// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript 'use strict'; pandora.ui.siteDialog = function(section) { var canSeeVersion = pandora.hasCapability('canSeeSoftwareVersion'), dialogHeight = Math.round((window.innerHeight - 48) * 0.75), dialogWidth = Math.round(window.innerWidth * 0.75), isEditable = pandora.hasCapability('canEditSitePages'), tabs = Ox.clone(pandora.site.sitePages, true).map(function(page) { page.title = Ox._(page.title); return page; }).concat([{id: 'software', title: Ox._('Software')}]); Ox.getObjectById(tabs, section).selected = true; var $tabPanel = Ox.TabPanel({ content: function(id) { var $content = Ox.Element() .css({padding: '16px', overflowY: 'auto'}); if (id != 'contact') { $content.addClass('OxTextPage'); } if (id == 'contact') { pandora.$ui.contactForm = pandora.ui.contactForm().appendTo($content); } else if (id == 'news') { pandora.$ui.news = pandora.ui.news(dialogWidth, dialogHeight).appendTo($content); } else if (id == 'software') { var about = '
{0} is based on pan.do/ra, ' + 'a free, open source platform for media archives.
' + 'pan.do/ra includes OxJS, ' + 'a JavaScript library for web applications.' + 'To learn more about pan.do/ra and OxJS, ' + 'please visit pan.do/ra ' + 'and oxjs.org.
' + ( canSeeVersion ? '{0}' + ' is running pan.do/ra revision ' + '{1}.' : '' ); if (pandora.site.site.name.toLocaleLowerCase() == 'pan.do/ra') { about = about .replace('{0} is based on pan.do/ra, ', 'pan.do/ra is ') .replace('{0} is running pan.do/ra ', 'This instances runs pan.do/ra '); } Ox.Element() .html(Ox._(about, [pandora.site.site.name, pandora.site.site.version] )) .appendTo($content); pandora.createLinks($content); } else { pandora.api.getPage({name: id}, function(result) { Ox.Editable({ clickLink: pandora.clickLink, editable: isEditable, tooltip: isEditable ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '', type: 'textarea', placeholder: isEditable ? Ox._('Doubleclick to insert text') : '', value: result.data.text }) .css({ width: '100%' }) .bindEvent({ submit: function(data) { Ox.Request.clearCache('getPage'); pandora.api.editPage({ name: id, text: data.value }); } }) .appendTo($content); }); } return Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ { element: Ox.Element() .css({padding: '16px'}) .append( $('