'use strict';
pandora.ui.infoView = function(data, isMixed) {
isMixed = isMixed || {};
var ui = pandora.user.ui,
descriptions = [],
isMultiple = arguments.length == 2,
canEdit = pandora.hasCapability('canEditMetadata') || isMultiple || data.editable,
canRemove = pandora.hasCapability('canRemoveItems'),
css = {
marginTop: '4px',
textAlign: 'justify'
iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters' ? data.posterRatio : 1,
iconSize = isMultiple ? 0 : ui.infoIconSize,
iconWidth = isMultiple ? 0 : iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio),
iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio),
iconLeft = isMultiple ? 0 : iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0,
borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8,
margin = 16,
nameKeys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return key.sortType == 'person';
}).map(function(key) {
return key.id;
listKeys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return Ox.isArray(key.type);
return key.id;
specialListKeys = [].concat(
pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(key) {
return key.type[0] == 'date'
}).map(function(key) {
return key.id;
posterKeys = nameKeys.concat(['title', 'year']),
displayedKeys = [ // FIXME: can tis be a flag in the config?
'title', 'notes', 'name', 'summary', 'id',
'hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'cutsperminute', 'volume',
'user', 'rightslevel', 'bitrate', 'timesaccessed',
'numberoffiles', 'numberofannotations', 'numberofcuts', 'words', 'wordsperminute',
'duration', 'aspectratio', 'pixels', 'size', 'resolution',
'created', 'modified', 'accessed',
statisticsWidth = 128,
$bar = Ox.Bar({size: 16})
doubleclick: function(e) {
if ($(e.target).is('.OxBar')) {
$info.animate({scrollTop: 0}, 250);
$options = Ox.MenuButton({
items: [
id: 'delete',
title: Ox._('Delete {0}...', [pandora.site.itemName.singular]),
disabled: !canRemove
style: 'square',
title: 'set',
tooltip: Ox._('Options'),
type: 'image',
float: 'left',
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
click: function(data_) {
if (data_.id == 'delete') {
pandora.$ui.deleteItemsDialog = pandora.ui.deleteItemsDialog({
items: [data]
$edit = Ox.MenuButton({
items: [
id: 'insert',
title: Ox._('Insert HTML...'),
disabled: true
style: 'square',
title: 'edit',
tooltip: Ox._('Edit'),
type: 'image',
float: 'right',
borderColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
click: function(data) {
// ...
$info = Ox.Element().css({overflowY: 'auto'}),
that = Ox.SplitPanel({
elements: [
{element: $bar, size: isMultiple ? 0 : 16},
{element: $info}
orientation: 'vertical'
if (!isMultiple) {
var $icon = Ox.Element({
element: '
src: '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + data.modified
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + iconLeft + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px',
cursor: 'pointer'
singleclick: toggleIconSize
$reflection = $('
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + 'px',
top: margin + iconHeight + 'px',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px',
overflow: 'hidden'
$reflectionIcon = $('
src: '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + data.modified
position: 'absolute',
left: iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
$reflectionGradient = $('
position: 'absolute',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
var $text = Ox.Element()
position: 'absolute',
left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
right: margin + statisticsWidth + margin + 'px',
$statistics = $('
position: 'absolute',
width: statisticsWidth + 'px',
top: margin + 'px',
right: margin + 'px'
[$options, $edit].forEach(function($element) {
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 0,
padding: '3px'
listKeys.forEach(function(key) {
if (Ox.isString(data[key])) {
data[key] = [data[key]];
if (!canEdit) {
// Title -------------------------------------------------------------------
marginTop: '-2px',
editable: canEdit,
tooltip: canEdit ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '',
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._( isMixed.title ? 'Mixed title' : 'Untitled')),
value: data.title || ''
marginBottom: '-3px',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: '13px'
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('title', event.value);
// Director, Year and Country, Language --------------------------------
renderGroup(['director', 'year', 'country', 'language']);
// Featuring ----------------------------------------------
Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, 'featuring') && renderGroup(['featuring']);
// Render any remaing keys defined in config
// Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (canEdit || data.summary) {
clickLink: pandora.clickLink,
editable: canEdit,
format: function(value) {
return value.replace(

.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey(itemKey.title, 'statistics'))
Ox.Theme.formatColor(null, 'gradient')
.css({textAlign: 'right'})
Ox['format' + Ox.toTitleCase(itemKey.format.type)]
.apply(null, [value].concat(itemKey.format.args))
// Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Volume --------------------------------------
['hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'volume'].forEach(function(key) {
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey(key, 'statistics'))
data[key] || 0, key == 'volume' ? 'lightness' : key
).css({textAlign: 'right'})
// Cuts per Minute ---------------------------------------------------------
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey('cuts per minute', 'statistics'))
Ox.Theme.formatColor(null, 'gradient')
.css({textAlign: 'right'})
.html(Ox.formatNumber(data['cutsperminute'] || 0, 3))
// Rights Level ------------------------------------------------------------
var $rightsLevel = $('
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
.append(formatKey('Rights Level', 'statistics'))
pandora.renderRightsLevel(that, $rightsLevel, data, isMixed, isMultiple, canEdit);
// Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (canEdit) {
.css({marginBottom: '4px'})
formatKey('Notes', 'statistics').options({
tooltip: Ox._('Only {0} can see and edit these comments', [
Object.keys(pandora.site.capabilities.canEditMetadata).map(function(level, i) {
return (
i == 0 ? ''
: i < Ox.len(pandora.site.capabilities.canEditMetadata) - 1 ? ', '
: ' ' + Ox._('and') + ' '
) + Ox.toTitleCase(level)
height: 128,
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._(isMixed.notes ? 'Mixed notes' : 'No notes')),
tooltip: pandora.getEditTooltip(),
type: 'textarea',
value: data.notes || '',
width: 128
submit: function(event) {
editMetadata('notes', event.value);
').css({height: '16px'}).appendTo($statistics);
function editMetadata(key, value) {
if (value != data[key]) {
var itemKey = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key);
var edit = {id: isMultiple ? ui.listSelection : data.id};
if (key == 'title') {
edit[key] = value;
} else if (listKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
edit[key] = value ? value.split(', ') : [];
} else if (specialListKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
edit[key] = value
? Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value).split('; ').map(Ox.encodeHTMLEntities)
: [];
} else {
edit[key] = value ? value : null;
if (itemKey && itemKey.type && itemKey.type[0] == 'date') {
edit[key] = edit[key].map(pandora.cleanupDate);
pandora.api.edit(edit, function(result) {
if (!isMultiple) {
var src;
data[key] = result.data[key];
descriptions[key] && descriptions[key].options({
value: result.data[key + 'description']
Ox.Request.clearCache(); // fixme: too much? can change filter/list etc
if (result.data.id != data.id) {
pandora.UI.set({item: result.data.id});
pandora.$ui.browser.value(data.id, 'id', result.data.id);
pandora.$ui.browser.value(result.data.id, key, result.data[key]);
if (Ox.contains(posterKeys, key) && ui.icons == 'posters') {
src = pandora.getMediaURL('/' + data.id + '/poster512.jpg?' + Ox.uid());
$icon.attr({src: src});
$reflectionIcon.attr({src: src});
title: '
' + result.data.title
+ (Ox.len(result.data.director)
? ' (' + result.data.director.join(', ') + ')'
: '')
+ (result.data.year ? ' ' + result.data.year : '') + ''
that.triggerEvent('change', Ox.extend({}, key, value));
function formatKey(key, mode) {
var item = Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key);
key = Ox._(item ? item.title : key);
mode = mode || 'text';
return mode == 'text'
? '
' + Ox.toTitleCase(key) + ': '
: mode == 'description'
? Ox.toTitleCase(key)
: Ox.Element()
.css({marginBottom: '4px', fontWeight: 'bold'})
.replace(' Per ', ' per '));
function formatLight(str) {
return '
' + str + '';
function formatLink(value, key, linkValue) {
linkValue = linkValue || value
linkValue = Ox.isArray(linkValue) ? linkValue: [linkValue]
return (Ox.isArray(value) ? value : [value]).map(function(value, idx) {
return key
? '
' + value + ''
: value;
}).join(Ox.contains(specialListKeys, key) ? '; ' : ', ');
function formatValue(key, value) {
var ret;
if (nameKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value.split(', '), 'name');
} else if (
listKeys.indexOf(key) > -1 && Ox.getObjectById(pandora.site.itemKeys, key).type[0] == 'date'
) {
ret = value.split('; ').map(function(date) {
date = pandora.cleanupDate(date)
return date ? formatLink(Ox.formatDate(date,
['', '%Y', '%B %Y', '%B %e, %Y'][date.split('-').length],
), key, date) : '';
}).join('; ');
} else if (listKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value.split(', '), key);
} else if (specialListKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(
Ox.decodeHTMLEntities(value).split('; ').map(Ox.encodeHTMLEntities),
} else if (['year', 'country'].indexOf(key) > -1) {
ret = formatLink(value, key);
} else {
ret = value;
return ret;
function getValue(key, value) {
return !value ? ''
: Ox.contains(specialListKeys, key) ? value.join('; ')
: Ox.contains(listKeys, key) ? value.join(', ')
: value;
function renderGroup(keys) {
var $element;
keys.forEach(function(key) { displayedKeys.push(key) });
if (canEdit || keys.filter(function(key) {
return data[key];
}).length) {
$element = $('
keys.forEach(function(key, i) {
if (canEdit || data[key]) {
if ($element.children().length) {
$('').html('; ').appendTo($element);
clickLink: pandora.clickLink,
editable: canEdit,
format: function(value) {
return formatValue(key, value);
placeholder: formatLight(Ox._(isMixed[key] ? 'mixed' : 'unknown')),
tooltip: canEdit ? pandora.getEditTooltip() : '',
value: getValue(key, data[key])
submit: function(data) {
editMetadata(key, data.value);
if (isMixed[key] && Ox.contains(listKeys, key)) {
ids: ui.listSelection,
key: key,
section: ui.section
return $element;
function renderRemainingKeys() {
var keys = pandora.site.itemKeys.filter(function(item) {
return item.id != '*' && item.type != 'layer' && !Ox.contains(displayedKeys, item.id);
}).map(function(item) {
return item.id;
if (keys.length) {
function toggleIconSize() {
iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256;
iconWidth = iconRatio > 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize * iconRatio);
iconHeight = iconRatio < 1 ? iconSize : Math.round(iconSize / iconRatio);
iconLeft = iconSize == 256 ? Math.floor((iconSize - iconWidth) / 2) : 0,
borderRadius = ui.icons == 'posters' ? 0 : iconSize / 8;
left: margin + iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
}, 250);
top: margin + iconHeight + 'px',
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
}, 250);
left: iconLeft + 'px',
width: iconWidth + 'px',
height: iconHeight + 'px',
borderRadius: borderRadius + 'px'
}, 250);
width: iconSize + 'px',
height: iconSize / 2 + 'px'
}, 250);
left: margin + (iconSize == 256 ? 256 : iconWidth) + margin + 'px',
}, 250);
pandora.UI.set({infoIconSize: iconSize});
that.resizeElement = function() {
// overwrite splitpanel resize
that.reload = function() {
var src = src = '/' + data.id + '/' + (
ui.icons == 'posters' ? 'poster' : 'icon'
) + '512.jpg?' + Ox.uid();
$icon.attr({src: src});
$reflectionIcon.attr({src: src});
iconSize = iconSize == 256 ? 512 : 256;
iconRatio = ui.icons == 'posters'
? (ui.showSitePosters ? pandora.site.posters.ratio : data.posterRatio) : 1;
mousedown: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
!Ox.Focus.focusedElementIsInput() && that.gainFocus();
pandora_icons: that.reload,
pandora_showsiteposters: function() {
ui.icons == 'posters' && that.reload();
return that;