#!/bin/bash set -e action="$1" user=pandora export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 mkdir -p /run/pandora chown -R ${user}:${user} /run/pandora update="/usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H /srv/pandora/update.py" # pan.do/ra services if [ "$action" = "pandora" ]; then if [ ! -e /srv/pandora/initialized ]; then echo "Setting up Pan.do/ra:" echo "Waiting for database connection..." /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for db 5432 echo "Installing pan.do/ra..." rsync -a /srv/pandora_base/ /srv/pandora/ if [ ! -e /overlay/install.py ]; then rsync -a /srv/pandora_base/docker/overlay/ /overlay/ if [ ! -e /overlay/config.jsonc ]; then mv /srv/pandora/pandora/config.jsonc /overlay/config.jsonc fi fi /overlay/install.py echo "Initializing database..." echo "CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;" | /srv/pandora/pandora/manage.py dbshell || true /srv/pandora/pandora/manage.py init_db $update db echo "Generating static files..." chown -R ${user}:${user} /srv/pandora/ $update static touch /srv/pandora/initialized fi /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for db 5432 /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for rabbitmq 5672 cd /srv/pandora/pandora exec /usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H \ /srv/pandora/bin/gunicorn wsgi:application -c gunicorn_config.py fi if [ "$action" = "encoding" ]; then /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for-file /srv/pandora/initialized /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for rabbitmq 5672 name=pandora-encoding-$(hostname) cd /srv/pandora/pandora exec /usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H \ /srv/pandora/bin/celery \ -A app worker \ -Q encoding -n ${name} \ --pidfile /run/pandora/encoding.pid \ --max-tasks-per-child 500 \ -c 1 \ -l INFO fi if [ "$action" = "tasks" ]; then /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for-file /srv/pandora/initialized /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for rabbitmq 5672 name=pandora-default-$(hostname) cd /srv/pandora/pandora exec /usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H \ /srv/pandora/bin/celery \ -A app worker \ -Q default,celery -n ${name} \ --pidfile /run/pandora/tasks.pid \ --max-tasks-per-child 1000 \ -l INFO fi if [ "$action" = "cron" ]; then /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for-file /srv/pandora/initialized /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for rabbitmq 5672 cd /srv/pandora/pandora exec /usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H \ /srv/pandora/bin/celery \ -A app beat \ -s /run/pandora/celerybeat-schedule \ --pidfile /run/pandora/cron.pid \ -l INFO fi if [ "$action" = "websocketd" ]; then /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for-file /srv/pandora/initialized /srv/pandora_base/docker/wait-for rabbitmq 5672 cd /srv/pandora/pandora exec /usr/bin/sudo -u $user -E -H \ /srv/pandora/bin/python \ /srv/pandora/pandora/manage.py websocketd fi # pan.do/ra management and update if [ "$action" = "ctl" ]; then shift exec /srv/pandora/ctl "$@" fi if [ "$action" = "bash" ]; then shift cd / exec /bin/bash "$@" fi # pan.do/ra setup hooks if [ "$action" = "docker-compose.yml" ]; then cat /srv/pandora_base/docker-compose.yml | \ sed "s#build: \.#image: code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora:latest#g" | \ sed "s#\./overlay:#.:#g" | \ sed "s#build: docker/nginx#image: code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora-nginx:latest#g" exit fi if [ "$action" = ".env" ]; then exec /srv/pandora_base/docker/dot.env.sample.py fi if [ "$action" = "config.jsonc" ]; then cat /srv/pandora_base/pandora/config.pandora.jsonc exit fi if [ "$action" = "setup" ]; then cat /srv/pandora_base/docker/setup-docker-compose.sh exit fi # pan.do/ra info echo pan.do/ra docker container - https://pan.do/ra echo echo use this container with docker-compose, echo to setup a new docker-compose envrionment run: echo echo " mkdir <sitename> && cd <sitename>" echo " docker run 0x2620/pandora setup | sh" echo echo adjust created files to match your needs and run: echo echo " docker compose up" echo