forked from 0x2620/pandora
211 lines
9 KiB
211 lines
9 KiB
// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';
pandora.ui.folderBrowserList = function(id) {
// fixme: user and name are set to the same width here,
// but resizeFolders will set them to different widths
var columnWidth = (pandora.user.ui.sidebarSize - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE - 96) / 2,
i = Ox.getIndexById([pandora.user.ui.section], id),
that = Ox.TextList({
columns: [
clickable: true,
format: function(value) {
return $('<img>').attr({
src: '/list/' + value + '/icon.jpg'
width: '14px',
height: '14px',
borderRadius: '4px',
margin: '0 0 0 -3px'
// FIXME: why does the above only work with clickable: true ??
format: function() {
return $('<img>').attr({
src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('symbolIcon')
width: '10px',
height: '10px',
padding: '3px'
id: 'id',
titleImage: 'icon',
unique: true,
visible: true,
width: 16
format: function(value) {
return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value);
id: 'user',
operator: '+',
title: 'User',
visible: true,
width: Math.floor(columnWidth)
format: function(value) {
return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value);
id: 'name',
operator: '+',
title: 'List',
visible: true,
width: Math.ceil(columnWidth)
align: 'right',
id: 'items',
format: {type: 'number'},
operator: '-',
title: 'Items',
visible: true,
width: 48
clickable: function(data) {
return data.type == 'smart' || data.user == pandora.user.username;
format: function(value, data) {
return $('<img>')
src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(value == 'static' ? 'symbolClick' : 'symbolFind')
width: '10px',
height: '10px',
padding: '3px',
opacity: data.user == pandora.user.username ? 1 : 0.25
id: 'type',
operator: '+',
titleImage: 'edit',
tooltip: function(data) {
return data.type == 'smart'
? (data.user == pandora.user.username ? 'Edit Query' : 'Show Query')
: (data.user == pandora.user.username ? 'Edit Default View' : 'Default View: ...');
visible: true,
width: 16
clickable: true,
format: function(value) {
return $('<img>')
src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(
'symbol' + (id == 'favorite' ? 'Like' : 'Star')
width: '10px',
height: '10px',
padding: '3px',
opacity: id == 'favorite'
? (value ? 1 : 0.25)
: (value == 'featured' ? 1 : 0.25)
id: id == 'favorite' ? 'subscribed' : 'status',
operator: '+',
titleImage: id == 'favorite' ? 'like' : 'star',
tooltip: function(data) {
var checked = id == 'favorite' ? data.subscribed : data.status == 'featured';
return (checked ? 'Remove from' : 'Add to')
+ ' ' + Ox.toTitleCase(id) + ' Lists';
visible: true,
width: 16
columnsVisible: true,
items: function(data, callback) {
var query = id == 'favorite' ? {conditions: [
{key: 'status', value: 'public', operator: '='},
{key: 'user', value: pandora.user.username, operator: '!=='}
], operator: '&'} : {conditions: [
{key: 'status', value: 'private', operator: '!='}
], operator: ''};
return pandora.api.findLists(Ox.extend(data, {
query: query
}), callback);
// needed in order to determine if, when switching back
// from featured browser to featured folder, the selected
// not-featured list may be in the user's favorites folder
keys: id == 'featured' ? ['subscribed'] : [],
pageLength: 1000,
selected: pandora.getListData().folder == id ? [pandora.user.ui._list] : [],
sort: [
{key: 'name', operator: '+'}
click: function(data) {
if (data.key == 'type') {
if (that.value(, 'type') == 'smart') {
pandora.$ui.filterDialog = pandora.ui.filterDialog(that.value(, 'query')).open();
} else if (data.key == 'subscribed') {
var subscribed = that.value(, 'subscribed');
pandora.api[subscribed ? 'unsubscribeFromList' : 'subscribeToList']({
}, function(result) {
that.value(, 'subscribed', !subscribed);
} else if (data.key == 'status') {
status: that.value(, 'status') == 'featured' ? 'public' : 'featured'
}, function(result) {
Ox.Log('', 'result', result)
if ( == pandora.user.username || {
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: remove
| == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite'
that.value(, 'status',;
init: function(data) {
|[pandora.user.ui.section][i].items = data.items;
height: 40 + data.items * 16 + 'px'
height: 16 + data.items * 16 + 'px'
paste: function(data) {
pandora.$ui.list.triggerEvent('paste', data);
select: function(data) {
// fixme: duplicated
var list = data.ids.length ? data.ids[0] : '';
if (list) {
Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id_) {
id != id_ && $list.options('selected', []);
find: {
conditions: list ? [
{key: 'list', value: data.ids[0], operator: '=='}
] : [],
operator: '&'
return that;