== Installing pan.do/ra inside LXC ==

1) Install lxc on the host (Ubuntu 14.04 or later):

    sudo apt-get install lxc

2) Create a new container, use different names if installing multiple instances:

    sudo lxc-create -n pandora -t ubuntu -- -r trusty

3) Install pan.do/ra in container:

    sudo lxc-start -n pandora -d

4) Attach to container and install pan.do/ra

    sudo lxc-attach -n pandora --clear-env
    apt-get update -qq
    apt-get -y install curl
    cd /root
    curl -L https://pan.do/ra-install > pandora_install.sh
    chmod +x pandora_install.sh
    sed -i s/ubuntu/pandora/g /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group
    mv /home/ubuntu /home/pandora
    echo "pandora:pandora" | chpasswd
    locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
    dpkg-reconfigure locales
    ./pandora_install.sh | tee pandora_install.log