// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript /* ---- UI Tree ---- appPanel mainMenu mainPanel leftPanel sectionbar folders info rightPanel toolbar contentPanel browser <-- should be filters or browser list or item statusbar */ (function() { window.onerror = function(error, url, line) { try { pandora.api.log({ text: error, url: url, line: line }); } catch(e) {} }; var debug = localStorage && localStorage.debug, theme = localStorage && localStorage.theme || 'modern'; loadImages(function(images) { loadScreen(images); if (debug) { loadOxJS(function() { loadOxUI(loadPandora); }); } else { loadOxUI(loadPandora); } }); function loadImages(callback) { // Opera doesn't fire onload for SVGs, // so we only wait for the PNG to load. var images = {}; images.logo = document.createElement('img'); images.logo.onload = function() { callback(images); }; images.logo.style.position = 'absolute'; images.logo.style.left = 0; images.logo.style.top = 0; images.logo.style.right = 0; images.logo.style.bottom = '160px'; images.logo.style.width = '320px'; images.logo.style.height = '160px'; images.logo.style.margin = 'auto'; images.logo.src = '/static/png/logo256.png'; images.reflection = document.createElement('img'); images.reflection.style.position = 'absolute'; images.reflection.style.left = 0; images.reflection.style.top = '160px'; images.reflection.style.right = 0; images.reflection.style.bottom = 0; images.reflection.style.width = '320px'; images.reflection.style.height = '160px'; images.reflection.style.margin = 'auto'; images.reflection.style.MozTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.style.OTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.style.WebkitTransform = 'scaleY(-1)'; images.reflection.src = '/static/png/logo256.png'; images.loadingIcon = document.createElement('img'); images.loadingIcon.setAttribute('id', 'loadingIcon'); images.loadingIcon.style.position = 'absolute'; images.loadingIcon.style.left = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.top = '80px'; images.loadingIcon.style.right = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.bottom = 0; images.loadingIcon.style.width = '32px'; images.loadingIcon.style.height = '32px'; images.loadingIcon.style.margin = 'auto'; images.loadingIcon.src = '/static/oxjs/' + (debug ? 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'-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.75), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1), rgba(224, 224, 224, 1))' : '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(32, 32, 32, 0.75), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1), rgba(32, 32, 32, 1))'; var loadingScreen = document.createElement('div'); loadingScreen.setAttribute('id', 'loadingScreen'); loadingScreen.className = 'OxScreen'; loadingScreen.style.position = 'absolute'; loadingScreen.style.width = '100%'; loadingScreen.style.height = '100%'; loadingScreen.style.backgroundColor = theme == 'classic' ? 'rgb(224, 224, 224)' : 'rgb(32, 32, 32)'; loadingScreen.style.zIndex = '1001'; loadingScreen.appendChild(images.logo); loadingScreen.appendChild(images.reflection); loadingScreen.appendChild(gradient); loadingScreen.appendChild(images.loadingIcon); document.body.style.margin = 0; document.body.appendChild(loadingScreen); } function loadOxJS(callback) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.onload = callback; script.src = '/static/oxjs/dev/Ox.js'; script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.head.appendChild(script); } function loadOxUI(callback) { Ox.load({ UI: { theme: theme }, Geo: {} }, callback); } function loadPandora(browserSupported) { window.pandora = Ox.App({url: '/api/'}).bindEvent({ load: function(data) { data.browserSupported = browserSupported; Ox.extend(pandora, { requests: {}, ui: {} }); loadPandoraFiles(function() { initPandora(data); }); } }); } function loadPandoraFiles(callback) { var prefix = '/static/'; if (localStorage && localStorage.debug) { Ox.getJSON(prefix + 'json/pandora.json', function(files) { var promises = []; files.forEach(function(file) { var dfd = new $.Deferred(); promises.push(dfd.promise()); Ox.loadFile(prefix + file, function() { dfd.resolve(); }); }); $.when.apply(null, promises) .done(function() { callback(); }) .fail(function() { throw new Error('File not found.'); }); }); } else { Ox.loadFile(prefix + 'js/pandora.min.js', callback); } } function initPandora(data) { Ox.print('Ox.App load', data); Ox.extend(pandora, { $ui: { body: $('body'), document: $(document), window: $(window) .bind({ resize: function() { pandora.resizeWindow(); }, unload: function() { pandora.unloadWindow(); } }) }, site: data.site, user: data.user.level == 'guest' ? Ox.clone(data.site.user) : data.user }); Ox.extend(pandora.site, { clipKeys: Ox.map(data.site.clipKeys, function(key) { return Ox.extend(key, { operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id) }); }), findKeys: Ox.map(data.site.itemKeys, function(key) { return key.find ? key : null; }), itemsSection: pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase(), sectionFolders: { items: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Lists'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Lists', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Lists', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'volumes', title: 'Local Volumes'} ], edits: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Edits'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Edits', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Edits', showBrowser: false} ], texts: [ {id: 'personal', title: 'Personal Texts'}, {id: 'favorite', title: 'Favorite Texts', showBrowser: false}, {id: 'featured', title: 'Featured Texts', showBrowser: false} ] }, sortKeys: Ox.map(pandora.site.itemKeys, function(key) { return key.columnWidth ? Ox.extend(key, { operator: pandora.getSortOperator(key.id) }) : null; }) }); pandora.site.listSettings = {}; Ox.map(pandora.site.user.ui, function(val, key) { if (/^list[A-Z]/.test(key)) { pandora.site.listSettings[key] = key[4].toLowerCase() + key.substr(5); } }); Ox.extend(pandora.user, { sectionElement: 'buttons', selectedMovies: [], // fixme: used for what? videoFormat: Ox.UI.getVideoFormat(pandora.site.video.formats) }); if (data.user.level == 'guest' && $.browser.mozilla) { pandora.user.ui.theme = 'classic'; } // set up url controller pandora.URL.init().parse(function() { if (data.browserSupported) { $('#loadingScreen').remove(); } else { loadBrowserMessage(); } Ox.Theme(pandora.user.ui.theme); localStorage.theme = pandora.user.ui.theme; pandora.$ui.appPanel = pandora.ui.appPanel().display(); Ox.Request.requests() && pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.start(); pandora.$ui.body.ajaxStart(pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.start); pandora.$ui.body.ajaxStop(pandora.$ui.loadingIcon.stop); pandora.site.sectionButtonsWidth = pandora.$ui.sectionButtons.width() + 8; }); } function loadBrowserMessage() { var isMSIE = $.browser.msie, browsers = Ox.merge( isMSIE ? [{name: 'Chrome Frame', url: 'http://google.com/chromeframe/'}] : [], [ {name: 'Chrome', url: 'http://google.com/chrome/'}, {name: 'Firefox', url: 'http://mozilla.org/firefox/'}, {name: 'Safari', url: 'http://apple.com/safari/'} ] ), images = browsers.map(function(browser) { return Ox.PATH + 'Ox.UI/png/browser' + browser.name.replace(' ', '') + '128.png'; }), $loadingScreen = $('#loadingScreen'); loadImages(images, function() { var html = pandora.site.site.name + ' requires an up-to-date web browser. Please take a moment to ' + ( isMSIE ? 'install ' + browsers[0].name + ' or ' : '' ) + 'download ' + browsers.filter(function(browser) { return browser.name != 'Chrome Frame'; }).map(function(browser, i) { return '' + browser.name + '' + (i == 0 ? ', ' : i == 1 ? ' or ' : ''); }).join('') + '. Otherwise, proceed at your own risk.', $message = $('