
:synopsis: sync your MEDIA_ROOT and STATIC_ROOT folders to S3

Django command that scans all files in your settings.MEDIA_ROOT and
settings.STATIC_ROOT folders, then uploads them to S3 with the same
directory structure.

This command can optionally do the following but it is off by default:

  * gzip compress any CSS and Javascript files it finds and adds the
    appropriate 'Content-Encoding' header.
  * set a far future 'Expires' header for optimal caching.
  * uploads only media or static files.

Example Usage


  # Upload files to S3 into the bucket 'mybucket'
  $ ./ sync_s3 mybucket


  # Upload files to S3 into the bucket 'mybucket' and enable gzipping CSS/JS files and setting of a far future expires header
  $ ./ sync_s3 mybucket --gzip --expires


  # Upload only media files to S3 into the bucket 'mybucket'
  $ ./ sync_s3 mybucket  --media-only  # or --static-only

Required libraries and settings

This management command requires the boto library and was tested with version

It also requires an account with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the AWS S3 keys.
The keys are added to your file, for example::
