var url = ""; var storage = window.localStorage; //elem = string (elementId to make TextArea) var TextArea = function(elem) { this.elem = $('#' + elem); var that = this; // this.elem = new Ox.Input({'type': 'textarea', 'id': 'textArea'}).attr("id", elem).appendTo('#txtWrapper'); this.hasFocus = false; this.width = this.elem.width(); this.spans = []; this.init() } TextArea.prototype.init = function() { var that = this; var e = this.elem; var tc; e.focus(function() { that.hasFocus = true; }).blur(function() { that.hasFocus = false; }); e.dblclick(function(e) { var tc = that.isTc(); if (tc) { Video.set(tc); } }); } //returns tc in ms if cursor is at a time-code, else returns false TextArea.prototype.isTc = function() { var that = this; var e = this.elem; var eDom = e.get(0); var val = e.val(); var pos = eDom.selectionStart; var word = this.getWord(pos); if (isValidTimecode(word)) { return npt2ms(word); } else { return false; } } //inserts current timecode at cursor position TextArea.prototype.insertTc = function(tcNpt) { var that = this; var e = that.elem; var eDom = e.get(0); var scrollTop = eDom.scrollTop; var val = this.elem.val(); var pos = eDom.selectionStart; if(!tcNpt) { tcNpt = ms2npt(Video.get()); } var newVal = val.substring(0,pos) + "\n" + tcNpt + "\n" + val.substring(pos, val.length); e.val(newVal); e.focus(); eDom.selectionStart = pos + tcNpt.length + 2; eDom.selectionEnd = pos + tcNpt.length + 2; eDom.scrollTop = scrollTop + 15; } //gets the word at character pos (int) [in val (str)] TextArea.prototype.getWord = function(pos, val) { if (!val) { val = this.elem.val(); } var c; var i = pos; var j = pos; while (c != " " && c != "\n") { if (i==0) { i = -1; break; } i--; c = val.substring(i,i+1); } var firstLetter = i+1; var d; while (d != " " && d != "\n") { if (j >= val.length) { break; } j++; d = val.substring(j,j+1); } var lastLetter = j; var word = val.substring(firstLetter, lastLetter); return word; } function cleanNewlines(str) { var s = str.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, '\n'); return s; } //takes an srt as param, loads into txtarea TextArea.prototype.fromSrt = function(txt) { var that = this; this.spans = []; var cleaned = cleanNewlines(txt); var srt = strip(cleaned); var srt_ = srt.split('\n\n'); var s; for(s in srt_) { st = srt_[s].split('\n'); if(st.length >=2) { var n = st[0]; var i = strip(st[1].split(' --> ')[0]); var o = strip(st[1].split(' --> ')[1]); var t = st[2]; if(st.length > 2) { for(j=3; j " + "0" + ms2npt(s.tcOutMs).replace(".", ","); srt += "\n"; srt += text; srt += "\n\n"; } else if (fmt == 'enc') { srt += srtNo + ms2frames(s.tcInMs) + " " + ms2frames(s.tcOutMs) + " " + text; srt += "\n\n"; } srtNo++; } } return srt; } //returns textarea formatted to .srt TextArea.prototype.toSrt = function(fmt) { if (!fmt) var fmt = 'srt'; var text = cleanNewlines(this.elem.val()); var lines = []; lines = text.split("\n"); var i=0; var j=0; var spans = this.spans = []; while (i < lines.length) { var l = lines[i]; if (isValidTimecode(l.trim())) { var tcIn = l.trim(); var t = ""; var thisLine = ''; while (!isValidTimecode(thisLine.trim())) { i++; if (i >= lines.length) { break; } thisLine = lines[i]; if (!isValidTimecode(thisLine.trim())) { t += thisLine + "\n"; } } var tcOut = $.trim(thisLine); spans[j] = new Span(tcIn, tcOut, t, j); j++; } else { i++; } } this.spans = spans; var srt = spansToSrt(spans, fmt); // console.log(srt); return srt; } TextArea.prototype.addTime = function(ms, start_no) { // console.log(ms); this.toSrt(); var s = []; var spans = this.spans; for (var i=0; i < spans.length;i++) { s[i] = { index: i, tcOutMs: spans[i].tcOutMs + ms, text: spans[i].text, tcInMs: spans[i].tcInMs + ms } } return spansToSrt(s, 'srt', start_no) } TextArea.prototype.toHTML = function() { var spans = this.spans; var html = ''; var span, txt; for (var i=0; i'; txt += (i + 1).toString(); txt += "\n"; txt += '
\n'; txt += span.text + "\n"; txt += "

\n\n"; html += txt; } return html; } //creates new Span (tcIn and tcOut in npt format) var Span = function(tcIn, tcOut, text, index) { this.index = index; this.tcOutMs = npt2ms(tcOut); this.text = text; this.tcInMs = npt2ms(tcIn); } var SeekBar = function(elem) { this.elem = $('#' + elem); this.pointerId = "seekPointer"; this.width = this.elem.width(); this.init() } SeekBar.prototype.init = function() { var that = this; var e = $('
'); e.attr("id", that.pointerId); e.draggable({ containment: 'parent', axis: 'horizontally', drag: function() { clearInterval(videoListener); var pos = that.get(); $('#timeCode').html(ms2npt(pos)); }, stop: function() { var pos = that.get(); Video.set(pos); videoListener = setInterval(Video.listener, 250); } }); that.elem.append(e); this.pointerElem = e; } //gets current time-code (int) of seekbar position SeekBar.prototype.get = function() { var cssPos = parseInt(this.pointerElem.css("left")); var pos = parseInt((cssPos / this.width) * (Video.player.duration * 1000)); return pos; } //sets seek bar css pos according to current time-code SeekBar.prototype.set = function(ms) { var cssPos = parseInt(((ms / 1000) / Video.player.duration) * this.width); this.elem.css("left", cssPos + "px"); } /* var KeyboardController = function() { this. } */ var User = function() { this.padmaUser = typeof user != 'undefined' ? user : null; this.hostname = 'chrome://speedtrans'; this.defaults = { 'fontSize': '13', 'theme': 'oxlight', 'recentVideo': '', 'recentSrt': '', 'autosave': 5, 'direction': 'ltr' }; var autoSaveInterval = -1; this.callbacks = { 'fontSize': function(newSize) { textArea.elem.css("font-size", newSize + "px"); }, 'theme': function(theme) { if(['oxdark', 'oxmedium', 'oxlight'].indexOf(theme) == -1) { console.log('only supporting oxlight, oxmedium, oxdark, but ' + theme + ' was requested'); theme = 'oxlight'; } Ox.Theme(theme); }, 'recentVideo': $.noop, 'recentSrt': $.noop, 'direction': function(val) { textArea.elem.css("direction", val); } } } User.prototype.init = function() { var prefs = ['fontSize', 'theme', 'direction']; for (var i = 0; i < prefs.length; i++) { var key = prefs[i]; var val = this.get_pref(key); this.callbacks[key](val); } } User.prototype.set_pref = function(key, val) { var that = this; storage[key] = val; this.callbacks[key](val); } User.prototype.get_pref = function(key) { var that = this; if (typeof storage[key] === 'undefined') { storage[key] = that.defaults[key]; } return storage[key]; } User.prototype.set_prefs = function(keyvals) { for (key in keyvals) { if (keyvals.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.set_pref(key, keyvals[key]); } } } User.prototype.get_prefs = function(keys) { var ret = {}; for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; ret[key] = this.get_pref(key); } return ret; } User.prototype.set_txt = function(filename, txt) { var that = this; storage['txt_' + filename] = txt; } User.prototype.get_txt = function(filename) { var that = this; return storage['txt_' + filename]; } function loadCuts(url, id) { function pandora_api(action, data, callback) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: {action: action, data: JSON.stringify(data)}, success: callback, dataType: 'json' }); } pandora_api('get', {id: id, keys: ['cuts']}, function(result) { var txt = ''; { textArea.insertTc(ms2npt(cut*1000)); }); }); } function loadSrt(filename) { //alert(filename); if (!checkFileExists(filename)) { alert("Could not find Srt file " + filename); return; } // alert("hmm.. you have a .srt file but not a txt file - this is a bug. sorry."); var txt = mozillaLoadFile(filename); if (textArea.fromSrt(txt)) { srtFilePath = filename; } else { var recovery_txt = globalUser.get_txt(filename); textArea.elem.val(recovery_txt); var html = Ox.tmpl("tmpl_loadError", {'filename': filename, 'txt': txt, 'recovery_txt': recovery_txt}); stDialog("Error Loading File", html); } } /* function loadMeta(filename) { var m = mozillaLoadFile(filename); } */ /* function loadSrtTxt(filename) { var txt = mozillaLoadFile(filename); $('#txt').val(txt); } */