You have chosen <%= filename %>. It shall need to be converted to the Ogg Theora format.<br/>
Click 'Continue' to continue, else click 'Cancel'.
<spanclass="italic">Note: Encoding process may take a long time depending on the size of the video. Might be a good time to make a coffee, or go for a walk.</span>
Sorry, there was a problem loading the srt file or the srt file was blank: <br/>
<b><%= filename %></b><br/><br/>
Please inform of the error, and if there is any text in the box below, please include it in the email, as it may help solving the problem. <br/>
<textarea><%= txt %></textarea><br/>
Click Close to attempt to recover text from local storage. <br/>
Sorry you need <ahref="">Firefox 3.5 or later</a> for this to work.
<b>Ctrl</b> / <b>Alt</b>: Seek back / forward <inputid="seekTime"value="1"/> seconds.<br/>
<b>Esc</b>: Pause / Unpause <br/>
<b>Insert / Tab</b>: Insert time-code<br/>
<b>PageUp</b> / <b>PageDown</b>: Volume Up / Down<br/>
<b>Double-click on time-code in textarea</b>: Seek video to time-code. <br/>