forked from 0x2620/pandora
160 lines
3.9 KiB
160 lines
3.9 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from ox.django.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
import models
def parseCondition(condition, user):
condition: {
value: "war"
condition: {
key: "year",
value: "1970-1980,
operator: "!="
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end'
}.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
op = ''
if op.startswith('!'):
op = op[1:]
exclude = True
exclude = False
if op == '-':
q = parseCondition({'key': k, 'value': v[0], 'operator': '>='}, user) \
& parseCondition({'key': k, 'value': v[1], 'operator': '<'}, user)
return exclude and ~q or q
if (not exclude and op == '=' or op in ('$', '^', '>=', '<')) and v == '':
return Q()
if k == 'id':
public_id, points = v.split('/')
points = [float('%0.03f'%float(p)) for p in points.split('-')]
q = Q(sort__item__public_id=public_id, start=points[0], end=points[1])
return exclude and ~q or q
if k == 'hash':
v = models.parse_hash(v)
if k == 'mode':
v = models.Sequence.MODE[v]
if k.endswith('__id'):
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
key = k
if k in ('mode', 'hash'):
key = k
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
q = Q(**{key: v})
return q
def parseConditions(conditions, operator, user):
conditions: [
value: "war"
key: "year",
value: "1970-1980,
operator: "!="
key: "country",
value: "f",
operator: "^"
operator: "&"
conn = []
for condition in conditions:
if 'conditions' in condition:
q = parseConditions(condition['conditions'],
condition.get('operator', '&'), user)
if q:
conn.append(parseCondition(condition, user))
if conn:
q = conn[0]
for c in conn[1:]:
if operator == '|':
q = q | c
q = q & c
return q
return None
class SequenceManager(Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
return QuerySet(self.model)
def find(self, data, user):
query: {
conditions: [
value: "war"
key: "year",
value: "1970-1980,
operator: "!="
key: "country",
value: "f",
operator: "^"
operator: "&"
#join query with operator
qs = self.get_query_set()
conditions = parseConditions(data.get('query', {}).get('conditions', []),
data.get('query', {}).get('operator', '&'),
if conditions:
qs = qs.filter(conditions)
return qs