'use strict'; pandora.ui.folderList = function(id, section) { section = section || pandora.user.ui.section; var ui = pandora.user.ui, i = Ox.getIndexById(pandora.site.sectionFolders[section], id), folderItems = pandora.getFolderItems(section), folderItem = folderItems.slice(0, -1), canEditFeatured = pandora.hasCapability('canEditFeatured' + folderItems), $placeholder, that; var columns, items; if (id != 'volumes') { columns = [ { clickable: function(data) { return data.editable || (id == 'featured' && canEditFeatured); }, format: function(value, data) { return $('<img>').attr({ src: pandora.getListIcon(section, data.id, '', data.modified) }).css({ width: '14px', height: '14px', borderRadius: '4px', margin: '0 0 0 -3px' }); }, id: 'user', operator: '+', tooltip: function(data) { return data.editable || (id == 'featured' && canEditFeatured) ? Ox._('Edit Icon') : ''; }, visible: true, width: 16 }, { format: function(value) { return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value.split(':').join(': ')); }, id: 'id', operator: '+', visible: id == 'favorite', // fixme: user and name are set to the same width here, // but resizeFolders will set them to different widths width: ui.sidebarWidth - (section != 'texts' ? 96 : 48) }, { editable: function(data) { return data.editable; }, format: function(value) { return Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(value); }, id: 'name', input: { autovalidate: pandora.ui.autovalidateListname }, operator: '+', tooltip: id == 'personal' ? Ox._('Edit Title') : '', unformat: function(value) { return Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value); }, visible: id != 'favorite', width: ui.sidebarWidth - (section != 'texts' ? 96 : 48) }, { align: 'right', clickable: true, id: 'items', format: {type: 'number'}, operator: '-', visible: section != 'texts', width: 48 }, { clickable: function(data) { return section != 'texts' && ( data.type == 'smart' || data.editable ); }, format: function(value, data) { return $('<img>') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( value == 'static' ? 'symbolClick' : value == 'smart' ? 'symbolFind' : value == 'html' ? 'symbolFile' : 'symbolBook' ) }) .css({ width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: '3px', opacity: section == 'texts' || data.editable ? 1 : 0.25 }); }, id: 'type', operator: '+', tooltip: function(data) { return data.type == 'static' ? (data.editable ? Ox._('Edit {0}', [Ox._(folderItem)]) : '') : data.type == 'smart' ? (data.editable ? Ox._('Edit Query') : Ox._('Show Query')) : data.type.toUpperCase(); }, visible: true, width: 16 }, { clickable: id == 'personal', format: function(value) { var symbols = {personal: 'Publish', favorite: 'Like', featured: 'Star'}; return $('<img>') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL( 'symbol' + symbols[id] ) }) .css({ width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: '3px', opacity: value == 'private' ? 0.25 : 1 }); }, id: 'status', operator: '+', tooltip: id == 'personal' ? function(data) { return data.status == 'private' ? Ox._('Make Public') : Ox._('Make Private'); } : null, visible: true, width: 16 } ]; items = function(data, callback) { var query; if (id == 'personal') { query = {conditions: [ {key: 'user', value: pandora.user.username, operator: '=='}, {key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '!='} ], operator: '&'}; } else if (id == 'favorite') { query = {conditions: [ {key: 'subscribed', value: true, operator: '='}, {key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '!='} ], operator: '&'}; } else if (id == 'featured') { query = {conditions: [ {key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '='} ], operator: '&'}; } var _updateItemsCount = false; if (data.keys && Ox.contains(data.keys, 'items')) { data.keys = data.keys.filter(function(key) { return key != 'items' }) _updateItemsCount = true; } return pandora.api['find' + folderItems](Ox.extend(data, { query: query }), function(result) { if (Ox.isArray(result.data.items)) { pandora.$ui.mainMenu.updateLists(id, result.data.items); } callback(result); if ( _updateItemsCount && Ox.isArray(result.data.items) && result.data.items.length ) { setTimeout(function() { updateItemsCount(result.data.items.map(function(item) { return item.id; })); }, 500) } }); }; } else { columns = [ { format: function() { return $('<img>').attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('symbolVolume') }).css({ width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: '3px' }); }, id: 'user', operator: '+', visible: true, width: 16 }, { editable: true, id: 'name', operator: '+', tooltip: Ox._('Edit Title'), visible: true, width: ui.sidebarWidth - 96 }, { align: 'right', clickable: true, id: 'items', format: {type: 'number'}, operator: '-', visible: true, width: 48 }, { clickable: function(data) { return data.mounted; }, format: function(value, data) { return $('<img>') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL(data.mounted ? 'symbolSync' : 'symbolEdit') }) .css({ width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: '3px' }); }, id: 'path', operator: '+', tooltip: function(data) { return data.mounted ? Ox._('Scan Volume') : Ox._('Edit Path'); }, visible: true, width: 16 }, { clickable: true, format: function(value, data) { return $('<img>') .attr({ src: Ox.UI.getImageURL('symbolMount') }) .css({ width: '10px', height: '10px', padding: '3px 2px 1px 2px', opacity: data.mounted ? 1 : 0.25 }); }, id: 'mounted', operator: '+', tooltip: function(data) { return data.mounted ? Ox._('Unmount Volume') : Ox._('Mount Volume'); }, visible: true, width: 16 } ]; items = function(data, callback) { var volumes = pandora.user.volumes || []; if (!data.keys) { data = {items: volumes.length}; } else { data = {items: volumes.map(function(volume) { return Ox.extend({id: volume.name, user: pandora.user.username}, volume); })}; } // fixme: ridiculous (we're binding to init too late) setTimeout(function() { callback({data: data}); }, 1000); }; } that = Ox.TableList({ columns: columns, droppable: id != 'volumes', items: items, keys: ['modified', 'editable', 'groups'].concat(section != 'texts' ? ['query', 'name', 'view'] : ['rightslevel']), max: 1, min: 0, pageLength: 1000, // works when switching back from browser, but won't work on load, since // getListData relies on $folderList, so selectList is called in init handler selected: pandora.getListData().folder == id ? [ui[ui.section == 'items' ? '_list' : ui.section == 'documents' ? '_collection' : ui.section.slice(0, -1)]] : [], sort: [{key: 'position', operator: '+'}], sortable: id != 'featured' || canEditFeatured, unique: id != 'volumes' ? 'id' : 'name' }) .css({ left: 0, top: 0, width: ui.sidebarWidth + 'px' }) .bindEvent({ add: function(event) { if (id == 'personal') { if (event.keys == '' || event.keys == 'alt') { if (section != 'texts') { pandora.addFolderItem(section, event.keys == 'alt', false); } else { pandora.addText({type: event.keys == '' ? 'html' : 'pdf'}); } } } else if (id == 'favorite' || (id == 'featured' && canEditFeatured)) { // this makes the button trigger a change event, // which is already being handled in folders.js pandora.$ui.manageListsButton[id].options({value: true}); /* if (!pandora.site.sectionFolders.items[i].showBrowser) { pandora.site.sectionFolders.items[i].showBrowser = true; pandora.$ui.manageListsButton[id].options({selected: true}); pandora.$ui.folderList[id].replaceWith( pandora.$ui.folderBrowser[id] = pandora.ui.folderBrowser(id) ); } */ } }, click: function(data) { //var $list = pandora.$ui.folderList[id]; if (data.key == 'items') { select(section, data.id); } else if (data.key == 'user') { pandora.$ui.listDialog = pandora.ui.listDialog('icon').open(); } else if (data.key == 'type') { if (that.value(data.id, 'type') == 'smart') { pandora.$ui.listDialog = pandora.ui.listDialog('query').open(); } else { pandora.$ui.listDialog = pandora.ui.listDialog('general').open(); } } else if (data.key == 'status') { var status = that.value(data.id, data.key) == 'private' ? 'public' : 'private'; pandora.changeFolderItemStatus(data.id, status, function(result) { that.value(result.data.id, 'status', result.data.status); }); } else if (data.key == 'path') { // ... } else if (data.key == 'mounted') { // ... } }, 'delete': function(data) { if (id == 'personal') { pandora.ui.deleteListDialog(data.ids[0]).open(); } else if (id == 'favorite') { that.options({selected: []}); pandora.api['unsubscribeFrom' + folderItem]({ id: data.ids[0] }, function(result) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find' + folderItems); that.reloadList(); }); } else if (id == 'featured' && canEditFeatured) { that.options({selected: []}); pandora.api['edit' + folderItem]({ id: data.ids[0], status: 'public' }, function(result) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find' + folderItems); // fixme: duplicated if (result.data.user == pandora.user.username || result.data.subscribed) { pandora.$ui.folderList[ result.data.user == pandora.user.username ? 'personal' : 'favorite' ].reloadList(); } that.reloadList(); }); } }, init: function(data) { if (pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i]) { pandora.site.sectionFolders[section][i].items = data.items; pandora.$ui.folder[i].$content.css({ height: (data.items || 1) * 16 + 'px' }); pandora.$ui.folderList[id].css({ height: data.items * 16 + 'px' })[data.items ? 'show' : 'hide'](); pandora.$ui.folderPlaceholder[id].updateText(id)[data.items ? 'hide' : 'show'](); } pandora.resizeFolders(); }, key_control_d: function() { if (that.options('selected').length) { pandora.addFolderItem(ui.section, ui._list); } }, key_control_e: function() { if ( that.options('selected').length && (id == 'personal' || (id == 'featured' && canEditFeatured)) ) { pandora.ui.listDialog().open(); } }, move: function(data) { pandora.api['sort' + folderItems]({ section: id, ids: data.ids }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache('find' + folderItems); }); }, paste: function() { pandora.$ui.list.triggerEvent('paste'); }, select: function(data) { var list = data.ids.length ? data.ids[0] : ''; if (list) { Ox.forEach(pandora.$ui.folderList, function($list, id_) { id != id_ && $list.options('selected', []); }); } select(section, list); }, submit: function(data) { var data_ = {id: data.id}; data_[data.key] = data.value; pandora.api['edit' + folderItem](data_, function(result) { if (result.data.id != data.id) { Ox.Request.clearCache(); pandora.renameList(data.id, result.data.id, result.data.name, id); pandora.$ui.info.updateListInfo(); } }); } }); function select(section, list) { if (section == 'items') { pandora.UI.set({ find: { conditions: list ? [ {key: 'list', value: list, operator: '=='} ] : [], operator: '&' }, listView: list ? pandora.user.ui.lists[list] ? pandora.user.ui.lists[list].view : that.value(list).view : void 0 }); } else if (section == 'documents') { pandora.UI.set({ findDocuments: { conditions: list ? [ {key: 'collection', value: list, operator: '=='} ] : [], operator: '&' }, collectionView: list ? pandora.user.ui.collections[list] ? pandora.user.ui.collections[list].view : that.value(list).view : void 0 }); } else { pandora.UI.set(section.slice(0, -1), list); } } function updateItemsCount(ids) { Ox.serialForEach(ids, function(item, index, items, callback) { pandora.api['find' + folderItems]({ keys: ['items'], query: { conditions: [{key: 'id', value: item, operator: '=='}] }, range: [0, 1] }, function(result) { that.value(item, 'items', result.data.items[0].items); callback(); }) }) } return that; };