//init globals var textArea; var Video; var filePath = false; var videoListener; var globalUser; var videoPath = undefined; var videoHash = undefined; function adjustSize() { var baseHeight = $(window).height() - 24 - 16; $('#txt').height(baseHeight); var baseWidth = $(window).width() - 400 - 64; $('#txt').width(baseWidth); } Ox.load({ UI: {theme: 'oxlight'}, }, function() { Ox.$body.show(); globalUser = new User(); adjustSize(); $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (!Video) return; //Esc if (e.keyCode == 27) { Video.togglePause(); if (!textArea.hasFocus) { textArea.elem.focus(); } e.preventDefault(); } //The weird `~ key, currently in as a silly hack because Ranjana's Esc key does not work. if (e.keyCode == 192) { Video.togglePause(); e.preventDefault(); } //Ins or TAB if (e.keyCode == 45 || e.keyCode == 9) { if (!textArea.isTc()) { textArea.insertTc(); return false; } else { return false; } } //Ctrl - Seek Back if (e.keyCode == 17) { var seekTime = parseInt(parseFloat($('#seekTime').val()) * 1000); var currTime = Video.get(); var newTime = currTime - seekTime; Video.set(newTime); } //Alt - Seek Fwd. if (e.keyCode == 18) { var seekTime = parseInt(parseFloat($('#seekTime').val()) * 1000); var currTime = Video.get(); var newTime = currTime + seekTime; Video.set(newTime); } //Space - togglePause if no focus on TA if (e.keyCode == 32 && textArea.hasFocus == false) { Video.togglePause(); } //PageUp - volume Up: if (e.keyCode == 33) { Video.volUp(); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 34) { Video.volDown(); return false; } }); $(window).bind('resize', adjustSize); var mainMenu = new Ox.MainMenu({ extras: [], menus: [ { id: "speedtrans", title: "SpeedTrans", items: [ { id: "about", title: "About" }, {}, { id: "contact", title: "Contact", disabled: true} ] }, { id: "open", title: "Open", items: [ { id: "load_video", title: "Video", file: {width: 192}}, { id: "load_srt", title: "Open SRT File", file: {width: 192}}, ] }, { id: "save", title: "Save", items: [ { id: "save_srt", title: "Save SRT"}, ] }, { id: "edit", title: "Edit", items: [ { id: "preferences", title: "Preferences" } ] }, { id: "tools", title: "Tools", items: [ { id: "add_time", title: "Add / Subtract time and export", disabled: true }, { id: "export_encore", title: "Export Adobe Encore Subtitle Format" }, { id: "export_html", title: "Export HTML" }, {}, { id: "load_cuts", title: "Load cuts from pan.do/ra", disabled: false } ] }, { id: "upload", title: "Upload", items: [ { id: "upload_padma", title: "Upload Transcript to Pad.ma", disabled: true } ] }, { id: "help", title: "Help", items: [ { id: "shortcuts", title: "Keyboard Shortcuts" } ] } ], size: "large" }) .css({'position': 'fixed', 'top': '0px', 'left': '0px', 'right': '0px', 'height': '20px'}) .appendTo(Ox.$body) .bindEvent({ click: function(data) { if (data.id == 'load_video') { saveTxt(); videoPath = undefined; videoHash = undefined; textArea.elem.val(''); var path = data.files[0].name; if ($.inArray(getFileNameExt(path.toLowerCase()), [ 'oga', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'ogx', 'wav', 'webm', 'mp4', 'm4v' ]) != -1) { loadVideo(data.files[0]); } else { alert('You can only open videos in formats supported by the browser.'); } } else if(data.id == 'about') { var html = Ox.tmpl("dialog_about", {}); stDialog("About", html); } else if(data.id == 'preferences') { var prefs = globalUser.get_prefs(["fontSize", "theme", "autosave"]); var html = Ox.tmpl("dialog_preferences", {}); stDialog("Preferences", html); $('.pref_select').each(function() { var that = this; var pref = $(this).attr("data-pref"); var prefVal = prefs[pref]; $(this).children('option').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == prefVal) { $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); }); $('.pref_select').change(function() { var key = $(this).attr("data-pref"); var val = $(this).val(); globalUser.set_pref(key, val); }); /* $('#pref_fontSize > option').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == prefs.fontSize) { $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); $('#pref_theme > option').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == prefs.theme) { $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); */ } else if(data.id == 'shortcuts') { var html = Ox.tmpl("dialog_shortcuts", {}); stDialog("Keyboard Shortcuts", html); } else if(data.id == 'save_srt') { var content = textArea.toSrt(); saveContent(content, 'text/plain', getFileNameSansExt(videoPath) + '.srt'); } else if(data.id == 'load_srt') { loadSrt(data.files[0]); } else if(data.id == 'export_encore') { var content = textArea.toSrt("enc"); saveContent(content, 'text/plain', getFileNameSansExt(videoPath) + '.enc.txt'); } else if(data.id == 'export_html') { var content = textArea.toHTML(); saveContent(content, 'text/html', getFileNameSansExt(videoPath) + '.html'); } else if(data.id == 'load_cuts') { var html = Ox.tmpl("dialog_load_cuts"); var loadDialog = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ title: "Cancel" }).bindEvent({ click: function() { loadDialog.close() } }), Ox.Button({ title: "Load Cuts" }).bindEvent({ click: function() { var url = loadDialog.find('input')[0].value.trim(); var match = url.match(/(.*)\/([A-Z]+)$/); if (match) { loadCuts(match[1] + '/api/', match[2]); } loadDialog.close(); } }), ], content: Ox.Element().append(html) }).open(); } } }); textArea = new TextArea("txt"); textArea.elem.val(''); globalUser.init(); //autosave every 1 minute. window.autosaveInterval = setInterval(function() { if (!Ox.isUndefined(videoHash)) { saveTxt(); } }, 60000); }); function loadTxt() { var txt = globalUser.get_txt(videoHash); //console.log('loadTxt', videoHash, txt.length); textArea.elem.val(txt); } function saveTxt() { var content = textArea.toSrt(); var txt = textArea.elem.val(); //console.log('saveTxt', videoHash, txt.length); globalUser.set_txt(videoHash, txt); } function saveContent(content, type, path) { var blob = new Blob([content], {type: type}); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.download = path; if (document.createEvent) { var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initEvent('click', true, true); a.dispatchEvent(event); } else { a.click(); } window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } function stDialog(titleTxt, text) { var that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ title: "Close" }).bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }) ], title: titleTxt, content: Ox.Element().css({padding: '16px'}).append(text) }).open() return that; } function loadVideo(videoFile) { Ox.oshash(videoFile, function(hash) { videoHash = hash; var storageKey = 'txt_' + videoHash; if (storageKey in localStorage) { loadTxt(); } }); var videoUrl = URL.createObjectURL(videoFile); videoPath = videoFile.name; $('#video').attr("src", videoUrl); $('#filepath').text(videoFile.path); document.getElementById("video").load(); $('#video').one("loadedmetadata", function() { Video = new VideoPlayer(); Video.init("video"); Video.setDuration(Video.player.duration); $('#insertTc').click(textArea.insertTc); videoListener = setInterval(Video.listener, 250); }); }; $(window).unload(function() { saveTxt(); });