// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:ft=javascript
'use strict';

pandora.ui.apiDialog = function() {

    var selected = pandora.user.ui.part.api,


        $panel, $list, $text,

        that = Ox.Dialog({
            buttons: [
                    id: 'switch',
                    title: Ox._('Help...')
                    click: function() {
                        pandora.UI.set({page: 'help'});
                    id: 'close',
                    title: Ox._('Close')
                    click: function() {
            closeButton: true,
            content: Ox.LoadingScreen().start(),
            height: 384,
            keys: {escape: 'close'},
            maximizeButton: true,
            minHeight: 256,
            minWidth: 544 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE,
            removeOnClose: true,
            title: Ox._('API Documentation'),
            width: 672 + Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
            close: function() {
                pandora.user.ui.page == 'api' && pandora.UI.set({page: ''});
            resize: function() {
            'pandora_part.api': function(data) {
                pandora.user.ui.page == 'api' && that.select(data.value);

    pandora.api.api({docs: true, code: true}, function(results) {
        var items = [{
            id: '',
            title: Ox._('API Documentation'),
            sort: 'aaa' // FIXME: what's this?
        actions = results.data.actions;
        Ox.forEach(results.data.actions, function(v, k) {
                'id':  k,
                'title':  k,
                'sort': k

        $list = Ox.TableList({
                _tree: true,
                columns: [
                        id: 'title',
                        visible: true,
                        width: 128 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE
                items: items,
                max: 1,
                min: 1,
                scrollbarVisible: true,
                selected: [selected],
                sort: [{key: 'sort', operator: '+'}],
                unique: 'id'
                select: function(data) {
                    var id = data.ids[0];
                    pandora.UI.set({'part.api': id});

        $text = Ox.Element()
                padding: '16px',
                lineHeight: '16px',
                overflowY: 'auto'

        $panel = Ox.SplitPanel({
            elements: [
                {element: $list, size: 128},
                {element: $text}
            orientation: 'horizontal'

        that.select(selected).options({content: $panel});

    function getIndex() {
        var $index = Ox.Element()
                '<h1><b>API Documentation</b></h1>\n'
                + '<p><b>{0}</b> uses a JSON API'
                + ' to communicate between the browser and the server.'
                + ' This API is 100% public, which means that there is'
                + ' virtually no limit to what you can do with the site,'
                + ' or build on top of it &mdash; from writing simple scripts'
                + ' to read or write specific information to including'
                + ' data from <b>{0}</b>'
                + ' (not just videos, but also metadata, annotations, lists,'
                + ' or a custom search interface) in your own website.</p>\n'
                + '<p>If you are using the API in JavaScript, you may want to'
                + ' take a look at <a href="https://oxjs.org/#doc/Ox.API">'
                + ' OxJS</a>, and if you are using Python, there is'
                + ' <a href="https://wiki.0x2620.org/wiki/python-ox">'
                + ' python-ox</a>, which is used by'
                + ' <a href="https://wiki.0x2620.org/wiki/pandora_client">'
                + ' pandora_client</a> to automate certain tasks.</p>\n'
                + '<p>To get started, just open the console and paste the'
                + ' following snippet. For the first ten items that are'
                + ' both shorter than one hour and whose title does not'
                + ' start with "X" (sorted by duration, then title, both'
                + ' in ascending order), it will return their duration,'
                + ' id and title properties.</p>',
                    source: "pandora.api.find({\n"
                        + "    keys: ['duration', 'id', 'title'],\n"
                        + "    query: {\n"
                        + "        conditions: [\n"
                        + "            {key: 'duration', operator: '<', value: '01:00:00'},\n"
                        + "            {key: 'title', operator: '!=', value: 'x*'}\n"
                        + "        ],\n"
                        + "        operator: '&'\n"
                        + "    },\n"
                        + "    range: [0, 10],\n"
                        + "    sort: [\n"
                        + "        {key: 'duration', operator: '+'},\n"
                        + "        {key: 'title', operator: '+'}\n"
                        + "    ]\n"
                        + "}, function(result) {\n"
                        + "    console.log(\n"
                        + "        result.status.code == 200 ? result.data : result.status\n"
                        + "    );\n"
                        + "});"
        return $index;

    that.select = function(id) {
        if (id && actions[id]) {
            $text.html('<h1><b>' + id + '</b><h1><br>');
            var code = actions[id].code[1],
                f = actions[id].code[0],
                line = Math.round(Ox.last(f.split(':')) || 0),
                doc = actions[id].doc.replace('/\n/<br>\n/g'),
                $code, $doc;

            $doc = Ox.SyntaxHighlighter({
                    source: doc,

                    title: Ox._('Source ({0})', [f]),
                    click: function() {
                    margin: '4px'
            $code = Ox.SyntaxHighlighter({
                showLineNumbers: true,
                source: code,
                offset: line
                borderWidth: '1px',
        } else {
        return that;

    return that;
