forked from 0x2620/pandora
store clip values in clip db, cleanup if all annotations are gone, add additionalSort
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 109 additions and 99 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
You can edit this file.
"additionalSort": [
{"key": "director", "operator": "+"},
{"key": "year", "operator": "-"},
{"key": "title", "operator": "+"}
"annotations": {
"showUsers": true
@ -47,6 +52,12 @@
{"id": "lightness", "title": "Lightness", "type": "float"},
{"id": "volume", "title": "Volume", "type": "float"}
clipLayers is the ordered list of public layers that will appear as the
text of clips. Excluding a layer from this list means it will not be
included in find annotations.
"clipLayers": ["subtitles"],
// fixme: either this, or filter: true in itemKeys, but not both
"filters": [
{"id": "director", "title": "Director", "type": "string"},
@ -93,6 +104,7 @@
"id": "title",
"title": "Title",
"type": "string",
"additionalSort": [{"key": "year", "operator": "-"}, {"key": "director", "operator": "+"}],
"autocomplete": true,
"autocompleteSortKey": "votes",
"columnRequired": true,
@ -104,6 +116,7 @@
"id": "director",
"title": "Director",
"type": ["string"],
"additionalSort": [{"key": "year", "operator": "-"}, {"key": "title", "operator": "-"}],
"autocomplete": true,
"columnRequired": true,
"columnWidth": 180,
@ -124,6 +137,7 @@
"id": "year",
"title": "Year",
"type": "year",
"additionalSort": [{"key": "director", "operator": "+"}, {"key": "title", "operator": "+"}],
"autocomplete": true,
"columnWidth": 60,
"filter": true,
@ -133,10 +133,11 @@ class Annotation(models.Model):
self.sortvalue = None
#no clip or update clip
private = layer.get('private', False)
if not private:
if self.layer in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
if not self.clip or self.start != self.clip.start or self.end != self.clip.end:
self.clip, created = Clip.get_or_create(self.item, self.start, self.end)
elif self.clip:
self.clip = None
super(Annotation, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if set_public_id:
@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ class Annotation(models.Model):
self.layer: False
}).update(**{self.layer: True})
#update clip.findvalue
if filter(lambda l: l['type'] == 'place' or l.get('hasPlaces'),
@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ def removeAnnotation(request):
a = get_object_or_404_json(models.Annotation, public_id=data['id'])
if a.editable(request.user):
if a.clip.annotations.count() == 0:
response = json_response(status=403, text='permission denied')
return render_to_json_response(response)
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'place': 'annotations__places__id',
'text': 'annotations__findvalue',
'annotations': 'annotations__findvalue',
'text': 'findvalue',
'annotations': 'findvalue',
'user': 'annotations__user__username',
}.get(k, k)
if not k:
@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ def parseCondition(condition, user):
op = condition.get('operator')
if not op:
op = ''
public_layers = [l['id']
for l in filter(lambda l: not l.get('private', False),
if k in public_layers:
if k in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
return parseCondition({'key': 'annotations__findvalue',
'value': v,
'operator': op}, user) \
@ -141,10 +138,7 @@ class ClipManager(Manager):
return QuerySet(self.model)
def filter_annotations(self, data, user):
public_layers = [l['id']
for l in filter(lambda l: not l.get('private', False),
keys = public_layers + ['annotations', 'text', '*']
keys = settings.CONFIG['clipLayers'] + ['annotations', 'text', '*']
conditions = data.get('query', {}).get('conditions', [])
conditions = filter(lambda c: c['key'] in keys, conditions)
operator = data.get('query', {}).get('operator', '&')
@ -160,7 +154,7 @@ class ClipManager(Manager):
'$': '__iendswith',
}.get(condition.get('opterator', ''), '__icontains'))
q = Q(**{key: condition['value']})
if condition['key'] in public_layers:
if condition['key'] in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
q = q & Q(layer=condition['key'])
return q
conditions = map(parse, conditions)
@ -205,6 +199,6 @@ class ClipManager(Manager):
if conditions:
qs = qs.filter(conditions)
if 'keys' in data:
for l in filter(lambda k: k in self.model.layers, data['keys']):
for l in filter(lambda k: k in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers'], data['keys']):
qs = qs.filter(**{l: True})
return qs
@ -35,8 +35,19 @@ class MetaClip:
streams = self.item.streams()
if streams:
self.aspect_ratio = streams[0].aspect_ratio
sortvalue = ''
findvalue = ''
for l in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
sortvalue += ''.join(filter(lambda s: s,
for a in self.annotations.filter(layer=l).order_by('sortvalue')]))
if sortvalue:
self.sortvalue = sortvalue[:1000]
self.sortvalue = None
self.findvalue = '\n'.join([a.findvalue for a in self.annotations.all()])
for l in self.layers:
for l in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
setattr(self, l, self.annotations.filter(layer=l).count()>0)
||||, *args, **kwargs)
@ -60,7 +71,7 @@ class MetaClip:
del j[key]
#needed here to make item find with clips work
if 'annotations' in keys:
annotations = self.annotations.filter(layer__in=self.layers)
annotations = self.annotations.filter(layer__in=settings.CONFIG['clipLayers'])
if qs:
annotations = annotations.filter(qs)
j['annotations'] = [a.json(keys=['value', 'id', 'layer'])
@ -118,13 +129,11 @@ attrs = {
'director': models.CharField(max_length=1000, null=True, db_index=True),
'title': models.CharField(max_length=1000, db_index=True),
'sortvalue': models.CharField(max_length=1000, null=True, db_index=True),
'findvalue': models.TextField(),
public_layers = [l['id']
for l in filter(lambda l: not l.get('private', False),
for name in public_layers:
for name in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']:
attrs[name] = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True)
Clip = type('Clip', (MetaClip,models.Model), attrs)
Clip.layers = public_layers
@ -36,20 +36,20 @@ def order_query(qs, sort):
if operator != '-':
operator = ''
clip_keys = ('public_id', 'start', 'end', 'hue', 'saturation', 'lightness', 'volume',
'duration', 'annotations__sortvalue', 'videoRatio',
'duration', 'sortvalue', 'videoRatio',
'director', 'title')
key = {
'id': 'public_id',
'in': 'start',
'out': 'end',
'position': 'start',
'text': 'annotations__sortvalue',
'text': 'sortvalue',
'videoRatio': 'aspect_ratio',
}.get(e['key'], e['key'])
if key.startswith('clip:'):
key = e['key'][len('clip:'):]
key = {
'text': 'annotations__sortvalue',
'text': 'sortvalue',
'position': 'start',
}.get(key, key)
elif key not in clip_keys:
@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ def findClips(request):
qs = qs[query['range'][0]:query['range'][1]]
ids = []
keys = filter(lambda k: k not in models.Clip.layers + ['annotations'], data['keys'])
keys = filter(lambda k: k not in settings.CONFIG['clipLayers'] + ['annotations'],
if filter(lambda k: k not in models.Clip.clip_keys, keys):
qs = qs.select_related('item__sort')
@ -116,9 +117,9 @@ def findClips(request):
if response['data']['items']:
if 'annotations' in keys:
Annotation.objects.filter(layer__in=models.Clip.layers, clip__in=ids),
for layer in filter(lambda l: l in keys, models.Clip.layers):
clip__in=ids), True)
for layer in filter(lambda l: l in keys, settings.CONFIG['clipLayers']):
Annotation.objects.filter(layer=layer, clip__in=ids))
elif 'position' in query:
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import archive.models
from person.models import get_name_sort
from title.models import get_title_sort
def get_id(info):
q = Item.objects.all()
for key in ('title', 'director', 'year'):
@ -325,9 +324,6 @@ class Item(models.Model):
if self.poster_frame == -1 and self.sort.duration:
self.poster_frame = self.sort.duration/2
update_poster = True
if not self.get('runtime') and self.sort.duration:
||||['runtime'] = self.sort.duration
self.json = self.get_json()
super(Item, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if update_ids:
@ -1143,7 +1139,7 @@ class Item(models.Model):
return icon
def load_subtitles(self):
if not filter(lambda l: l['id'] == 'subtitles', settings.CONFIG['layers']):
if not utils.get_by_id(settings.CONFIG['layers'], 'subtitles'):
with transaction.commit_on_success():
layer = 'subtitles'
@ -1220,7 +1216,8 @@ pre_delete.connect(delete_item, sender=Item)
Item.facet_keys = []
for key in settings.CONFIG['itemKeys']:
if 'autocomplete' in key and not 'autocompleteSortKey' in key:
if 'autocomplete' in key and not 'autocompleteSortKey' in key or \
Item.person_keys = []
@ -78,3 +78,7 @@ def get_positions(ids, pos):
return positions
def get_by_id(objects, id):
obj = filter(lambda o: o['id'] == id, objects)
return obj and obj[0] or None
@ -33,23 +33,15 @@ from clip.models import Clip
from ox.django.api import actions
import utils
def _order_query(qs, sort, prefix='sort__'):
order_by = []
if len(sort) == 1:
if sort[0]['key'] == 'title':
sort.append({'operator': '-', 'key': 'year'})
sort.append({'operator': '+', 'key': 'director'})
elif sort[0]['key'] == 'director':
sort.append({'operator': '-', 'key': 'year'})
sort.append({'operator': '-', 'key': 'title'})
elif sort[0]['key'] == 'year':
sort.append({'operator': '+', 'key': 'director'})
sort.append({'operator': '+', 'key': 'title'})
elif not sort[0]['key'] in ('value', 'sortvalue'):
sort.append({'operator': '+', 'key': 'director'})
sort.append({'operator': '-', 'key': 'year'})
sort.append({'operator': '+', 'key': 'title'})
key = utils.get_by_id(settings.CONFIG['itemKeys'], sort[0]['key'])
for s in key.get('additionalSort', settings.CONFIG.get('additionalSort', [])):
for e in sort:
operator = e['operator']
if operator != '-':
@ -273,14 +265,21 @@ Positions
response['data']['duration'] = r['duration__sum']
response['data']['files'] = files.count()
response['data']['items'] = items.count()
response['data']['pixels'] = r['pixels__sum']
response['data']['runtime'] = items.aggregate(Sum('sort__runtime'))['sort__runtime__sum']
response['data']['size'] = r['size__sum']
totals = [i['id'] for i in settings.CONFIG['totals']]
if 'duration' in totals:
response['data']['duration'] = r['duration__sum']
if 'files' in totals:
response['data']['files'] = files.count()
if 'items' in totals:
response['data']['items'] = items.count()
if 'pixels' in totals:
response['data']['pixels'] = r['pixels__sum']
if 'runtime' in totals:
response['data']['runtime'] = items.aggregate(Sum('sort__runtime'))['sort__runtime__sum'] or 0
if 'size' in totals:
response['data']['size'] = r['size__sum']
for key in ('runtime', 'duration', 'pixels', 'size'):
if response['data'][key] == None:
if key in totals and response['data'][key] == None:
response['data'][key] = 0
return render_to_json_response(response)
@ -769,8 +768,8 @@ def video(request, id, resolution, format, index=None):
response = HttpResponse(extract.chop(path, t[0], t[1]), content_type=content_type)
filename = "Clip of %s - %s-%s - %s %s%s" % (
ox.formatDuration(t[0] * 1000),
ox.formatDuration(t[1] * 1000),
ox.formatDuration(t[0] * 1000).replace(':', '.')[:-4],
ox.formatDuration(t[1] * 1000).replace(':', '.')[:-4],
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
You can edit this file.
"additionalSort": [
{"key": "title", "operator": "+"}
"annotations": {
"showUsers": true
@ -47,20 +50,23 @@
{"id": "lightness", "title": "Lightness", "type": "float"},
{"id": "volume", "title": "Volume", "type": "float"}
clipLayers is the ordered list of public layers that will appear as the
text of clips. Excluding a layer from this list means it will not be
included in find annotations.
"clipLayers": ["transcripts", "keywords", "places", "events", "descriptions"],
// fixme: either this, or filter: true in itemKeys, but not both
"filters": [
{"id": "source", "title": "Sources", "type": "string"},
{"id": "project", "title": "Projects", "type": "string"},
{"id": "topic", "title": "Topics", "type": "string"},
{"id": "name", "title": "People", "type": "string"},
{"id": "keywords", "title": "Keywords", "type": "string"},
{"id": "language", "title": "Languages", "type": "string"},
{"id": "license", "title": "License", "type": "string"},
{"id": "places", "title": "Places", "type": "string"},
//{"id": "year", "title": "Years", "type": "integer"},
{"id": "features", "title": "Features", "type": "string"},
{"id": "director", "title": "Directors", "type": "string"},
{"id": "cinematographer", "title": "Cinematographers", "type": "string"},
{"id": "license", "title": "License", "type": "string"}
{"id": "events", "title": "Events", "type": "string"},
{"id": "keywords", "title": "Keywords", "type": "string"}
An itemKey must have the following properties:
@ -137,12 +143,6 @@
"autocomplete": true,
"find": true
"id": "annotations",
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"find": true
"id": "keywords",
"title": "Keywords",
@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
"autocomplete": true,
"columnRequired": true,
"columnWidth": 180,
"filter": true,
"sort": "person"
@ -164,12 +163,11 @@
"type": ["string"],
"autocomplete": true,
"columnWidth": 180,
"filter": true,
"sort": "person"
"id": "features",
"title": "Features",
"id": "featuring",
"title": "Featuring",
"type": ["string"],
"autocomplete": true,
"columnRequired": true,
@ -177,15 +175,6 @@
"filter": true,
"sort": "person"
"id": "year",
"title": "Year",
"type": "year",
"autocomplete": true,
"columnWidth": 60,
"filter": true
//"find": true
"id": "language",
"title": "Language",
@ -195,13 +184,6 @@
"filter": true,
"find": true
"id": "runtime",
"title": "Runtime",
"type": "time",
"columnWidth": 60,
"format": {"type": "duration", "args": [0, "medium"]}
"id": "location",
"title": "Location",
@ -211,19 +193,19 @@
"filter": true,
"find": true
"id": "date",
"title": "Date",
"type": "string",
"columnWidth": 120
//"format": {"type": "date", "args": ["%a, %b %e, %Y"]}
"id": "description",
"title": "Description",
"type": "text",
"find": true
"id": "wordsinsummary",
"title": "Words in Summary",
"type": "integer",
"columnWidth": 60,
"value": {"key": "description", "type": "words"}
"id": "created",
"title": "Date Created",
@ -237,6 +219,12 @@
"type": "string",
"columnWidth": 90
"id": "annotations",
"title": "Annotation",
"type": "string",
"find": true
"id": "places",
"title": "Places",
@ -268,7 +256,8 @@
"id": "resolution",
"title": "Resolution",
"type": ["integer"],
"columnWidth": 90
"columnWidth": 90,
"format": {"type": "resolution", "args": ["px"]}
"id": "aspectratio",
@ -392,7 +381,6 @@
"title": "License",
"type": ["string"],
"columnWidth": 120,
"autocomplete": true,
"filter": true
@ -517,7 +505,6 @@
"totals": [
{"id": "items"},
{"id": "runtime"},
{"id": "files", "admin": true},
{"id": "duration", "admin": true},
{"id": "size", "admin": true},
@ -558,7 +545,7 @@
"itemFind": {"conditions": [], "operator": "&"},
"itemSort": [{"key": "position", "operator": "+"}],
"itemView": "info",
"listColumns": ["title", "source", "project", "director", "language", "duration"],
"listColumns": ["title", "source", "project", "topics", "language", "duration"],
"listColumnWidth": {},
"listSelection": [],
"listSort": [{"key": "title", "operator": "+"}],
Add table
Reference in a new issue