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Field Extensions
:synopsis: Current Field Extensions
Current Database Model Field Extensions
* *AutoSlugField* - AutoSlugfield will automatically create a unique slug
increasing an appended number on the slug until it is unique. Inspired by
SmileyChris' Unique Slugify snippet.
* *CreationDateTimeField* - DateTimeField that will automatically set it's date
when the object is first saved to the database. Works in the same way as the
deprecated auto_now_add keyword.
* *ModificationDateTimeField* - DateTimeField that will automatically set it's
date when an object is saved to the database. Works in the same way as the
deprecated auto_now keyword.
* *UUIDField* - UUIDField for Django, supports all uuid versions which are
natively supported by the uuid python module.
* *EncryptedCharField* - CharField which transparently encrypts its value as it goes in and out of the database. Encryption is handled by `Keyczar <>`_. To use this field you must have Keyczar installed, have generated a primary encryption key, and have ``settings.KEYS_DIR`` set to the full path of your keys directory.
* *EncryptedTextField* - CharField which transparently encrypts its value as it goes in and out of the database. Encryption is handled by `Keyczar <>`_. To use this field you must have Keyczar installed, have generated a primary encryption key, and have ``settings.KEYS_DIR`` set to the full path of your keys directory.