href = pandora.getDownloadLink(ui.item, data.rightslevel);
downloadselection: function(data) {
document.location.href = '/' + ui.item
+ '/' + Ox.max(pandora.site.video.resolutions)
+ 'p.webm?t=' + data['in'] + ',' + data.out;
editannotation: function(data) {
Ox.Log('', 'editAnnotation', data);
function callback(result) {
Ox.Log('', 'editAnnotation result', result);
if (!Ox.isEmpty(result.data)) {
result.data.date = Ox.formatDate(
result.data.modified.slice(0, 10), '%B %e, %Y'
result.data.languages = (
result.data.languages || [pandora.site.language]
).map(function(language) {
return Ox.getLanguageNameByCode(language);
that.updateAnnotation(data.id, result.data);
if (data.id[0] == '_') {
'in': data['in'],
item: ui.item,
layer: data.layer,
out: data.out,
value: data.value
}, callback);
} else {
id: data.id,
'in': data['in'],
out: data.out,
value: data.value
}, callback);
embedselection: function() {
pandora.$ui.embedVideoDialog && pandora.$ui.embedVideoDialog.remove();
pandora.$ui.embedVideoDialog = pandora.ui.embedVideoDialog().open();
exportannotations: function() {
id: ui.item,
keys: ['title']
}, function(result) {
pandora.$ui.exportAnnotationsDialog = pandora.ui.exportAnnotationsDialog({title: result.data.title}).open();
find: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({itemFind: data.find});
findannotations: function(data) {
item: '',
find: {
conditions: [{key: data.key, value: data.value, operator: '='}],
operator: '&'
listView: 'clip'
gainfocus: function() {
importannotations: function() {
pandora.$ui.importAnnotationsDialog = pandora.ui.importAnnotationsDialog({duration: data.duration}).open();
info: function(data) {
Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.layers, data.layer).title
linktoselection: function(data) {
pandora.$ui.linkVideoDialog && pandora.$ui.linkVideoDialog.remove();
pandora.$ui.linkVideoDialog = pandora.ui.linkVideoDialog().open();
loop: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoLoop: data.loop});
muted: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoMuted: data.muted});
playing: function(data) {
'videoPoints.' + ui.item + '.position',
points: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + ui.item, {
annotation: ui.videoPoints[ui.item].annotation,
'in': data['in'],
out: data.out,
position: data.position
position: function(data) {
'videoPoints.' + ui.item + '.position',
posterframe: function(data) {
id: ui.item,
position: data.position
}, function() {
if (pandora.$ui.videoPreview) {
position: data.position
if (ui.listSort[0].key == 'modified') {
load: function() {
} else {
removeannotation: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + ui.item + '.annotation', null);
id: data.id
}, function(result) {
//fixme: check for errors
//that.removeAnnotation(data.layer, data.id);
resize: function(data) {
that.options({height: data.size});
resizecalendar: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({annotationsCalendarSize: data.size});
resizemap: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({annotationsMapSize: data.size});
resolution: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoResolution: data.resolution});
select: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set('videoPoints.' + ui.item + '.annotation', data.id.split('/')[1] || '');
showentityinfo: function(data) {
pandora.URL.push('/entities/' + data.id)
subtitles: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoSubtitles: data.subtitles});
timeline: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoTimeline: data.timeline});
toggleannotations: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({showAnnotations: data.showAnnotations});
togglecalendar: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({showAnnotationsCalendar: !data.collapsed});
togglelayer: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set('showLayers.' + data.layer, !data.collapsed);
togglemap: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({showAnnotationsMap: !data.collapsed});
togglesize: function(data) {
pandora.UI.set({videoSize: data.size});
pandora_showannotations: function(data) {
that.options({showAnnotations: data.value});
pandora_videotimeline: function(data) {
that.options({timeline: data.value});
pandora._dontSelectResult = false;
function updateBrowser() {
pandora.$ui.browser.find('img[src*="/' + ui.item + '/"]').each(function() {
src: pandora.getMediaURL('/' + ui.item + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '128.jpg?' + Ox.uid())
return that;