pandora.ui.cacheDialog = function() { var ui = pandora.user.ui, cachedVideos, $list = Ox.TableList({ columns: [ { id: 'id', title: Ox._('ID'), visible: false, width: 8 }, { id: 'item', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Item'), visible: true, width: 48 }, { id: 'title', operator: '+', removable: false, title: Ox._('Title'), visible: true, width: 192 }, { id: 'resolution', align: 'right', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Resolution'), visible: true, width: 72 }, { id: 'size', align: 'right', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Size'), format: {type: 'value', args: ['B']}, visible: true, width: 64 }, { id: 'added', operator: '-', title: Ox._('Added'), format: {"type": "date", "args": ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]}, visible: true, width: 128 }, { id: 'progress', align: 'right', operator: '+', title: Ox._('Progress'), format: function(data) { return (data == 1 ? '100' : Ox.formatNumber(data * 100, 2)) + ' %'; }, visible: true, width: 96 } ], columnsVisible: true, items: function(data, callback) { cachedVideos ? cachedVideos(data, callback) : getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); cachedVideos(data, callback); }); }, keys: ['author'], scrollbarVisible: true, sort: [{key: 'added', operator: '-'}], unique: 'id' }).bindEvent({ 'delete': function(data) { Ox.print('remove items', data.ids, data); removeVideos(data.ids); }, select: function(data) { $cancelButton.options({ disabled: !data.ids.length }); } }), $status = $('<div>') .css({ width: '100%', marginTop: '2px', fontSize: '9px', textAlign: 'center', textOverflow: 'ellipsis' }), $statusbar = Ox.Bar({size: 16}).append($status), $panel = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $list}, {element: $statusbar, size: 16} ], orientation: 'vertical' }), $item = Ox.Element(), $cacheButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Cache Video...', width: 128, disabled: pandora.user.ui.section != 'items' || pandora.user.ui.item == '' || !!pandora.fs.getVideoURL(pandora.user.ui.item, pandora.user.ui.videoResolution, 1) }) .css({ margin: '8px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { $cacheButton.options({disabled: true}); pandora.fs.cacheVideo(pandora.user.ui.item); setTimeout(function() { getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); $list.reloadList(true); }); }, 50); } }) .appendTo($item), $fileButton = Ox.FileButton({ title: 'Select Video...', width: 128, disabled: pandora.user.ui.section != 'items' || pandora.user.ui.item == '' || !!pandora.fs.getVideoURL(pandora.user.ui.item, pandora.user.ui.videoResolution, 1) }) .css({ margin: '8px' }) .bindEvent({ click: selectVideo }) .appendTo($item), $cacheListButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Cache List...', width: 128, disabled: !pandora.user.ui._list || pandora.user.ui.section != 'items' }) .css({ margin: '8px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { $cacheListButton.options({disabled: true}); pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: [ {'key': 'list', 'value': pandora.getListData().id} ], operator: '&' }, range: [0, pandora.getListData().items], keys: ['id'] }, function(result) { { pandora.fs.cacheVideo(; }); setTimeout(function() { getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); $list.reloadList(true); }); }, 50); }) } }) .appendTo($item), $cacheEditButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Cache Edit...', width: 128, disabled: !pandora.user.ui.edit || pandora.user.ui.section != 'edits' }) .css({ margin: '8px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { $cacheEditButton.options({disabled: true}); pandora.api.getEdit({ id: pandora.user.ui.edit, keys: ['id', 'clips'] }, function(result) { Ox.unique( { return clip.item; })).forEach(function(item) { var update = false; pandora.fs.cacheVideo(item, function(data) { if (!update) { update = true; getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); $list.reloadList(true); }); } }); }); }) } }) .appendTo($item), $cancelButton = Ox.Button({ title: 'Remove...', width: 128, disabled: !($list.options('selected') || []).length }) .css({ margin: '8px' }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { removeVideos($list.options('selected') || []); } }) .appendTo($item), $content = Ox.SplitPanel({ elements: [ {element: $panel}, {element: $item, size: 160} ], orientation: 'horizontal' }), that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'done', title: Ox._('Done') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }) ], closeButton: true, content: $content, height: 384, title: Ox._('Manage Cached Videos'), width: 768 }) .bindEvent({ close: function() { clearInterval(self.update); } }); self.update = setInterval(updateActiveDownloads, 1000); function getCachedVideos(callback) { pandora.fs.getVideos(function(files) { var items = Ox.unique( { return file.item; })); pandora.api.find({ query: { conditions: { return { key: 'id', operator: '==', value: item } }), operator: '|' }, keys: ['title', 'id'], range: [0, items.length] }, function(result) { files.forEach(function(file) { file.title = { return == file.item; })[0].title; }); callback(files); }); }); } function removeVideos(items) { var ids = Ox.unique(items).map(function(id) { return id.split('::')[0]; }), done = 0; ids.forEach(function(id) { pandora.fs.removeVideo(id, function() { ++done == ids.length && getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); $list.reloadList(true); }); }); }); } function selectVideo(data) { var blob = data.files[0], name = pandora.fs.getVideoName(pandora.user.ui.item, pandora.user.ui.videoResolution, 1); pandora.fs.storeBlob(blob, name, function() { getCachedVideos(function(files) { cachedVideos = Ox.api(files); cachedVideos(data, callback); }); }); } function updateActiveDownloads() { pandora.fs.getVideos(function(files) { files.forEach(function(file) { var current = $list.value(; if (!Ox.isEmpty(current) && current.progress != file.progress) { $list.value(, 'progress', file.progress); } if (!Ox.isEmpty(current) && current.size != file.size) { $list.value(, 'size', file.size); } }); updateStatus(files.length); }); } function updateStatus(items) { navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.queryUsageAndQuota(function(usage, quota) { $status.html( Ox.formatNumber(items) + ' Items - ' + Ox.formatValue(usage, 'B', true) + ' of ' + Ox.formatValue(quota, 'B', true) ); }) } return that; };