// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.deleteItemsDialog = function(options) { options = Ox.extend({ items: [] }, options || {}); var that = pandora.ui.iconDialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'keep', title: Ox._('Keep {0}', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName[options.items.length == 1 ? 'singular':'plural'])]) }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }), Ox.Button({ id: 'delete', title: Ox._('Delete {0}', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName[options.items.length == 1 ? 'singular':'plural'])]) }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); Ox.serialForEach(options.items, function(item, index, items, callback) { pandora.api.remove({ id: item.id }, function(result) { callback(); }); }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if (pandora.user.ui.item) { pandora.UI.set({item: ''}); } else { pandora.UI.set({listSelection: []}); pandora.reloadList(); } }); } }) ], content: options.items.length == 1 ? Ox._('Are you sure you want to delete the {0} "{1}"?' + '<br><br>All data will be removed.', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.singular), options.items[0].title]) : Ox._('Are you sure you want to delete {0} {1}?' + '<br><br>All data will be removed.', [options.items.length, Ox._(pandora.site.itemName.plural)]), keys: {enter: 'delete', escape: 'keep'}, title: Ox._('Delete {0}', [Ox._(pandora.site.itemName[options.items.length == 1 ? 'singular':'plural'])]) }); return that; };