// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.URL = (function() { var self = {}, that = {}; function getState() { Ox.Log('URL', 'getState:, UI', pandora.user.ui) if (pandora.user.ui.page) { return {page: pandora.user.ui.page}; } var state = {}; state.type = pandora.site.itemsSection; state.item = pandora.user.ui.item; if (!pandora.user.ui.item) { state.view = pandora.user.ui.listView; state.sort = pandora.user.ui.listSort; state.find = pandora.user.ui.find; } else { state.view = pandora.user.ui.itemView; state.sort = pandora.user.ui.itemSort; } if (state.view == 'map') { state.span = pandora.user.ui.mapFind ? '@' + pandora.user.ui.mapFind : pandora.user.ui.mapSelection ? '@' + pandora.user.ui.mapSelection : ''; } else if (state.view == 'calendar') { // ... } else if (['timeline', 'player', 'editor'].indexOf(state.view) > -1) { var videoPoints = pandora.user.ui.videoPoints[state.item] || {}; state.span = videoPoints.annotation || [].concat( videoPoints.position ? videoPoints.position : [], videoPoints['in'] || videoPoints.out ? [videoPoints['in'], videoPoints.out] : [] ); } Ox.Log('', 'URL', 'STATE ...', state) return state; } function setState(state, callback) { Ox.Log('URL', 'setState:', state); pandora.user.ui._list = pandora.getListState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._filterState = pandora.getFilterState(pandora.user.ui.find); pandora.user.ui._findState = pandora.getFindState(pandora.user.ui.find); if (Ox.isEmpty(state)) { if (pandora.user.ui.showHome) { pandora.$ui.home = pandora.ui.home().showScreen(); } callback && callback(); } else if (state.page) { pandora.UI.set(state); callback && callback(); } else { var set = { section: state.type == pandora.site.itemsSection ? 'items' : state.type, item: state.item, page: '' }; if (state.view) { set[!state.item ? 'listView' : 'itemView'] = state.view; } if (state.span) { if (['timeline', 'player', 'editor'].indexOf(state.view) > -1) { if (Ox.isArray(state.span)) { set['videoPoints.' + state.item] = { annotation: '', 'in': state.span[state.span.length - 2] || 0, out: state.span.length == 1 ? 0 : Math.max( state.span[state.span.length - 2], state.span[state.span.length - 1] ), position: state.span[0] }; } else { set['videoPoints.' + state.item + '.annotation'] = state.span; } } else if (state.view == 'map') { // fixme: this doesn't handle map coordinates if (state.span[0] != '@') { //pandora.user.ui.mapSelection = state.span; set['mapSelection'] = state.span; set['mapFind'] = ''; } else { //pandora.user.ui.mapFind = state.span.slice(1); set['mapFind'] = state.span.slice(1); set['mapSelection'] = ''; } } else if (state.view == 'calendar') { // ... } } if (state.sort) { set[!state.item ? 'listSort' : 'itemSort'] = state.sort; } if (!state.item) { if (state.find) { set.find = state.find; } else if (!pandora.$ui.appPanel) { // when loading results without find, clear find, so that // removing a query and reloading works as expected set.find = pandora.site.user.ui.find; } } if (state.hash && state.hash.query) { state.hash.query.forEach(function(kv) { try { set[kv.key] = JSON.parse(kv.value); } catch(e) { set[kv.key] = kv.value; } }); } Ox.Request.cancel(); $('video').each(function() { $(this).trigger('stop'); }); Ox.Log('URL', 'UI.set', set) if (!pandora.$ui.appPanel && state.item && pandora.user.ui.find) { // on page load, if item is set and there was a query, // we have to check if the item actually matches the query, // and otherwise reset find pandora.api.find({ query: pandora.user.ui.find, positions: [state.item], sort: [{key: 'id', operator: ''}] }, function(result) { if (Ox.isUndefined(result.data.positions[state.item])) { set.find = pandora.site.user.ui.find } pandora.UI.set(set); callback && callback(); }); } else { pandora.UI.set(set); callback && callback(); } } pandora.user.ui.showHome = false; } that.init = function() { var itemsSection = pandora.site.itemsSection, findKeys, sortKeys = {}, spanType = {}, views = {}; views[itemsSection] = { // listView is the default view list: [pandora.user.ui.listView].concat( pandora.site.listViews.filter(function(view) { return view.id != pandora.user.ui.listView }).map(function(view) { return view.id; }) ), // itemView is the default view, // videoView is the default view if there is a duration item: [pandora.user.ui.itemView, pandora.user.ui.videoView].concat( pandora.site.itemViews.filter(function(view) { return [ pandora.user.ui.itemView, pandora.user.ui.videoView ].indexOf(view.id) == -1; }).map(function(view) { return view.id; }) ) }; sortKeys[itemsSection] = {list: {}, item: {}}; views[itemsSection].list.forEach(function(view) { sortKeys[itemsSection].list[view] = [].concat( // listSort[0].key is the default sort key Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.sortKeys, pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) || pandora.isClipView(view) && Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.clipKeys, pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key) || [], pandora.isClipView(view) ? pandora.site.clipKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.id != pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key; }) : [], pandora.site.sortKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.id != pandora.user.ui.listSort[0].key; }) ); }); views[itemsSection].item.forEach(function(view) { if (pandora.isClipView(view, true)) { // itemSort[0].key is the default sort key sortKeys[itemsSection].item[view] = [ Ox.getObjectById( pandora.site.clipKeys, pandora.user.ui.itemSort[0].key ) ].concat( pandora.site.clipKeys.filter(function(key) { return key.id != pandora.user.ui.itemSort[0].key; }) ); } }); spanType[itemsSection] = { list: { map: 'location', calendar: 'date' }, item: { timeline: 'duration', player: 'duration', editor: 'duration', map: 'location', calendar: 'date' } }; findKeys = [{id: 'list', type: 'string'}].concat(pandora.site.itemKeys); self.URL = Ox.URL({ findKeys: findKeys, getItem: pandora.getItemByIdOrTitle, getSpan: pandora.getMetadataByIdOrName, pages: [].concat( ['home', 'software', 'api', 'help', 'tv'], pandora.site.sitePages.map(function(page) { return page.id; }), ['preferences', 'signup', 'signin', 'signout'] ), sortKeys: sortKeys, spanType: spanType, types: [pandora.site.itemName.plural.toLowerCase(), 'edits', 'texts'], views: views }); window.onhashchange = function() { Ox.Request.cancel(); that.parse(); }; window.onpopstate = function(e) { Ox.Request.cancel(); self.isPopState = true; $('.OxDialog:visible').each(function() { Ox.UI.elements[$(this).data('oxid')].close(); }); if (pandora.$ui.home) { pandora.UI.set({page: ''}); pandora.$ui.home.fadeOutScreen(); } else if (pandora.$ui.tv) { pandora.UI.set({page: ''}); pandora.$ui.tv.fadeOutScreen(); } if ( pandora.user.ui.item && pandora.user.ui.itemView == 'video' && pandora.$ui.player && pandora.$ui.player.options('fullscreen') ) { pandora.$ui.player.remove(); } if (e.state && !Ox.isEmpty(e.state)) { Ox.Log('URL', 'E.STATE', e.state) document.title = e.state.title; setState(e.state); } else if (window.location.pathname == '/') { pandora.$ui.home = pandora.ui.home().fadeInScreen(); } else { that.parse(); } }; return that; }; // on page load, this sets the state from the URL that.parse = function(callback) { if (document.location.pathname.slice(0, 4) == 'url=') { document.location.href = decodeURI(document.location.pathname.slice(4)); } else { self.URL.parse(function(state) { setState(state, callback); // setState -> UI.set -> URL.update }); } return that; }; // sets the URL to the previous URL that.pop = function() { self.URL.pop() || that.update(); }; // pushes a new URL (as string or from state) that.push = function(stateOrURL) { var state, title = pandora.getPageTitle(stateOrURL) || pandora.getDocumentTitle(), url; if (Ox.isObject(stateOrURL)) { state = stateOrURL; } else { url = stateOrURL; } self.URL.push(state, title, url, setState); return that; }; // replaces the current URL (as string or from state) that.replace = function(stateOrURL, title) { var state, title = pandora.getPageTitle(stateOrURL) || pandora.getDocumentTitle(), url; if (Ox.isObject(stateOrURL)) { state = stateOrURL; } else { url = stateOrURL; } self.URL.replace(state, title, url, setState); return that; }; that.update = function(keys) { Ox.Log('', 'update.........', keys) // this gets called from pandora.UI var action, state; if (!keys) { // may get called from home screen too keys = !pandora.user.ui.item ? ['listView', 'listSort', 'find'] : ['item', 'itemView', 'itemSort']; } if (self.isPopState) { self.isPopState = false; } else { if ( !pandora.$ui.appPanel || keys.every(function(key) { return [ 'listColumnWidth', 'listColumns', 'listSelection', 'mapFind', 'mapSelection' ].indexOf(key) > -1 || /^videoPoints/.test(key); }) ) { action = 'replace'; } else { action = 'push'; } state = getState(); self.URL[action]( state, pandora.getPageTitle(state) || pandora.getDocumentTitle() ); } }; return that; }());