forked from 0x2620/pandora
168 lines
6.3 KiB
168 lines
6.3 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from __future__ import division
from django.conf import settings
from ox.utils import json
from ox.django.shortcuts import render_to_json_response, json_response
from ox.django.api import actions
from annotation.models import Annotation
from item.models import Item
from item import utils
from changelog.models import add_changelog
import models
def parse_query(data, user):
query = {}
query['range'] = [0, 100]
query['sort'] = [{'key':'in', 'operator':'+'}]
for key in ('keys', 'group', 'range', 'sort', 'query'):
if key in data:
query[key] = data[key]
query['qs'] = models.Clip.objects.find(query, user)
query['filter'] = models.Clip.objects.filter_annotations(query, user)
if 'itemsQuery' in data and data['itemsQuery'].get('conditions'):
item_query = Item.objects.find({'query': data['itemsQuery']}, user)
query['qs'] = query['qs'].filter(item__in=item_query)
return query
def order_query(qs, sort):
order_by = []
sort += [
{'key': 'position', 'operator': '+'},
{'key': 'text', 'operator': '-'}
for e in sort:
operator = e['operator']
if operator != '-':
operator = ''
clip_keys = ('public_id', 'start', 'end', 'hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'volume',
'duration', 'sortvalue', 'videoRatio',
key = {
'id': 'public_id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'position': 'start',
'text': 'sortvalue',
'videoRatio': 'aspect_ratio',
'random': 'random__random',
}.get(e['key'], e['key'])
if key.startswith('clip:'):
key = e['key'][len('clip:'):]
key = {
'text': 'sortvalue',
'position': 'start',
}.get(key, key)
elif key not in clip_keys:
#key mgith need to be changed, see order_sort in item/
key = "sort__%s" % key
if key == 'public_id':
order_by.append('%s%s' % (operator, 'sort__public_id'))
order_by.append('%s%s' % (operator, 'start'))
order = '%s%s' % (operator, key)
if order_by:
qs = qs.order_by(*order_by, nulls_last=True)
return qs
def findClips(request, data):
Finds clips for a given query
takes {
query: object, // find clips, query object, see `find`
itemsQuery: object, // limit to matching items, query object, see `find`
keys: [string], // list of properties to return
positions: [int], // list of positions
range: [int, int], // range of results to return
sort: [object] // list of sort objects, see `find`
returns {
items: [object] // list of clip objects
see: find
response = json_response()
query = parse_query(data, request.user)
qs = query['qs']
if 'keys' in data:
qs = order_query(qs, query['sort'])
qs = qs[query['range'][0]:query['range'][1]]
ids = []
layer_ids = [k['id'] for k in settings.CONFIG['layers']]
keys = filter(lambda k: k not in layer_ids + ['annotations'], data['keys'])
if filter(lambda k: k not in models.Clip.clip_keys, keys):
qs = qs.select_related('sort')
def add(p):
return p.json(keys=keys)
response['data']['items'] = [add(p) for p in qs]
keys = data['keys']
def clip_public_id(c):
return u'%s/%0.03f-%0.03f' % (c['public_id'].split('/')[0], c['clip__start'], c['clip__end'])
def add_annotations(key, qs, add_layer=False):
values = ['public_id', 'value', 'clip__start', 'clip__end']
subtitles = utils.get_by_key(settings.CONFIG['layers'], 'isSubtitles', True)
if subtitles or add_layer:
if query['filter']:
qs = qs.filter(query['filter'])
for i in response['data']['items']:
if not key in i:
i[key] = []
for a in qs.values(*values):
public_id = clip_public_id(a)
for i in response['data']['items']:
if i['id'] == public_id:
l = {
'id': a['public_id'],
'value': a['value'],
if subtitles and a['layer'] == subtitles['id'] and not a['value']:
del l['id']
if add_layer:
l['layer'] = a['layer']
if response['data']['items']:
if 'annotations' in keys:
aqs = Annotation.objects.filter(layer__in=settings.CONFIG['clipLayers'],
add_annotations('annotations', aqs , True)
layer_ids = [k['id'] for k in settings.CONFIG['layers']]
for layer in filter(lambda l: l in keys, layer_ids):
aqs = Annotation.objects.filter(layer=layer, clip__in=ids)
add_annotations(layer, aqs)
elif 'position' in query:
qs = order_query(qs, query['sort'])
ids = [u'%s/%0.03f-%0.03f' % (c['item__public_id'], c['start'], c['end'])
for c in qs.values('item__public_id', 'start', 'end')]
data['conditions'] = data['conditions'] + {
'value': data['position'],
'key': query['sort'][0]['key'],
'operator': '^'
query = parse_query(data, request.user)
qs = order_query(query['qs'], query['sort'])
if qs.count() > 0:
response['data']['position'] = utils.get_positions(ids, [qs[0].public_id])[0]
elif 'positions' in data:
qs = order_query(qs, query['sort'])
ids = [u'%s/%0.03f-%0.03f' % (c['item__public_id'], c['start'], c['end'])
for c in qs.values('item__public_id', 'start', 'end')]
response['data']['positions'] = utils.get_positions(ids, data['positions'])
response['data']['items'] = qs.count()
return render_to_json_response(response)