// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.browser = function() { var that; if (!pandora.user.ui.item) { pandora.user.ui.filterSizes = pandora.getFilterSizes(); pandora.$ui.filters = pandora.ui.filters(); that = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: pandora.$ui.filters[0], size: pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[0] }, { element: pandora.$ui.filtersInnerPanel = pandora.ui.filtersInnerPanel() }, { element: pandora.$ui.filters[4], size: pandora.user.ui.filterSizes[4] }, ], id: 'browser', orientation: 'horizontal' }) .bindEvent({ resize: function(data) { pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function(list) { list.size(); }); if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar(); } }, resizeend: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({filtersSize: data.size}); }, toggle: function(data) { data.collapsed && pandora.$ui.list.gainFocus(); pandora.UI.set({showFilters: !data.collapsed}); if (!data.collapsed) { pandora.$ui.filters.forEach(function($filter) { var selected = $filter.options('_selected'); if (selected) { $filter.bindEventOnce({ load: function() { $filter.options({ _selected: false, selected: selected }); } }).reloadList(); } }); pandora.$ui.filters.updateMenus(); } if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.listView == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar(); } } }); } else { var that = Ox.IconList({ borderRadius: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : 8, centered: true, defaultRatio: pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1, draggable: true, id: 'list', item: function(data, sort, size) { size = size || 64; var ui = pandora.user.ui, ratio = ui.icons == 'posters' ? (ui.showSitePosters ? 5/8 : data.posterRatio) : 1, url = '/' + data.id + '/' + ( ui.icons == 'posters' ? (ui.showSitePosters ? 'siteposter' : 'poster') : 'icon' ) + '128.jpg', format, info, sortKey = sort[0].key; if (['title', 'director', 'random'].indexOf(sortKey) > -1) { info = data['year']; } else { // fixme: this is duplicated many times format = pandora.getSortKeyData(sortKey).format; if (format) { info = ( /^color/.test(format.type.toLowerCase()) ? Ox.Theme : Ox )['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(format.type)].apply( this, [data[sortKey]].concat(format.args || []) ); if (sortKey == 'rightslevel') { info.css({width: '96px'}); } } else { info = data[sortKey]; } } return { height: ratio <= 1 ? size : size / ratio, id: data.id, info: info, title: data.title + (data.director.length ? ' (' + data.director.join(', ') + ')' : ''), url: url, width: ratio >= 1 ? size : size * ratio }; }, items: function(data, callback) { pandora.api.find(Ox.extend(data, { query: pandora.user.ui.find }), callback); }, keys: ['director', 'id', 'posterRatio', 'title', 'year'], max: 1, min: 1, orientation: 'horizontal', pageLength: 32, selected: [pandora.user.ui.item], size: 64, sort: getSort(), unique: 'id' }) .addClass('OxMedia') .bindEvent({ open: function() { that.scrollToSelection(); }, openpreview: function() { var itemView = pandora.user.ui.itemView; if (['player', 'editor', 'timeline'].indexOf(itemView) > -1) { pandora.$ui[itemView].gainFocus().triggerEvent('key_space'); } }, select: function(data) { data.ids.length && pandora.UI.set({ 'item': data.ids[0] }); }, toggle: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({showBrowser: !data.collapsed}); if (data.collapsed) { // fixme: can we do this for timeline and player too? if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'editor') { pandora.$ui.editor && pandora.$ui.editor.gainFocus(); } } if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'timeline') { pandora.$ui.timeline.options({ height: pandora.$ui.contentPanel.size(1) }); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'map') { pandora.$ui.map.resizeMap(); } else if (pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'calendar') { pandora.$ui.calendar.resizeCalendar(); } }, pandora_icons: function(data) { that.options({ borderRadius: data.value == 'posters' ? 0 : 8, defaultRatio: data.value == 'posters' ? 5/8 : 1 }).reloadList(); }, pandora_item: function(data) { that.options({selected: [data.value]}); if (['accessed', 'timesaccessed'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) > -1) { Ox.Request.clearCache('find'); that.reloadList(); } }, pandora_listsort: function() { that.options({sort: getSort()}) }, pandora_showsiteposters: function() { pandora.user.ui.icons == 'posters' && that.reloadList(true); } }) .bindEventOnce({ load: function() { // gain focus if we're on page load or if we've just switched // to an item and the not-yet-garbage-collected list still has // focus if (Ox.Focus.focused() === null || ( pandora.$ui.list && pandora.$ui.list.hasFocus() )) { that.gainFocus(); } } }); that.css({overflowY: 'hidden'}); // this fixes a bug in firefox pandora.enableDragAndDrop(that, false); } function getSort() { return ['text', 'position'].indexOf(pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) > -1 ? pandora.site.user.ui.listSort: pandora.user.ui.listSort } return that; };