forked from 0x2620/pandora
always use get_operator, avoid case-insensitive match if possible
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 289 additions and 370 deletions
@ -6,12 +6,25 @@ from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
'place': 'places__id',
'event': 'events__id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'id': 'public_id',
'item': 'item__public_id',
'value': 'findvalue',
case_insensitive_keys = ('user__username', )
case_sensitive_keys = (
default_key = 'findvalue'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
@ -27,18 +40,9 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'place': 'places__id',
'event': 'events__id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'id': 'public_id',
'item': 'item__public_id',
'value': 'findvalue',
}.get(k, k)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'findvalue'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -57,38 +61,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k in ('places__id', 'events__id'):
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('places__id', 'events__id'):
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
}.get(op, ''))
elif k in case_sensitive_keys:
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__exact',
'=': '__contains',
'^': '__startswith',
'$': '__endswith',
}.get(op, '__contains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr' if k in case_insensitive_keys else 'str')
key = str(key)
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v)
@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ from tasks import update_matches
def get_super_matches(obj, model):
super_matches = []
q = Q(name_find__contains=" " +|Q(name_find__contains="|%s"
name_lower =
q = Q(name_find__contains=" " + name_lower) | Q(name_find__contains="|%s" % name_lower)
for name in obj.alternativeNames:
q = q|Q(name_find__contains=" " + name)|Q(name_find__contains="|%s"%name)
name_lower = name.lower()
q = q | Q(name_find__contains=" " + name_lower) | Q(name_find__contains="|%s" % name_lower)
for p in model.objects.filter(q).exclude(
for othername in [] + list(p.alternativeNames):
for name in [] + list(obj.alternativeNames):
@ -48,11 +50,11 @@ def get_matches(obj, model, layer_type, qs=None):
if contains:
name = ox.decode_html(
name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).lower()
q = Q(findvalue__icontains=" " + name)|Q(findvalue__istartswith=name)
q = Q(findvalue__contains=" " + name) | Q(findvalue__startswith=name)
for name in obj.alternativeNames:
name = ox.decode_html(name)
name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).lower()
q = q|Q(findvalue__icontains=" " + name)|Q(findvalue__istartswith=name)
q = q | Q(findvalue__contains=" " + name) | Q(findvalue__startswith=name)
contains_matches = q&Q(layer__in=contains)
if f:
f = contains_matches | f
@ -4,8 +4,14 @@ from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
condition: {
@ -19,12 +25,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -43,22 +47,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('id', 'created'):
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -8,8 +8,21 @@ from django.conf import settings
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id, get_by_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'event': 'annotations__events__id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'place': 'annotations__places__id',
'text': 'findvalue',
'annotations': 'findvalue',
'user': 'annotations__user__username',
case_insensitive_keys = ('annotations__user__username', )
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
condition: {
@ -22,18 +35,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
operator: "!="
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'event': 'annotations__events__id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'place': 'annotations__places__id',
'text': 'findvalue',
'annotations': 'findvalue',
'user': 'annotations__user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -60,35 +65,18 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'id':
public_id, points = v.split('/')
points = [float('%0.03f'%float(p)) for p in points.split('-')]
points = [float('%0.03f' % float(p)) for p in points.split('-')]
q = Q(item__public_id=public_id, start=points[0], end=points[1])
return exclude and ~q or q
elif k.endswith('__id'):
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
key = k
elif k in ('lat', 'lng', 'area', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'matches',
'id') or k.endswith('__id'):
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
}.get(op, ''))
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'===': '__exact',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('id', ) or k.endswith('__id'):
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr' if k in case_insensitive_keys else 'str')
key = str(key)
if isinstance(v, unicode) and op != '===':
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
@ -137,8 +125,6 @@ def parseConditions(conditions, operator, user):
return q
return None
class ClipManager(Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
@ -150,17 +136,9 @@ class ClipManager(Manager):
conditions = data.get('query', {}).get('conditions', [])
conditions = filter(lambda c: c['key'] in keys, conditions)
operator = data.get('query', {}).get('operator', '&')
def parse(condition):
key = "%s%s" % ('findvalue', {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(condition.get('operator', ''), '__icontains'))
key = 'findvalue' + get_operator(condition.get('operator', ''))
v = condition['value']
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
@ -168,6 +146,7 @@ class ClipManager(Manager):
if condition['key'] in layer_ids:
q = q & Q(layer=condition['key'])
return q
conditions = map(parse, conditions)
if conditions:
q = conditions[0]
@ -6,18 +6,22 @@ import ox
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
import entity.managers
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
'item': 'items__public_id',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user, item=None):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'item': 'items__public_id',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
if item and k == 'description':
item_conditions = condition.copy()
item_conditions['key'] = 'items__itemproperties__description'
@ -38,17 +42,13 @@ def buildCondition(k, op, v):
if k == 'id':
v = ox.fromAZ(v)
return Q(**{k: v})
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k == 'entity':
entity_key, v = entity.managers.namePredicate(op, v)
key = 'entities__' + entity_key
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
return Q(**{key: v})
@ -3,19 +3,21 @@
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
'position': 'position__position',
'posterFrames': 'poster_frames',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'position': 'position__position',
'posterFrames': 'poster_frames',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition.get('value', '')
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -36,14 +38,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'subscribed':
key = 'subscribed_users__username'
v = user.username
elif isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
elif isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -3,7 +3,16 @@
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
import ox
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
'name': 'name_find'
case_insensitive_keys = ('user__username',)
default_key = 'name'
def namePredicate(op, value):
@ -13,17 +22,14 @@ def namePredicate(op, value):
'$': '%s|',
}.get(op, '%s')
return ('name_find__icontains', pat % value)
return ('name_find__contains', pat % value.lower())
def parseCondition(condition, user, item=None):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'name': 'name_find'
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ def buildCondition(k, op, v):
if k == 'id':
v = ox.fromAZ(v)
return Q(**{k: v})
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k == 'name_find':
key, v = namePredicate(op, v)
@ -52,11 +58,7 @@ def buildCondition(k, op, v):
elif k not in ('id', 'user__username', 'type'):
find_key = k
k = 'find__value'
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr' if k in case_insensitive_keys else 'str')
key = str(key)
if find_key:
return Q(**{'find__key': find_key, key: v})
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class Entity(models.Model):
self.name_sort = ox.sort_string( or u'')[:255].lower() or None
self.name_find = '||' + '||'.join((,) + self.alternativeNames) + '||'
self.name_find = self.name_find.lower()
super(Entity, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
@ -70,11 +71,11 @@ class Entity(models.Model):
def get_by_name(cls, name, type):
return cls.objects.get(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name, type=type)
return cls.objects.get(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower(), type=type)
def get_or_create(model, name):
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name)
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower())
if qs.count() == 0:
instance = model(name=name)
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ class Entity(models.Model):
data['name'] = "Unnamed"
name = data['name']
n = 1
while Entity.objects.filter(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).exclude( > 0:
while Entity.objects.filter(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower()).exclude( > 0:
n += 1
name = data['name'] + ' [%d]' % n
|||| = name
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ class Entity(models.Model):
name_ = name
n = 1
while name in used_names or \
Entity.objects.filter(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).exclude( > 0:
Entity.objects.filter(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower()).exclude( > 0:
n += 1
name = name_ + ' [%d]' % n
@ -3,16 +3,19 @@
import unicodedata
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from item.utils import decode_id
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -25,12 +28,7 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Event(models.Model):
def get_or_create(model, name):
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name)
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower())
if qs.count() == 0:
instance = model(name=name)
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class Event(models.Model):
if not self.name_sort:
self.name_find = '||' + '||'.join((,) + self.alternativeNames) + '||'
self.name_find = self.name_find.lower()
self.defined = len(filter(None, [getattr(self, key)
for key in ('start', 'end')])) > 0
if self.endTime and self.startTime:
@ -13,29 +13,7 @@ import models
import utils
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
def get_operator(op, type='str'):
return {
'str': {
'==': '__iexact',
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
'int': {
'==': '__exact',
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
}[type].get(op, {
'str': '__icontains',
'int': ''
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
def parseCondition(condition, user, owner=None):
@ -97,8 +75,7 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user, owner=None):
if (not exclude and op == '=' or op in ('$', '^')) and v == '':
return Q()
elif k == 'filename' and (user.is_anonymous() or \
not user.profile.capability('canSeeMedia')):
elif k == 'filename' and (user.is_anonymous() or not user.profile.capability('canSeeMedia')):
return Q(id=0)
elif k == 'oshash':
return Q(files__oshash=v)
@ -140,19 +117,17 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user, owner=None):
value_key = 'find__value'
value_key = k
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
if k in facet_keys:
in_find = False
facet_value = 'facets__value' + get_operator(op)
v = models.Item.objects.filter(**{'facets__key':k, facet_value:v})
facet_value = 'facets__value' + get_operator(op, 'istr')
v = models.Item.objects.filter(**{'facets__key': k, facet_value: v})
value_key = 'id__in'
value_key = value_key + get_operator(op)
if 'find__value' in value_key:
value_key = value_key.replace('_icontains', '_contains')
k = str(k)
value_key = str(value_key)
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
if k == '*':
q = Q(**{value_key: v})
elif in_find:
@ -124,9 +124,10 @@ def get_item(info, user=None):
qs = Item.objects.filter(find__key='title', find__value__iexact=info['title'])
title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', info['title']).lower()
qs = Item.objects.filter(find__key='title', find__value=title)
if 'year' in info:
qs = qs.filter(find__key='year', find__value__iexact=str(info['year']))
qs = qs.filter(find__key='year', find__value=str(info['year']))
if qs.count() == 1:
item = qs[0]
@ -3,19 +3,21 @@
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'position': 'position__position',
'posterFrames': 'poster_frames',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition.get('value', '')
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -36,14 +38,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'subscribed':
key = 'subscribed_users__username'
v = user.username
elif isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
elif isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from item.utils import decode_id
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
condition: {
@ -19,12 +25,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -43,22 +47,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('id', ):
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -4,15 +4,18 @@ from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', defauly_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -31,26 +34,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('id',):
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
}.get(op, ''))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
def get_operator(op, type='str'):
return {
'str': {
'==': '',
'===': '',
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'^': '__startswith',
'$': '__endswith',
'istr': {
'==': '__iexact',
'===': '',
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
'int': {
'==': '',
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
}[type].get(op, {
'str': '__contains',
'istr': '__icontains',
'int': ''
@ -3,10 +3,16 @@
import unicodedata
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
case_insensitive_keys = ('user__username', 'subscribed_users__username')
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
@ -21,12 +27,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -45,22 +49,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('lat', 'lng', 'area', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'matches', 'id'):
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
elif k in ('id',):
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
import unicodedata
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
@ -21,12 +26,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -44,21 +47,12 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
return q
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('lat', 'lng', 'area', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'matches', 'id'):
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if isinstance(v, unicode):
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class Place(models.Model):
def get_or_create(model, name):
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name)
qs = model.objects.filter(name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower())
if qs.count() == 0:
instance = model(name=name)
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class Place(models.Model):
self.name_sort = #', '.join(
if self.geoname:
self.geoname_sort = ', '.join(reversed(self.geoname.split(', ')))
self.name_find = '|%s|'%'|'.join([]+list(self.alternativeNames))
self.name_find = '|%s|' % '|'.join([]+list(self.alternativeNames)).lower()
self.defined = len(filter(None, [getattr(self, key)
for key in ('south', 'west', 'north', 'east')])) > 0
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def addPlace(request, data):
n = 0
while _exists:
_exists = models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).count() > 0
name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower()).count() > 0
if _exists:
name = 'Untitled [%s]' %n
n += 1
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def addPlace(request, data):
for n in names:
n = ox.decode_html(name)
if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%n).count() != 0:
name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % n.lower()).count() != 0:
exists = True
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def editPlace(request, data):
for name in names + alternative_names:
name = ox.decode_html(name)
if models.Place.objects.filter(defined=True,
name_find__icontains=u'|%s|'%name).exclude( != 0:
name_find__contains=u'|%s|' % name.lower()).exclude( != 0:
conflict = True
@ -2,12 +2,20 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
import models
keymap = {
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end'
case_insensitive_keys = ('user__username', 'subscribed_users__username')
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
@ -21,13 +29,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
operator: "!="
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end'
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -47,31 +52,22 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'id':
public_id, points = v.split('/')
points = [float('%0.03f'%float(p)) for p in points.split('-')]
points = [float('%0.03f' % float(p)) for p in points.split('-')]
q = Q(sort__item__public_id=public_id, start=points[0], end=points[1])
return exclude and ~q or q
if k == 'hash':
v = models.parse_hash(v)
v = models.parse_hash(v)
if k == 'mode':
v = models.Sequence.MODE[v]
if k.endswith('__id'):
v = decode_id(v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('mode', 'hash'):
key = k
if k in ('mode', 'hash'):
key = k
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
'==': '__iexact',
'=': '__icontains',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
@ -2,19 +2,24 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
keymap = {
'user': 'user__username',
'position': 'position__position',
'posterFrames': 'poster_frames',
default_key = 'name'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'user': 'user__username',
'position': 'position__position',
'posterFrames': 'poster_frames',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'name'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -35,14 +40,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'subscribed':
key = 'subscribed_users__username'
v = user.username
elif isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
elif isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
key = "%s%s" % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(op, '__icontains'))
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import unicodedata
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from item.utils import decode_id
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
keymap = {
default_key = 'title'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
@ -20,12 +24,10 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'title')
k = {
'user': 'user__usertitle',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
if not k:
k = 'title'
k = default_key
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -45,23 +47,13 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
if k == 'id':
v = decode_id(v)
elif isinstance(v, unicode):
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v)
if isinstance(v, bool): #featured and public flag
v = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', v).lower()
if isinstance(v, bool):
key = k
elif k in ('lat', 'lng', 'area', 'south', 'west', 'north', 'east', 'matches', 'id'):
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'>': '__gt',
'>=': '__gte',
'<': '__lt',
'<=': '__lte',
elif k in ('id', ):
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
if exclude:
q = ~Q(**{key: v})
@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
from django.conf import settings
from oxdjango.managers import get_operator
from oxdjango.query import QuerySet
keymap = {
'email': 'user__email',
'user': 'username',
'group': 'user__groups__name',
'groups': 'user__groups__name',
default_key = 'username'
def parseCondition(condition, user):
k = condition.get('key', 'name')
k = {
'email': 'user__email',
'user': 'username',
'group': 'user__groups__name',
'groups': 'user__groups__name',
}.get(k, k)
k = condition.get('key', default_key)
k = keymap.get(k, k)
v = condition['value']
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
@ -28,18 +33,9 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
v = levels.index(v) - 1
v = 0
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__exact',
'<': '__lt',
'>': '__gt',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'int')
key = '%s%s' % (k, {
'==': '__iexact',
'^': '__istartswith',
'$': '__iendswith',
key = k + get_operator(op, 'istr')
key = str(key)
q = Q(**{key: v})
Add table
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