// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.documentsPanel = function(options) { var ui = pandora.user.ui, hasItemView = false, isItemView = options.isItemView, columns = [ { id: 'name', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Name'), visible: true, width: 256 }, { format: function(value) { return value.toUpperCase(); }, id: 'extension', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Extension'), visible: true, width: 64 }, { align: 'right', format: function(value) { return Ox.isArray(value) ? Ox.formatDimensions(value, 'px') : Ox.formatCount(value, 'page'); }, id: 'dimensions', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Dimensions'), visible: true, width: 128 }, { align: 'right', format: function(value) { return Ox.formatValue(value, 'B'); }, id: 'size', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Size'), visible: true, width: 64 }, { id: 'type', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Type'), visible: true, width: 128 }, { id: 'description', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Description'), visible: true, width: 256 }, { align: 'right', id: 'matches', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Matches'), visible: true, width: 64 }, { id: 'user', operator: '+', title: Ox._('User'), visible: true, width: 128 }, { align: 'right', format: function(value) { return Ox.formatDate(value, '%F %T'); }, id: 'created', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Created'), visible: true, width: 144 }, { align: 'right', format: function(value) { return Ox.formatDate(value, '%F %T'); }, id: 'modified', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Modified'), visible: true, width: 144 } ], $listBar = Ox.Bar({size: 24}), $addButton = (isItemView ? Ox.Button({ title: 'add', tooltip: Ox._('Add Documents...'), type: 'image' }) : Ox.FileButton({ image: 'upload', tooltip: Ox._('Upload Documents...'), type: 'image' }) ) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px 4px 4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function(data) { if (isItemView) { editDocuments(); } else { uploadDocuments(data); } } }) .appendTo($listBar), $viewSelect = Ox.Select({ items: [ {id: 'list', title: Ox._('View as List')}, {id: 'grid', title: Ox._('View as Grid')} ], value: ui.documentsView, width: 128 }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({documentsView: data.value}); } }) .appendTo($listBar), $sortSelect = Ox.Select({ items: columns.map(function(column) { return { id: column.id, title: Ox._('Sort by ' + column.title) }; }), value: ui.documentsSort[0].key, width: 128 }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { var key = data.value; pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: [{ key: key, operator: Ox.getObjectById(columns, key).operator }]}); } }), $orderButton = Ox.Button({ overlap: 'left', title: getOrderButtonTitle(), tooltip: getOrderButtonTooltip(), type: 'image' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: [{ key: ui.documentsSort[0].key, operator: ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? '-' : '+' }]}); } }), $sortElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({ elements: [$sortSelect, $orderButton], float: 'right' }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px 2px'}) .appendTo($listBar), $findSelect = Ox.Select({ items: isItemView ? [ {id: 'all', title: Ox._('Find: All')}, {id: 'name', title: Ox._('Find: Name')} ] : [ {id: 'all', title: Ox._('Find: All')}, {id: 'name', title: Ox._('Find: Name')}, {id: 'user', title: Ox._('Find: User')} ], overlap: 'right', type: 'image' }) .bindEvent({ change: function(data) { $findInput.options({placeholder: data.title}).focusInput(); } }), $findInput = Ox.Input({ changeOnKeypress: true, clear: true, placeholder: Ox._('Find: All'), width: 192 }) .bindEvent({ change: updateList }), $findElement = Ox.FormElementGroup({ elements: [ $findSelect, $findInput ] }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px'}) .appendTo($listBar), $list = renderList(), $listStatusbar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}).css({textAlign: 'center'}), $listStatus = Ox.Element() .css({ margin: '2px 4px', fontSize: '9px', overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis' }) .html(Ox._('Loading...')) .appendTo($listStatusbar), $listPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $listBar, size: 24}, {element: $list}, {element: $listStatusbar, size: 16} ], orientation: 'vertical' }) .bindEvent({ resize: function() { $list.size(); }, }), $itemBar = Ox.Bar({size: 24}), $itemMenu = Ox.MenuButton({ items: isItemView ? [ {id: 'open', title: '', keyboard: 'return'}, {id: 'edit', title: ''}, {id: 'remove', title: '', keyboard: 'delete'} ] : [ {id: 'open', title: '', keyboard: 'return'}, {id: 'addtoitem', title: ''}, {id: 'addtolist', title: ''}, {id: 'replace', title: Ox._('Replace Document...')}, {id: 'delete', title: '', keyboard: 'delete'} ], title: 'set', tooltip: 'Options', type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'left', margin: '4px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function(data) { if (data.id == 'addtoitem') { addToItem(); } else if (data.id == 'addtolist') { addToList(); } else if (data.id == 'open') { openDocuments(); } else if (data.id == 'edit') { editDocuments(); } else if (data.id == 'replace') { console.log('replace', data); replaceDocument(data.files); } else if (data.id == 'remove') { removeDocuments(); } else if (data.id == 'delete') { deleteDocuments(); } } }) .appendTo($itemBar), $deselectButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'close', tooltip: Ox._('Done'), type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 4px 4px 2px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function() { pandora.UI.set( 'documentsSelection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item : ''), [] ); } }) .appendTo($itemBar), $selectButton = Ox.ButtonGroup({ buttons: [ {id: 'previous', title: 'left'}, {id: 'next', title: 'right'} ], type: 'image' }) .css({float: 'right', margin: '4px 2px'}) .bindEvent({ click: function(data) { } }) .appendTo($itemBar), $item = Ox.Element().css({overflowY: 'scroll'}), $preview, $form, $itemStatusbar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}) .css({textAlign: 'center'}), $itemStatus = Ox.Element() .css({ margin: '2px 4px', fontSize: '9px', overflow: 'hidden', textOverflow: 'ellipsis' }) .appendTo($itemStatusbar), $itemPanel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $itemBar, size: 24}, {element: $item}, {element: $itemStatusbar, size: 16} ], orientation: 'vertical' }) .bindEvent({ resize: function(data) { ui.documentSize = data.size; //fixme: resize preview panel }, resizeend: function(data) { // set to 0 so that UI.set registers a change of the value ui.documentSize = 0; pandora.UI.set({documentSize: data.size}); //fixme: resize preview panel instead selectDocuments(); }, toggle: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({showDocument: !data.collapsed}); } }), that = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: $listPanel }, { collapsible: isItemView, collapsed: isItemView && !ui.showDocument, element: $itemPanel, size: ui.documentSize, resizable: true, resize: [192, 256, 320, 384], tooltip: 'document <span class="OxBright">' + Ox.SYMBOLS.SHIFT + 'D</span>' } ], orientation: 'horizontal' }) .bindEvent({ pandora_documentssort: function(data) { updateSortElement(); $list.options({sort: data.value}); }, pandora_documentsview: function(data) { $listPanel.replaceElement(1, $list = renderList()); }, pandora_showdocument: function(data) { isItemView && that.toggle(1); } }); that.bindEvent( 'pandora_documentsselection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item.toLowerCase() : ''), selectDocuments ); function addDocuments() { pandora.$ui.documentsDialog = pandora.ui.documentsDialog().open(); } function addToItem() { pandora.api.addDocument({ item: ui.item, ids: ui.documentsSelection[''] }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if (ui.itemView == 'documents') { //fixme just upload list here //self.$documentsList.reloadList(); pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement(1, pandora.$ui.item = pandora.ui.item()); } }); } function addToList() { pandora.api.addDocument({ list: ui._list, ids: ui.documentsSelection[''] }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); if (ui.item && ui.itemView == 'documents') { //fixme just upload list here //self.$documentsList.reloadList(); pandora.$ui.contentPanel.replaceElement(1, pandora.$ui.item = pandora.ui.item()); } }); } function closeDocuments() { if (pandora.$ui.documentDialog) { pandora.$ui.documentDialog.close(); } } function deleteDocuments() { pandora.ui.deleteDocumentDialog($list.options('selected'), function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); // ... $list.reloadList(); }).open(); } function editDocuments() { pandora.UI.set('documentsSelection.', $list.options('selected')); pandora.$ui.documentsDialog = pandora.ui.documentsDialog().open(); } function getOrderButtonTitle() { return ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? 'up' : 'down'; } function getOrderButtonTooltip() { return Ox._(ui.documentsSort[0].operator == '+' ? 'Ascending' : 'Descending'); } function getPreviewSize() { var ratio = $list.value($list.options('selected')[0], 'ratio'), size = ui.documentSize - 16 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, height = ratio > 1 ? size / ratio : size, width = ratio > 1 ? size : size * ratio, left = Math.floor((size - width) / 2); return { height: height, // fixme: CSS gets applied twice, to image and enclosing element margin: [8, 8, 8, 8 + left].map(function(px) { return Math.round(px / 2) + 'px'; }).join(' '), width: width }; } function openDocuments() { if (!pandora.$ui.documentDialog) { pandora.$ui.documentDialog = pandora.ui.documentDialog({ index: 0, items: $list.options('selected').map(function(id) { return $list.value(id); }) }) .bindEvent({ close: function() { $list.closePreview(); } }) .open(); } else { pandora.$ui.documentDialog.update({ index: 0, items: $list.options('selected').map(function(id) { return $list.value(id); }) }); } } function replaceDocument(file) { var id = $list.options('selected')[0]; } function removeDocuments() { pandora.api.removeDocument({ item: ui.item, ids: $list.options('selected') }, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); // ... $list.reloadList(); }); } function renderForm() { var item = $list.value($list.options('selected')[0]), editable = item.user == pandora.user.username || pandora.site.capabilities.canEditDocuments[pandora.user.level], inputWidth = ui.documentSize - 16 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE, labelWidth = 80; return Ox.Form({ items: [ Ox.Input({ disabled: !editable, id: 'name', label: Ox._('Name'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: item.name, width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'extension', label: Ox._('Extension'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: item.extension, width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'dimensions', label: Ox._('Dimensions'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: Ox.isArray(item.dimensions) ? Ox.formatDimensions(item.dimensions, 'px') : Ox.formatCount(item.dimensions, 'page'), width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'size', label: Ox._('Size'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: Ox.formatValue(item.size, 'B'), width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'matches', label: Ox._('Matches'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: item.matches, width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: true, id: 'username', label: Ox._('Username'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: item.user, width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: !editable, id: 'type', label: Ox._('Type'), labelWidth: labelWidth, value: item.type, width: inputWidth }), Ox.Input({ disabled: !editable, height: 256, id: 'description', placeholder: Ox._('Description'), type: 'textarea', value: item.description, width: inputWidth }) ], width: 240 }) .css({margin: '12px 8px 8px 8px'}) .bindEvent({ change: function(event) { var data = Ox.extend({id: item.id}, event.id, event.data.value); if (isItemView) { data.item = ui.item; } pandora.api.editDocument(data, function(result) { $list.value(result.data.id, event.id, result.data[event.id]); if (event.id == 'name') { $list.value(item.id, 'id', result.data.id); } Ox.Request.clearCache('findDocuments'); $list.reloadList(); }); } }); } function renderList() { var options = { items: pandora.api.findDocuments, keys: ['dimensions', 'extension', 'id', 'name', 'ratio', 'size'], query: { conditions: isItemView ? [{ key: 'item', value: ui.item, operator: '==' }] : [], operator: '&' }, selected: ui.documentsSelection[isItemView ? ui.item : ''] || [], sort: ui.documentsSort.concat([ {key: 'extension', operator: '+'}, {key: 'name', operator: '+'} ]), unique: 'id' }; return (ui.documentsView == 'list' ? Ox.TableList(Ox.extend(options, { columns: columns, columnsVisible: true, scrollbarVisible: true, })) : Ox.IconList(Ox.extend(options, { item: function(data, sort, size) { var sortKey = sort[0].key, infoKey = sortKey == 'name' ? 'extension' : sortKey, info = ( Ox.getObjectById(columns, infoKey).format || Ox.identity )(data[infoKey]), size = size || 128; return { height: Math.round(data.ratio > 1 ? size / data.ratio : size), id: data.id, info: info, title: data.name, url: '/documents/' + data.id + '/256p.jpg', width: Math.round(data.ratio > 1 ? size : size * data.ratio) }; }, size: 128 }))) .bindEvent({ add: uploadDocuments, closepreview: closeDocuments, 'delete': deleteDocuments, init: function(data) { $listStatus.html( Ox.toTitleCase(Ox.formatCount(data.items, 'document')) + ', ' + Ox.formatValue(data.size, 'B') ); }, key_escape: function() { pandora.UI.set({document: ''}); }, open: openDocuments, openpreview: openDocuments, select: function(data) { pandora.UI.set( 'documentsSelection.' + (isItemView ? ui.item : ''), data.ids ); }, sort: function(data) { pandora.UI.set({documentsSort: [data]}); } }) .bindEventOnce({ load: function() { selectDocuments(); } }); } function renderPreview() { var selected = $list.options('selected')[0], size = getPreviewSize(), src = '/documents/' + selected + '/256p.jpg'; return Ox.ImageElement({ height: size.height, src: src, width: size.width }) .css({ borderRadius: '8px', margin: size.margin, cursor: 'pointer' }) .on({ click: openDocuments // FIXME /* var item = $list.value(selected); window.open( '/documents/' + selected + '/' + item.name + '.' + item.extension, '_blank' ); */ }); } function selectDocuments() { var selected = ui.documentsSelection[isItemView ? ui.item : ''] || [], string = selected.length < 2 ? 'Document' : selected.length + ' Documents'; $list.options({selected: selected}); $itemMenu.setItemTitle('open', Ox._('Open ' + string)); if (isItemView) { $itemMenu.setItemTitle('edit', Ox._('Edit ' + string + '...')) .setItemTitle('remove', Ox._('Remove ' + string)); } else { $itemMenu.setItemTitle('addtoitem', Ox._( 'Add ' + string + ' to Current ' + pandora.site.itemName.singular )) .setItemTitle('addtolist', Ox._( 'Add ' + string + ' to All Items in Current List' )) .setItemTitle('delete', Ox._('Delete ' + string + '...')); } $itemMenu[selected.length ? 'show' : 'hide'](); $selectButton[selected.length > 1 ? 'show' : 'hide'](); $deselectButton[selected.length ? 'show' : 'hide'](); $item.empty(); if (selected.length) { $preview = renderPreview().appendTo($item); $form = renderForm().appendTo($item); } $itemStatus.html( selected.length ? Ox.formatCount(selected.length, 'Document') : Ox._('No document selected') ); } function updateList() { var key = $findSelect.value(), value = $findInput.value(), query = { conditions: [].concat( isItemView ? [{ key: 'item', value: ui.item, operator: '==' }] : [], value ? { conditions: [].concat( key != 'user' ? [{key: 'name', value: value, operator: '='}] : [], key == 'all' ? [{key: 'description', value: value, operator: '='}] : [], key != 'name' ? [{key: 'user', value: value, operator: '='}] : [] ), operator: '|' } : [] ), operator: '&' }; $list.options({query: query}); } function updateSortElement() { $sortSelect.value(ui.documentsSort[0].key); $orderButton.options({ title: getOrderButtonTitle(), tooltip: getOrderButtonTooltip() }); } function uploadDocuments(data) { pandora.ui.uploadDocumentDialog(data.files, function(files) { if (files) { Ox.Request.clearCache('findDocuments'); $list.bindEventOnce({ load: function() { $list.options({selected: [files.ids]}); } }) .reloadList(); } }).open(); } return that; }