// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.clipPlayer = function() { // FIXME: is clipPlayer the best name for this? var that = Ox.VideoPlayer({ controlsBottom: ['play', 'previous', 'next', 'volume'], controlsTop: ['fullscreen', 'scale'], enableMouse: true, height: 384, paused: true, position: 0, video: function(range, callback) { var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1], range = arguments.length == 2 ? arguments[0] : null, itemsQuery = pandora.user.ui.find, query = {conditions:[]}; //fixme: can this be in pandora.Query? dont just check for subtitles itemsQuery.conditions.forEach(function(q) { if (q.key == 'subtitles') { query.conditions.push({key: 'subtitles', value: q.value, operator: q.operator}); } }); pandora.api.findClips(Ox.extend({ query: query, itemsQuery: itemsQuery }, range ? { keys: ['id', 'in', 'out', 'subtitles'], range: range, sort: pandora.user.ui.listSort } : {}), function(result) { //Ox.Log('', 'API findClips range', range, 'result', result.data); if (!range) { callback(result.data.items); } else { var counter = 0, length = range[1] - range[0], data = []; result.data.items.forEach(function(item, i) { var id = item.id.split('/')[0]; pandora.api.get({id: id, keys: ['durations']}, function(result) { //Ox.Log('', 'API get item', id, 'result', result.data); var points = [item['in'], item.out], partsAndPoints = pandora.getVideoPartsAndPoints(result.data.durations, points); data[i] = { parts: partsAndPoints.parts.map(function(i) { var part = (i + 1), prefix = pandora.site.site.videoprefix.replace('PART', part); return prefix + '/' + id + '/96p' + part + '.' + pandora.user.videoFormat; }), points: partsAndPoints.points }; if (++counter == length) { callback(data); } }); }); } }); }, width: 512 }); return that; };