// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.home = function() { var self = {}, that = $('<div>') .addClass('OxScreen') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: '100%', height: '100%', opacity: 0, overflowY: 'auto', zIndex: 1001 }), $box = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '80px', right: 0, width: '560px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto' }) .appendTo(that), $reflectionImage = $('<img>') .attr({src: '/static/png/logo.png'}) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '40px', right: 0, bottom: 0, width: '320px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', MozTransform: 'scaleY(-1)', OTransform: 'scaleY(-1)', WebkitTransform: 'scaleY(-1)' }) .appendTo($box), $reflectionGradient = $('<div>') .addClass('OxReflection') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '40px', right: 0, width: '320px', height: '40px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', }) .appendTo($box), $logo = Ox.Element({ element: '<img>', tooltip: function() { return Ox._('Enter {0}', [pandora.site.site.name]); } }) .attr({ id: 'logo', src: '/static/png/logo.png' }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, right: 0, width: '320px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', cursor: 'pointer' }) .bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { $browseButton.triggerEvent('click'); } }) .appendTo($box), $line = Ox.Element('<img>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '62px', right: 0, width: '160px', height: '20px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .one({ load: function() { $line.animate({opacity: 1}, 250, function() { $line .options({ tooltip: function() { return Ox._('Visit {0}', ['Pad.ma']); } }) .bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { window.open('/url=https://pad.ma', '_blank'); } }); }); } }) .attr({src: '/static/png/line.indiancinema.png'}) .appendTo($box), $findInput = Ox.Input({ width: 252 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '104px', right: '260px', bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .click(function(e) { // fixme: why? e.stopPropagation(); }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { if (data.value) { $findButton.triggerEvent('click'); } else { $browseButton.triggerEvent('click'); } } }) .appendTo($box), $findButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Find'), width: 122 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '130px', top: '104px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { var folder = pandora.getListData().folder, value = $findInput.value(); folder && pandora.$ui.folderList[folder].options({selected: []}); if (pandora.user.ui.section == 'items') { pandora.$ui.findSelect.value('*'); pandora.$ui.findInput.value(value); } that.fadeOutScreen(); pandora.UI.set({ page: '', find: { conditions: value === '' ? [] : [{key: '*', value: value, operator: '='}], operator: '&' }, section: 'items' }); } }) .appendTo($box), $browseButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Browse'), width: 122 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '390px', top: '104px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({ page: pandora.user.ui.page == 'home' ? '' : pandora.user.ui.page, section: 'items' }); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }) .appendTo($box), $signupButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Sign Up'), width: 122 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '144px', right: '390px', bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'signup'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $signinButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Sign In'), width: 122 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '144px', right: '130px', bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page :'signin'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $preferencesButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('Preferences'), width: 252 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '144px', right: '260px', bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'preferences'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }), $aboutButton = Ox.Button({ title: Ox._('About {0}', [pandora.site.site.name]), width: 252 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '260px', top: '144px', right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({page: 'about'}); that.fadeOutScreen(); } }) .appendTo($box), $features = $('<div>') .attr({id: 'features'}) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '184px', right: 0, bottom: 0, width: '560px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', opacity: 0 }) .appendTo($box); if (pandora.user.level == 'guest') { $signupButton.appendTo($box); $signinButton.appendTo($box); } else { $preferencesButton.appendTo($box); } function showFeatures() { var $space, featured = {}, find = { query: { conditions: [{key: 'status', value: 'featured', operator: '=='}], operator: '&' }, keys: ['description', 'modified', 'name', 'user'], sort: [{key: 'position', operator: '+'}] }, items, lists, texts; pandora.api.findLists(find, function(result) { lists = result.data.items.length; items = result.data.items.map(function(item) { return Ox.extend(item, {type: 'list'}); }); pandora.api.findTexts(find, function(result) { texts = result.data.items.length items = items.concat(result.data.items.map(function(item) { return Ox.extend(item, {type: 'text'}); })); $features.empty(); show(); return; if (featured.lists.length) { top += 24; } show('texts'); }); }); function show() { var counter = 0, max = 8, mouse = false, position = 0, selected = 0, color = Ox.Theme() == 'oxlight' ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' : Ox.Theme() == 'oxmedium' ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' : 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', $label, $icon, $text, $featuresBox, $featuresContainer, $featuresContent, $featureBox = [], $featureIcon = [], $previousButton, $nextButton; if (items.length) { $label = Ox.Label({ textAlign: 'center', title: '<b>' + Ox._('Featured ' + ( lists == 1 && texts == 0 ? 'List' : lists == 0 && texts == 1 ? 'Text' : texts == 0 ? 'Lists' : lists == 0 ? 'Texts' : 'Lists and Texts' )) + '</b>', width: 512 }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, margin: '0 auto 0 auto' }) .appendTo($features); $text = Ox.Label({ width: 386 }) .addClass('OxSelectable') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '24px', top: '24px', right: 0, height: '104px', borderTopLeftRadius: '32px', borderBottomLeftRadius: '32px', padding: '8px 8px 8px 130px', overflowY: 'auto', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', whiteSpace: 'normal' }) .html( getHTML(items[selected]) ) .appendTo($features); pandora.createLinks($text); $icon = Ox.Element({ element: '<img>', tooltip: getTooltip(items[selected]) }) .attr({ src: getImageURL(items[selected]) }) .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '24px', right: '390px', width: '122px', height: '122px', borderRadius: '32px', margin: '0 auto 0 auto', cursor: 'pointer' }) .bindEvent({ anyclick: function() { openItem(selected); } }) .appendTo($features); if (items.length > 1) { $featuresBox = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '150px', right: 0, height: '65px', // 4+57+4 width: '560px', // 16+8+512+8+16 margin: '0 auto 0 auto' }) .appendTo($features); $featuresContainer = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '20px', right: '20px', height: '65px', width: '520px', overflow: 'hidden' }) .appendTo($featuresBox); $featuresContent = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', width: items.length * 65 + 'px', height: '65px', marginLeft: items.length < max ? (max - items.length) * 65 / 2 + 'px' : 0 }) .appendTo($featuresContainer); if (items.length > max) { $previousButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'left', type: 'image' }) .addClass(position > 0 ? 'visible' : '') .css({ position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: '25px', opacity: 0 }) .hide() .bindEvent({ mousedown: function() { counter = 0; scrollToPosition(position - 1, true); }, mouserepeat: function() { // fixme: arbitrary if (counter++ % 5 == 0) { scrollToPosition(position - 1, false); } } }) .appendTo($featuresBox); $nextButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'right', type: 'image' }) .addClass(position < items.length - 1 ? 'visible' : '') .css({ position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: '25px', opacity: 0 }) .hide() .bindEvent({ mousedown: function() { counter = 0; scrollToPosition(position + 1, true); }, mouserepeat: function() { // fixme: arbitrary if (counter++ % 5 == 0) { scrollToPosition(position + 1, false); } } }) .appendTo($featuresBox); $featuresBox.on({ mouseenter: function() { mouse = true; $('.visible').show().stop().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 250); }, mouseleave: function() { mouse = false; $('.visible').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, function() { $(this).hide(); }); }, mousewheel: function(e, delta, deltaX, deltaY) { Ox.print('mwd', deltaX); // fixme: arbitrary scrollToPosition(position + Math.round(deltaX * 2), true); } }); } items.forEach(function(item, i) { $featureBox[i] = $('<div>') .css({ float: 'left', width: '57px', height: '57px', padding: '2px', margin: '2px', borderRadius: '16px', boxShadow: '0 0 2px ' + (i == selected ? color : 'transparent') }) .appendTo($featuresContent); $featureIcon[i] = Ox.Element({ element: '<img>', tooltip: (lists && texts ? Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(item.type)) + ': ' : '') + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(item.name) }) .attr({ src: getImageURL(item) }) .css({ width: '57px', height: '57px', borderRadius: '16px', cursor: 'pointer' }) .bindEvent({ doubleclick: function() { openItem(i); }, singleclick: function() { selectItem(i); } }) .appendTo($featureBox[i]); }); self.keydown = function(e) { var focused = Ox.Focus.focused(), key = Ox.KEYS[e.keyCode]; if ( focused === null || !Ox.UI.elements[focused].hasClass('OxInput') ) { if (key == 'left' && selected > 0) { selectItem(selected - 1); } else if (key == 'up' && selected > 0) { selectItem(0); } else if (key == 'right' && selected < items.length - 1) { selectItem(selected + 1); } else if (key == 'down' && selected < items.length - 1) { selectItem(items.length - 1); } } }; Ox.$document.on({keydown: self.keydown}); } $space = $('<div>') .css({ position: 'absolute', top: items.length == 0 ? '0px' : items.length == 1 ? '150px' : '215px', width: '560px', height: '80px' }) .appendTo($features); $features.animate({opacity: 1}, 250); } function getHTML(item) { return '<b>' + (lists && texts ? Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(item.type)) + ': ' : '') + Ox.encodeHTMLEntities(item.name) + '</b><br><br>' + item.description; } function getImageURL(item) { return '/' + item.type + '/' + item.user + ':' + encodeURIComponent(item.name) + '/icon256.jpg?' + item.modified; } function getTooltip(item) { return Ox._('View {0}', [Ox._(Ox.toTitleCase(item.type))]) } function openItem(i) { that.fadeOutScreen(); pandora.UI.set(Ox.extend({ section: items[i].type == 'list' ? 'items' : 'texts', page: '' }, items[i].type == 'list' ? { find: { conditions: [{ key: 'list', value: items[i].user + ':' + items[i].name, operator: '==' }], operator: '&' } } : { text: items[i].user + ':' + items[i].name })); } function scrollToPosition(i, animate) { if (i >= 0 && i <= items.length - max && i != position) { position = i; $featuresContent.stop().animate({ left: (position * -65) + 'px' }, animate ? 250 : 0, function() { if (position == 0) { $previousButton.removeClass('visible').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, function() { $previousButton.hide(); }); } else { $previousButton.addClass('visible'); } if (position == items.length - max) { $nextButton.removeClass('visible').stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, 250, function() { $nextButton.hide(); }); } else { $nextButton.addClass('visible'); } if (mouse) { $featuresBox.trigger('mouseenter'); } }); } } function selectItem(i) { if (i >= 0 && i <= items.length - 1 && i != selected) { $featureBox[selected].css({ boxShadow: 'none' }); selected = i; $featureBox[selected].css({ boxShadow: '0 0 2px ' + color }); if (selected < position) { scrollToPosition(selected, true); } else if (selected > position + max - 1) { scrollToPosition(selected - max + 1, true); } $icon.attr({ src: getImageURL(items[selected]) }).options({ tooltip: getTooltip(items[selected]) }); $text.html( getHTML(items[selected]) ); } } } } that.fadeInScreen = function() { that.appendTo(Ox.UI.$body).animate({opacity: 1}, 500, function() { that.find('*').animate({opacity: 1}, 250, function() { $findInput.focusInput(true); showFeatures(); }); }); return that; }; that.fadeOutScreen = function() { $('.OxTooltip').remove(); that.animate({opacity: 0}, 500, function() { that.remove(); }); pandora.$ui.tv && pandora.$ui.tv.unmute().find('.OxControls.OxVolume').hide(); self.keydown && Ox.$document.off({keydown: self.keydown}); return that; }; that.showScreen = function(callback) { var $elements = that.find('*'), count = 0; $box.css({top: window.innerHeight / 2 - 40 + 'px'}); that.css({opacity: 1}).appendTo(Ox.UI.$body); $findInput.focusInput(true); $box.animate({top: '80px'}, 500, function() { $elements.animate({opacity: 1}, 250, function() { if (++count == $elements.length) { showFeatures(); callback && callback(); } }); }); return that; }; return that; };