add scrapeit

This commit is contained in:
j 2007-03-01 15:11:35 +00:00
commit ca2a42e773
18 changed files with 1864 additions and 0 deletions

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
# encoding: utf-8
import btjunkie
import google
import imdb
import mininova
import thepiratebay
import torrent
import rottentomatoes
__version__ = '1.0.0'

scrapeit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from urllib import quote
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from utils import read_url, stripTags
from btutils import torrentsWeLike
def search(query):
'''search for torrents on btjunkie
url = "" % quote(query)
page = read_url(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
torrents = soup.findAll('a', {'class': 'BlckUnd'})
torrents = filter(torrentsWeLike, torrents)
torrent_links = []
for t in torrents:
tlink = "" % t.attrMap['href']
tlink = tlink.replace('do=stat', 'do=download')
return torrent_links
def searchByImdb(imdb):
'''search for torrents by imdb, not supported on btjunkie right now
return []

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from utils import stripTags
def torrentsWeLike(link):
'''check if torrent title looks like something we want to see,
dvdrip / no cam / no dubbed versions
text = stripTags(unicode(link)).lower()
#no cams / telesyncs or other stuff
for word in ('cam', 'telesync', 'telecine', '.ts', '.tc', ' tc ', ' ts', 'vcd', 'ts-screener'):
if word in text:
return False
#no dubbed versions
for word in ('italian', 'german', 'spanish', 'french'):
if word in text:
return False
#only dvdrips or dvdscrs
for word in ('dvdrip', 'dvdscr', 'dvd screener'):
if word in text:
return True
return False

scrapeit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
"HTML utilities suitable for global use."
import re, string
# Configuration for urlize() function
LEADING_PUNCTUATION = ['(', '<', '&lt;']
TRAILING_PUNCTUATION = ['.', ',', ')', '>', '\n', '&gt;']
# list of possible strings used for bullets in bulleted lists
DOTS = ['&middot;', '*', '\xe2\x80\xa2', '&#149;', '&bull;', '&#8226;']
unencoded_ampersands_re = re.compile(r'&(?!(\w+|#\d+);)')
word_split_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
punctuation_re = re.compile('^(?P<lead>(?:%s)*)(?P<middle>.*?)(?P<trail>(?:%s)*)$' % \
('|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in LEADING_PUNCTUATION]),
'|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in TRAILING_PUNCTUATION])))
simple_email_re = re.compile(r'^\S+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$')
link_target_attribute_re = re.compile(r'(<a [^>]*?)target=[^\s>]+')
html_gunk_re = re.compile(r'(?:<br clear="all">|<i><\/i>|<b><\/b>|<em><\/em>|<strong><\/strong>|<\/?smallcaps>|<\/?uppercase>)', re.IGNORECASE)
hard_coded_bullets_re = re.compile(r'((?:<p>(?:%s).*?[a-zA-Z].*?</p>\s*)+)' % '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in DOTS]), re.DOTALL)
trailing_empty_content_re = re.compile(r'(?:<p>(?:&nbsp;|\s|<br \/>)*?</p>\s*)+\Z')
del x # Temporary variable
def escape(html):
"Returns the given HTML with ampersands, quotes and carets encoded"
if not isinstance(html, basestring):
html = str(html)
return html.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace('"', '&quot;').replace("'", '&#39;')
def linebreaks(value):
"Converts newlines into <p> and <br />s"
value = re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', '\n', value) # normalize newlines
paras = re.split('\n{2,}', value)
paras = ['<p>%s</p>' % p.strip().replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
return '\n\n'.join(paras)
def strip_tags(value):
"Returns the given HTML with all tags stripped"
return re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', value)
def strip_spaces_between_tags(value):
"Returns the given HTML with spaces between tags normalized to a single space"
return re.sub(r'>\s+<', '> <', value)
def strip_entities(value):
"Returns the given HTML with all entities (&something;) stripped"
return re.sub(r'&(?:\w+|#\d);', '', value)
def fix_ampersands(value):
"Returns the given HTML with all unencoded ampersands encoded correctly"
return unencoded_ampersands_re.sub('&amp;', value)
def urlize(text, trim_url_limit=None, nofollow=False):
Converts any URLs in text into clickable links. Works on http://, https:// and
www. links. Links can have trailing punctuation (periods, commas, close-parens)
and leading punctuation (opening parens) and it'll still do the right thing.
If trim_url_limit is not None, the URLs in link text will be limited to
trim_url_limit characters.
If nofollow is True, the URLs in link text will get a rel="nofollow" attribute.
trim_url = lambda x, limit=trim_url_limit: limit is not None and (x[:limit] + (len(x) >=limit and '...' or '')) or x
words = word_split_re.split(text)
nofollow_attr = nofollow and ' rel="nofollow"' or ''
for i, word in enumerate(words):
match = punctuation_re.match(word)
if match:
lead, middle, trail = match.groups()
if middle.startswith('www.') or ('@' not in middle and not middle.startswith('http://') and \
len(middle) > 0 and middle[0] in string.letters + string.digits and \
(middle.endswith('.org') or middle.endswith('.net') or middle.endswith('.com'))):
middle = '<a href="http://%s"%s>%s</a>' % (middle, nofollow_attr, trim_url(anchor))
if middle.startswith('http://') or middle.startswith('https://'):
middle = '<a href="%s"%s>%s</a>' % (middle, nofollow_attr, trim_url(middle))
if '@' in middle and not middle.startswith('www.') and not ':' in middle \
and simple_email_re.match(middle):
middle = '<a href="mailto:%s">%s</a>' % (middle, middle)
if lead + middle + trail != word:
words[i] = lead + middle + trail
return ''.join(words)
def clean_html(text):
Cleans the given HTML. Specifically, it does the following:
* Converts <b> and <i> to <strong> and <em>.
* Encodes all ampersands correctly.
* Removes all "target" attributes from <a> tags.
* Removes extraneous HTML, such as presentational tags that open and
immediately close and <br clear="all">.
* Converts hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
* Removes stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the
bottom of the text.
from djangotext import normalize_newlines
text = normalize_newlines(text)
text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*b\s*>', '<\\1strong>', text)
text = re.sub(r'<(/?)\s*i\s*>', '<\\1em>', text)
text = fix_ampersands(text)
# Remove all target="" attributes from <a> tags.
text = link_target_attribute_re.sub('\\1', text)
# Trim stupid HTML such as <br clear="all">.
text = html_gunk_re.sub('', text)
# Convert hard-coded bullets into HTML unordered lists.
def replace_p_tags(match):
s ='</p>', '</li>')
for d in DOTS:
s = s.replace('<p>%s' % d, '<li>')
return '<ul>\n%s\n</ul>' % s
text = hard_coded_bullets_re.sub(replace_p_tags, text)
# Remove stuff like "<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>", but only if it's at the bottom of the text.
text = trailing_empty_content_re.sub('', text)
return text

scrapeit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import re
# Capitalizes the first letter of a string.
capfirst = lambda x: x and x[0].upper() + x[1:]
def wrap(text, width):
A word-wrap function that preserves existing line breaks and most spaces in
the text. Expects that existing line breaks are posix newlines (\n).
return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' %
' \n'[(len(line[line.rfind('\n')+1:])
+ len(word.split('\n',1)[0]
) >= width)],
text.split(' ')
def truncate_words(s, num):
"Truncates a string after a certain number of words."
length = int(num)
words = s.split()
if len(words) > length:
words = words[:length]
if not words[-1].endswith('...'):
return ' '.join(words)
def get_valid_filename(s):
Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean
filename. Specifically, leading and trailing spaces are removed; other
spaces are converted to underscores; and all non-filename-safe characters
are removed.
>>> get_valid_filename("john's portrait in 2004.jpg")
s = s.strip().replace(' ', '_')
return re.sub(r'[^-A-Za-z0-9_.]', '', s)
def get_text_list(list_, last_word='or'):
>>> get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
'a, b, c or d'
>>> get_text_list(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'and')
'a, b and c'
>>> get_text_list(['a', 'b'], 'and')
'a and b'
>>> get_text_list(['a'])
>>> get_text_list([])
if len(list_) == 0: return ''
if len(list_) == 1: return list_[0]
return '%s %s %s' % (', '.join([str(i) for i in list_][:-1]), last_word, list_[-1])
def normalize_newlines(text):
return re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', '\n', text)
def recapitalize(text):
"Recapitalizes text, placing caps after end-of-sentence punctuation."
# capwords = ()
text = text.lower()
capsRE = re.compile(r'(?:^|(?<=[\.\?\!] ))([a-z])')
text = capsRE.sub(lambda x:, text)
# for capword in capwords:
# capwordRE = re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % capword, re.I)
# text = capwordRE.sub(capword, text)
return text
def phone2numeric(phone):
"Converts a phone number with letters into its numeric equivalent."
letters = re.compile(r'[A-PR-Y]', re.I)
char2number = lambda m: {'a': '2', 'c': '2', 'b': '2', 'e': '3',
'd': '3', 'g': '4', 'f': '3', 'i': '4', 'h': '4', 'k': '5',
'j': '5', 'm': '6', 'l': '5', 'o': '6', 'n': '6', 'p': '7',
's': '7', 'r': '7', 'u': '8', 't': '8', 'w': '9', 'v': '8',
'y': '9', 'x': '9'}.get(
return letters.sub(char2number, phone)
# From
# Used with permission.
def compress_string(s):
import cStringIO, gzip
zbuf = cStringIO.StringIO()
zfile = gzip.GzipFile(mode='wb', compresslevel=6, fileobj=zbuf)
return zbuf.getvalue()
smart_split_re = re.compile('("(?:[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"|\'(?:[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\'\\\\]*)*)\'|[^\\s]+)')
def smart_split(text):
Generator that splits a string by spaces, leaving quoted phrases together.
Supports both single and double quotes, and supports escaping quotes with
backslashes. In the output, strings will keep their initial and trailing
quote marks.
>>> list(smart_split('This is "a person\'s" test.'))
['This', 'is', '"a person\'s"', 'test.']
for bit in smart_split_re.finditer(text):
bit =
if bit[0] == '"':
yield '"' + bit[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\') + '"'
elif bit[0] == "'":
yield "'" + bit[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'").replace("\\\\", "\\") + "'"
yield bit

scrapeit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from google import google
from utils import read_url, read_url_utf8, stripTags
import tvcom
import imdb
def epguidesUrl(title):
Search Epguide Url for Show via Show Title.
Use Google to search the url, this is also done on Epguide.
for (name, url, desc) in google('allintitle: %s' % title, 1):
if url.startswith(''):
if, name):
return url
return None
def getShowImdb(title):
imdbid = None
url = epguidesUrl(title)
if url:
data = read_url(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
links = soup('a', {'href': re.compile('')})
if links:
link = links[0].get('href')
imdbid = "%07d" % int(re.compile('title/tt(\d*)').findall(link)[0])
if not imdbid:
imdbid = imdb.guess(title)
return imdbid
def getEpisodeData(title, episode, show_url = None):
Collect information about an episode.
Returns dict with title, show, description and episode
episodeData = {
'title': u'',
'show': title,
'description': u'',
'episode': episode,
description = u''
data = u''
if not show_url:
show_url = epguidesUrl(title)
if show_url:
data = read_url_utf8(show_url)
return imdb.getEpisodeData(title, episode)
estring = u'' +episode.replace('S','').replace('E','-').replace('0',' ').strip()
for line in data.split('\n'):
a = line.split(estring)
if len(a) == 2:
soup = BeautifulSoup(line)
episodeData['title'] = soup('a')[0].contents[0]
tvcom_url = soup('a')[0].get('href')
episodeData['description'] = tvcom.getEpisodeData(tvcom_url)['description']
return episodeData

scrapeit/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
Query Web search engines.
This module works by filtering the HTML returned by the search engine and thus tends to break when
search engines modify their HTML output.
Public domain, Connelly Barnes 2005-2007. Compatible with Python 2.3-2.5.
See L{examples} for a quick start. See L{description} for the full
explanation, precautions, and legal disclaimers.
import re
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import weakref
import threading
import Queue
from utils import read_url
__version__ = '1.0.2'
# Default headers for HTTP requests.
DEFAULT_HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5)'}
# Default maximum number of results.
# Function names for supported search engines.
SEARCH_ENGINES = ['ask', 'dmoz', 'excite', 'google', 'msn', 'yahoo']
__all__ = SEARCH_ENGINES + ['examples', 'description']
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def quote_plus(s):
A variant of urllib.quote_plus which handles ASCII and Unicode.
return urllib.quote_plus(s.encode('utf-8'))
def fix_url(url):
Given url str, trim redirect stuff and return actual URL.
Currently this just returns the URL unmodified.
# if url.lower().find('http%3a//') > 0:
# return 'http://' + url[url.lower().rindex('http%3a//')+9:]
# if url.find('http://') > 0:
# return url[url.rindex('http://'):]
return url
def get_search_page_links(page, results_per_page, begin, end, link_re):
Given str contents of search result page, return list of links.
Returns list of (name, url, desc) str tuples. See make_searcher()
for a description of results_per_page and link_re.
if begin is not None and begin in page:
page = page[page.index(begin):]
if end is not None and end in page:
page = page[:page.index(end)]
ans = []
for match in re.compile(link_re, re.DOTALL).finditer(page):
(name, url, desc) ='name', 'url', 'desc')
url = fix_url(url)
ans += [(html_to_text(name), url, html_to_text(desc))]
return ans
def html_to_text(s):
Given an HTML formatted str, convert it to a text str.
s = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', s)
s = s.replace('\r', ' ')
s = s.replace('\n', ' ')
s = s.replace('\t', ' ')
s = s.replace('&amp;', '&')
s = s.replace('&lt;', '<')
s = s.replace('&gt;', '>')
s = s.replace('&quot;', '"')
s = s.replace('&middot;', '\xb7')
for i in range(256):
s = s.replace('&#%d;' % i, chr(i))
while s.replace(' ', ' ') != s:
s = s.replace(' ', ' ')
return s.strip()
def nonblocking(f, blocking_return=None, sleep_time=0.01):
Wrap a callable which returns an iter so that it no longer blocks.
The wrapped iterator returns blocking_return while callable f is
blocking. The callable f is called in a background thread. If the
wrapped iterator is deleted, then the iterator returned by f is
deleted also and the background thread is terminated.
def g(*args, **kwargs):
f_iter = f(*args, **kwargs)
g_iter = None
def run():
while True:
g_obj = g_iter()
if g_obj is None:
if g_obj.q.qsize() == 0:
f_next =
except Exception, e:
g_obj.exc = e
del g_obj
class Iter:
def __init__(self):
self.q = Queue.Queue()
self.exc = None
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=run)
def next(self):
if self.exc is not None:
raise self.exc
return self.q.get_nowait()
except Queue.Empty:
return blocking_return
def __iter__(self):
return self
obj = Iter()
g_iter = weakref.ref(obj)
return obj
del obj
return g
def make_searcher(query_url, results_per_page, page_url, page_mode,
begin, end, link_re):
Return a search function for the given search engine.
Here query_url is the URL for the initial search, with %(q)s for
the query string, results_per_page is the number of search results
per page, page_url is the URL for the 2nd and subsequent pages of
search results, with %(q)s for the query string and %(n)s for the
page "number." Here page_mode controls the actual value for the
page "number:"
- page_mode='page0': Use 0-based index of the page.
- page_mode='page1': Use 1-based index of the page.
- page_mode='offset0': Use 0-based index of the search result,
which is a multiple of results_per_page.
- page_mode='offset1': Use 1-based index of the search result
(one plus a multiple of results_per_page).
If begin is not None, then only text after the first occurrence of
begin will be used in the search results page. If end is not None,
then only text before the first occurrence of end will be used.
Finally, link_re is a regex string (see module re) which matches
three named groups: 'name', 'url', and 'desc'. These correspond to
the name, URL and description of each search result. The regex is
applied in re.DOTALL mode.
Returns a search() function which has the same interface as
described in the module docstring.
def search_blocking(query, max_results):
last_links = None
page_num = 0
# done = False
q = Queue.Queue()
for i in range(max_results):
if q.qsize() == 0:
if page_num == 0:
page = read_url(query_url % {'q': quote_plus(query)})
# if done:
# break
if page_mode == 'page0':
n = page_num
elif page_mode == 'page1':
n = page_num + 1
elif page_mode == 'offset0':
n = page_num * results_per_page
elif page_mode == 'offset1':
n = page_num * results_per_page + 1
raise ValueError('unknown page mode')
page = read_url(page_url % {'n': n, 'q': quote_plus(query)})
page_num += 1
links = get_search_page_links(page, results_per_page, begin, end, link_re)
if len(links) == 0 or links == last_links:
# if len(links) < results_per_page:
# done = True
last_links = links
for link in links:
yield q.get()
search_nonblocking = nonblocking(search_blocking)
def search(query, max_results=DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS, blocking=True):
See docstring for web_search module.
if blocking:
return search_blocking(query, max_results)
return search_nonblocking(query, max_results)
return search
def examples():
Examples of the web_search module.
Example 1:
>>> from web_search import google
>>> for (name, url, desc) in google('python', 20):
... print name, url
(First 20 results for Google search of "python").
Example 2:
>>> from web_search import dmoz
>>> list(dmoz('abc', 10))
[('', '', "What's on ABC..."), ...]
print examples.__doc__
def description():
Full explanation and precautions for web_search module.
The search functions in this module follow a common interface::
search(query, max_results=10, blocking=True) =>
iterator of (name, url, description) search results.
Here query is the query string, max_results gives the maximum number
of search results, and the items in the returned iterator are string
3-tuples containing the Website name, URL, and description for each
search result.
If blocking=False, then an iterator is returned which does not block
execution: the iterator yields None when the next search result is
not yet available (a background thread is created).
Supported search engines are 'ask', 'dmoz', 'excite', 'google', 'msn',
'yahoo'. This module is not associated with or endorsed by any of
these search engine corporations.
Be warned that if searches are made too frequently, or max_results is
large and you enumerate all search results, then you will be a drain
on the search engine's bandwidth, and the search engine organization
may respond by banning your IP address or IP address range.
This software has been placed in the public domain with the
following legal notice::
print description.__doc__
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Search engines
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
ask = make_searcher('', 10,
'', 'page1',
None, None,
r'<a .*? class="L4" href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
dmoz = make_searcher('', 20,
'', 'offset1',
None, None,
r'<li><a href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
r'.*? - (?P<desc>.*?)<br>')
excite = make_searcher('', 20,
'', 'offset1',
None, None,
r'<div class="listingmain" style=""><a href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
google = make_searcher('', 10,
'', 'offset0',
None, None,
r'<a href="(?P<url>[^"]*?)" class=l.*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
r'.*?(?:<br>|<table.*?>)' +
r'(?P<desc>.*?)' + '(?:<font color=#008000>|<a)')
msn = make_searcher('', 10,
'', 'offset1',
'<h2>Results</h2>', '<div id="ads_rightC">',
r'<h3><a href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
r'(?P<desc>.*?)<li class="first">')
yahoo = make_searcher('', 10,
'', 'offset1',
None, None,
'<li><div><a class=yschttl.*?href="(?P<url>.*?)".*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' +
r'.*?<div class=yschabstr>(?P<desc>.*?)</div>')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unit tests
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_engine(search):
Test a search engine function returned by make_searcher().
for query in ['abc', 'microsoft', 'love', 'pweropieiw', 'addfdae']:
popular = query in ['abc', 'microsoft', 'love', 'run']
for n in [6, 17, 31]:
n1 = len(list(search(query, n)))
if popular:
assert n1 == n
assert n1 <= n
n2 = 0
for item in search(query, n, False):
if item is not None:
n2 += 1
if popular:
assert n2 == n
assert n2 <= n
def test():
Unit test main routine.
import inspect
print 'Testing:'
for name in SEARCH_ENGINES:
print ' ' + (name + ':').ljust(20),
test_engine(getattr(inspect.getmodule(test), name))
print 'OK'
if __name__ == '__main__':

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import re
from urllib import quote
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from utils import read_url, read_url_utf8, stripTags
def getGoogleMovieId(title):
url = '' % quote(title)
data = read_url(url)
cids = re.compile('reviews\?cid=(.*?)&').findall(data)
if cids:
return cids[0]
return ''
def getGoogleMovieData(title, year = None, cid = None):
gdata = {
'title': title,
'year': year,
'cid': cid,
'rating': '',
if not cid:
cid = getGoogleMovieId("%s (%s)" % (title, year))
if cid:
gdata['cid'] = cid
data = read_url('' % cid)
gdata['rating'] = re.compile('font size=.3><b><nobr>(.*?)&nbsp;/&nbsp;5').findall(data)[0]
gdata['reviews'] = re.compile('Based on (.*?) reviews').findall(data)[0]
gdata['year'] = re.compile("<title>.*?\((.*?)\).*?</title").findall(data)[0]
return gdata

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import urllib2
from urllib import quote
import re, time
import os
from elementtree.ElementTree import parse, tostring
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from google import google
from utils import stripTags, read_url_utf8, htmldecode
import utils
def read_url(url):
base = "/var/cache/scrapeit/cache/"
path = os.path.join(base, url.replace('http://',''))
if path.endswith('/'):
path = "%sindex.html" % path
if os.path.isdir(path):
path = "%s/index.html" % path
if os.path.exists(path):
f = open(path)
data =
return data
data = utils.read_url(url)
folder = os.path.dirname(path)
if not os.path.exists(folder):
f = open(path, 'w')
return data
def _get_data(url):
data = None
data = read_url(url)
print "error reading data from", url
return data
def get_image(url):
return read_url(url)
def _castList(data, regexp):
soup = re.compile(regexp).findall(data)
if soup:
soup = BeautifulSoup(soup[0])
names = []
for i in soup('a', {'href': re.compile('/name/nm')}):
if i.string:
cast = stripTags(i.string)
if cast not in names:
return names
return []
def _getTerm(data, regexp):
term = ''
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
m =
if m:
term = stripTags(
print "waring, parsing failed for", regexp
return term.encode('utf8')
class IMDb:
def __init__(self, imdb): = imdb
self.pageSource = None
self.pageUrl = "" %
self.businessSource = None
self.businessUrl = "%sbusiness" % self.pageUrl
self.connectionsSource = None
self.connectionsUrl = "%smovieconnections" % self.pageUrl
self.creditsSource = None
self.creditsUrl = "%sfullcredits" % self.pageUrl
self.episodesSource = None
self.episodesUrl = "%sepisodes" % self.pageUrl
self.keywordSource = None
self.keywordUrl = "%skeywords" % self.pageUrl
self.plotSource = None
self.plotUrl = "%splotsummary" % self.pageUrl
self.releaseinfoSource = None
self.releaseinfoUrl = "%sreleaseinfo" % self.pageUrl
self.triviaSource = None
self.triviaUrl = "%strivia" % self.pageUrl
def getPage(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.pageSource:
self.pageSource = read_url(self.pageUrl)
return self.pageSource
def parse_raw_value(self, key, value):
if key in ('runtime', 'language', 'genre', 'country', 'tagline', 'plot_outline'):
value = stripTags(value).strip()
if key == 'runtime':
parsed_value = _getTerm(value, '(.*?) min')
parsed_value = _getTerm(parsed_value, '([0-9]+)')
if not parsed_value:
parsed_value = _getTerm(value, '(.*?) sec')
parsed_value = _getTerm(parsed_value, '([0-9]+)')
if not parsed_value:
parsed_value = 0
parsed_value = int(parsed_value)
parsed_value = int(parsed_value) * 60
elif key in ('country', 'language'):
parsed_value = value.split(' / ')
elif key == 'genre':
parsed_value = value.replace('more', '').strip().split(' / ')
elif key == 'tagline':
parsed_value = value.replace('more', '').strip()
elif key == 'plot_outline':
parsed_value = value.replace('(view trailer)', '').strip()
if parsed_value.endswith('more'):
parsed_value = parsed_value[:-4].strip()
elif key == 'tv_series':
m = re.compile('<a href="/title/tt(.*?)/">(.*?)</a>').findall(value)
if m:
parsed_value = m[0][0]
parsed_value = ''
print value
parsed_value = value
return parsed_value
def parse(self):
data = self.getPage()
IMDbDict ={}
IMDbDict['poster'] = _getTerm(data, 'name="poster".*?<img .*?src="(.*?)"')
if not IMDbDict['poster']:
IMDbDict['poster'] = ''
#Title, Year
title = u''
year = u''
flat_data = data.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
html_title = re.compile('<strong class="title">(.*?) <small>\(<a href="/Sections/Years/(.*?)">').findall(flat_data)
if html_title:
title = html_title[0][0]
IMDbDict['year'] = html_title[0][1]
IMDbDict['title'] = stripTags(title).strip()
title = _getTerm(data, '<title>(.*?)</title>').split('(')
year = title[-1].split(')')[0].strip()
title = title[0].strip().decode('utf-8')
IMDbDict['title'] = title
IMDbDict['year'] = year
IMDbDict['title'] = htmldecode(IMDbDict['title'])
if IMDbDict['title'][0] == '"' and IMDbDict['title'][-1] == '"':
IMDbDict['title'] = IMDbDict['title'][1:-1]
m = re.compile('<b>(.*?)/10</b> \(<a href="ratings">(.*?) votes</a>\)', re.IGNORECASE).search(data)
if m:
IMDbDict['rating'] = int(float( * 1000)
IMDbDict['votes'] = int(',', ''))
IMDbDict['rating'] = -1
IMDbDict['votes'] = -1
data = data.replace('\n',' ')
#some values
keys = ('runtime', 'language', 'genre', 'country', 'tagline', 'plot_outline', 'tv_series')
for key in keys:
IMDbDict[key] = ''
IMDbDict['runtime'] = 0
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for info in soup('div', {'class': 'info'}):
key = str(info).split('</h5>')[0].split('<h5>')
if len(key) > 1:
raw_value = str(info).split('</h5>')[1]
key = key[1][:-1].lower().replace(' ', '_')
if key in keys:
IMDbDict[key] = self.parse_raw_value(key, raw_value)
#is episode
IMDbDict['episode_of'] = IMDbDict.pop('tv_series', '')
IMDbDict['episodes'] = self.parseEpisodes()
IMDbDict['credits'] = self.parseCredits()
IMDbDict['plot'] = self.parsePlot()
IMDbDict['keywords'] = self.parseKeywords()
IMDbDict['trivia'] = self.parseTrivia()
IMDbDict['connections'] = self.parseConnections()
IMDbDict['release_date'] = self.parseReleaseinfo()
IMDbDict['business'] = self.parseBusiness()
self.IMDbDict = IMDbDict
return self.IMDbDict
def getCredits(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.creditsSource:
self.creditsSource = read_url(self.creditsUrl)
return self.creditsSource
def parseCredits(self):
data = self.getCredits()
credits = {}
credits['director'] = _castList(data, 'Directed by.*?(<tr>.*?)</table>')
credits['writer'] = _castList(data, 'Writing credits.*?(<tr>.*?)</table>')
credits['producer'] = _castList(data, 'Produced by.*?(<tr>.*?)</table>')
#credits['cast'] = _castList(data, 'Cast</b>.*?(<tr.*?)</table>')
credits['cast'] = []
soup = re.compile('Cast</b>.*?(<tr.*?)</table>').findall(data)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
cast = soup('table', {'class': 'cast'})
if cast:
cast = str(cast[0])
names = re.compile('<a href="/name/nm.*?/">(.*?)</a>.*?</td><td class="char">(.*?)</td></tr>').findall(cast)
for name in names:
real_name = name[0]
role_name = name[1]
if role_name:
role_name = role_name.split('(')[0].replace('/ ...','').strip()
credits['cast'].append((stripTags(real_name), stripTags(role_name)))
self.credits = credits
return self.credits
def getPlot(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.plotSource:
self.plotSource = read_url(self.plotUrl)
return self.plotSource
def parsePlot(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getPlot())
plot = soup('p', {'class':'plotpar'})
if plot:
plot = str(plot[0]).split('<i>')[0]
plot = u''
plot = stripTags(plot).strip()
self.plot = plot
return plot
def getEpisodes(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.episodesSource:
self.episodesSource = read_url(self.episodesUrl)
return self.episodesSource
def parseEpisodes(self):
episodes = {}
cdata = self.getEpisodes().replace('\r\n',' ')
regexp = r'''<h4>Season (.*?), Episode (.*?): <a href="/title/tt(.*?)/">(.*?)</a></h4>.*?</b><br>(.*?)<br/>'''
#regexp = r'''Season (.*?), Episode (.*?): <a href="/title/tt(.*?)/">(.*?)</a></span><br>.*?<br>(.*?)</td>'''
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
m = reg.findall(cdata)
for match in m:
episode = "S%02dE%02d" % (int(match[0]), int(match[1]))
episodes[episode] = {}
episodes[episode]['imdb'] = match[2]
episodes[episode]['title'] = match[3].strip()
description = htmldecode(match[4])
description = stripTags(description.split('Next US airings:')[0])
episodes[episode]['description'] = description
import traceback
print traceback.print_exc()
self.episodes = episodes
return self.episodes
def getKeywords(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.keywordSource:
self.keywordSource = read_url(self.keywordUrl)
return self.keywordSource
def parseKeywords(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getKeywords())
keywords = []
for key in soup('a', {'href': re.compile('/keyword')}):
self.keywords = keywords
return self.keywords
def getTrivia(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.triviaSource:
self.triviaSource = read_url(self.triviaUrl)
return self.triviaSource
def parseTrivia(self):
trivia = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getTrivia())
triviaList = []
for i in soup('ul', {'class': "trivia"}):
for t in i('li'):
t = str(t).replace('<br />', '').strip()
if t.startswith('<li>') and t.endswith('</li>'):
t = t[4:-5].strip()
self.trivia = trivia
return self.trivia
def getConnections(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.connectionsSource:
self.connectionsSource = read_url(self.connectionsUrl)
return self.connectionsSource
def parseConnections(self):
connections = {}
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getConnections())
content = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15content'})[0]
blocks = str(content).split('<h5>')[1:]
for c in blocks:
connection = c.split('</h5>')[0]
cs = BeautifulSoup(c)
if connection:
#relation -> list of imdb ids
connections[connection] = [a.get('href')[-8:-1] for a in cs('a', {'href': re.compile('/title/tt')})]
return connections
def getReleaseinfo(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.releaseinfoSource:
self.releaseinfoSource = read_url(self.releaseinfoUrl)
return self.releaseinfoSource
def parseReleaseinfo(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getReleaseinfo())
for row in soup('table',{'border': '0', 'cellpadding':'2'})[0]('tr'):
d = row('td', {'align':'right'})
if d:
possible_date = stripTags(str(d[0])).strip()
rdate = time.strptime(possible_date, "%d %B %Y")
rdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', rdate)
return rdate
return None
def getBusiness(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.businessSource:
self.businessSource = read_url(self.businessUrl)
return self.businessSource
def parseBusiness(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getBusiness())
business = {'budget': 0, 'gross': 0, 'profit': 0}
content = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15content'})[0]
blocks = str(content).split('<h5>')[1:]
for c in blocks:
cs = BeautifulSoup(c)
line = c.split('</h5>')
if line:
title = line[0]
line = line[1]
if title in ['Budget', 'Gross']:
values = re.compile('\$(.*?) ').findall(line)
values = [int(value.replace(',','')) for value in values]
if values:
business[title.lower()] = max(values)
if business['budget'] and business['gross']:
business['profit'] = business['gross'] - business['budget']
return business
def guess(title, director=''):
#FIXME: proper file -> title
title = title.split('-')[0]
title = title.split('(')[0]
title = title.split('.')[0]
title = title.strip()
imdb_url = '' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
return_url = ''
#lest first try google
#i.e. Michael Stevens Sin
if director:
search = ' %s "%s"' % (director, title)
search = ' "%s"' % title
for (name, url, desc) in google(search, 1):
if url.startswith(''):
return url[28:35]
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None, utils.DEFAULT_HEADERS)
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
if data:
imdb_id = _getTerm(data.replace('\n', ' '), 'Popular Results.*?<ol><li>.*?<a href="/title/tt(.......)')
if imdb_id:
return imdb_id
imdb_url = ';s=tt;site=aka' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None, utils.DEFAULT_HEADERS)
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
return None
def getEpisodeData(title, episode, show_url = None):
Collect information about an episode.
Returns dict with title, show, description and episode
episodeData = {
'title': u'',
'show': title,
'description': u'',
'episode': episode,
description = u''
if not show_url:
imdbid = guess(title)
imdbid = "%07d" % int(re.compile('title/tt(\d*)').findall(link)[0])
if imdbid:
i = IMDb(imdbid).parse()
episodeData['title'] = i['episodes'][episode]['title']
episodeData['description'] = i['episodes'][episode]['description']
episodeData['imdb'] = i['episodes'][episode]['imdb']
return episodeData
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
#print parse(sys.argv[1])
print "imdb:", guess(sys.argv[1])

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import re
import socket
from urllib import quote
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from utils import read_url, read_url_utf8
from btutils import torrentsWeLike
def search(query):
'''search for torrents on mininova
torrents = []
url = "" % quote(query)
page = read_url(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
for row in soup('tr'):
links = row('a', {'href':re.compile('/tor')})
if links and torrentsWeLike(links[0]):
torrent_url = "" % links[0].get('href').replace('/tor', '/get')
return torrents
def searchByImdb(imdb):
'''search for torrents on mininova by imdb
torrents = []
page = read_url("" % imdb)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
for row in soup('tr'):
links = row('a', {'href':re.compile('/get')})
if links:
torrent_url = "" % links[0].get('href')
return torrents

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from urllib import quote
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from utils import read_url
def getRottenTomatoes(rating = 70):
Get movie TITLES
rated ABOVE 70 or value passed as first argument
from RottenTomatoes
movies = []
offset = 0
titles = ['1']
while titles:
url = "" % (rating, offset)
page = read_url(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
titles = [link.contents[0] for link in soup.findAll('a', {'class': 'movie-link'})]
data = str(soup)
ratings = re.compile('<span class="bold">(.*?) %</span>').findall(data)
ratings = ratings[len(ratings)- len(titles):]
for title in titles:
movies.append({'title': title, 'rating': ratings[titles.index(title)], 'torrent': ''})
offset += 10
return movies

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from urllib import quote
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def search(query):
'''search for torrents on scrapetorrent
torrents = []
return torrents

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import re
import socket
from urllib import quote
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from google import google
from utils import read_url, read_url_utf8
season_episode = re.compile("S..E..", re.IGNORECASE)
def shows(name = None):
data = read_url_utf8('')
shows = re.compile('<dt><a href="/tv/(.*?)/">(.*?)</a></dt>').findall(data)
if not name:
return shows
for show in shows:
id = show[0]
if name == show[1]:
return id
return ''
def findMatch(data, reg):
m = re.compile(reg).findall(data)
if m:
return m[0]
return u''
def get_info(url):
url = url.strip()
if url.startswith('/'):
url = '' + url
data = read_url(url)
line = data.replace('\n', ' ')
info = {}
info['torrent'] = findMatch(data, '(http://.*?.torrent)"')
info['files'] = findMatch(data, '<dd><a href="/*?&amp;fl#show">(.*?)</a></dd>')
info['files'] = int(info['files'])
info['files'] = 0
info['spoken_language'] = findMatch(line, '<dt>Spoken language\(s\):</dt>.*?<dd>(.*?)</dd>')
info['texted_language'] = findMatch(line, '<dt>Texted language\(s\):</dt>.*?<dd>(.*?)</dd>')
return info
def get_episode_name(string):
episode = ''
ep = season_episode.findall(string)
if ep:
episode = ep[0].upper()
return episode
def in_killwords(string):
string = string.lower()
match = False
for w in ['swesub', 'mpeg']:
if w in string:
match = True
return match
def get_episode(show_id, episode):
if show_id <= 0:
return ''
tpbe = get_episodes(show_id)
for e in tpbe:
link =e[0]
ep = get_episode_name(e[1])
if ep == episode:
info = get_info(link)
if not in_killwords(info['torrent']) \
and info['files'] > 0 and info['files'] < 10 \
and (not info['texted_language'] or info['texted_language'] == info['spoken_language']):
return info['torrent']
return u''
def get_episodes(id):
data = read_url("" % id)
episodes = re.compile('<nobr><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a></nobr>').findall(data)
return episodes
def search(query):
torrents = []
url = "" % quote(query)
page = read_url(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
for row in soup('tr'):
torrentType = row.findAll('td', {'class': 'vertTh'})
if torrentType:
torrentType = torrentType[0]('a')[0].get('href').split('/')[-1]
# 201 = Movies , 202 = Movie DVDR
if torrentType in ['201']:
torrent = row.findAll('a', {'href':re.compile('.torrent$')})[0].get('href')
return torrents
def searchByImdb(imdb):
return search("tt" + imdb)

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import mininova
import btjunkie
import thepiratebay
def search(query):
'''meta function to search with the best known torrent search engine
def searchByImdb(imdb):
'''meta function to search by imdb with the best known torrent search engine
return mininova.searchByImdb(imdb)

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
import re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from utils import read_url_utf8, stripTags
def getEpisodeData(url):
''' prases informatin on tvcom episode pages
returns dict with title, show, description, score
tvcom = {
'description': u''
data = read_url_utf8(url).replace('\n',' ')
regexp = r'''<div id="main-col">.*?<div>(.*?)<div class="ta-r mt-10 f-bold">'''
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
m = reg.findall(data)
for match in m:
description = match.strip()
description = stripTags(description).replace('Watch Video','')
tvcom['description'] = description.strip()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
#optional data
tvcom['show'] = soup('h1')[0].contents[0]
tvcom['title'] = soup('h1')[1].contents[0]
tvcom['score'] = soup("span", {'class':"f-28 f-bold mt-10 mb-10 f-FF9 db lh-18"})[0].contents[0]
return tvcom

scrapeit/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from os.path import *
import sys
import datetime
import time
import re
from urllib2 import urlopen
import Image
import StringIO
import feedparser
from utils import read_url
hr_hdtv = re.compile('HR HDTV')
hdtv = re.compile('HDTV')
def get_url(title):
return title.replace(' ','_').replace('/', '_').lower()
def get_show(string):
return string.split(';')[0].split(':')[1].strip()
def get_title(string):
title = string.split(';')[1].split(':')[1].strip()
if title != 'n/a':
return title
return ''
def get_season(string):
season = int(string.split(';')[2].split(':')[1].strip())
return None
return season
def get_episode(string):
episode = int(string.split(';')[3].split(':')[1].strip())
return None
return episode
def get_episodedate(string):
s = string.split('Episode Date:')
if len(s) == 2:
return s[1].strip()
return None
def choose_item(old, new):
if old['link'] == new['link']:
return False
if not['title']):
return True
return False
def get_imdbdata(imdbid):
thumbnail = None
imdb = IMDb.parse(imdbid)
if imdb:
poster = imdb['poster']
if poster != '':
log.debug("getting poster %s" % poster)
thumbnail = read_url(poster)
im =
out = StringIO.StringIO()
im.crop((0,0,100,100)).convert().save(out, 'JPEG')
thumbnail = out.getvalue()
thumbnail = None
if imdb['summary']:
return (imdb, description, thumbnail)
return(imdb, '', None)
def load():
log.debug("getting new shows from tvrss...")
feed = feedparser.parse('')
shows = {}
for item in feed['entries']:
show = get_show(item['description'])
season = get_season(item['description'])
episode = get_episode(item['description'])
episodedate = get_episodedate(item['description'])
estring = None
if season and episode:
estring = "S%02dE%02d" %(season, episode)
elif episodedate:
estring = episodedate
if estring:
if show and not['title']):
if shows.has_key(show):
if shows[show].has_key(estring):
if choose_item(shows[show][estring], item):
shows[show][estring] = item
shows[show][estring] = item
shows[show] = {}
shows[show][estring] = item
for show in shows:
imdb = None
log.debug("ignoring blacklisted show %s" % show)
s = None
s = model.Shows.byUrl(get_url(show))
except SQLObjectNotFound:
alias = model.ShowsAlias.byAlias(get_url(show))
s =
except SQLObjectNotFound:
s = None
if not s:
log.debug("about to add %s" % show)
thumbnail = None
ur = '-'
imdbid = IMDb.guess(show)
if imdbid:
imdb, description, thumbnail = get_imdbdata(imdbid)
if imdb:
ur = imdb['rating']
import traceback
print ptraceback.print_exc()
s= model.Shows(
title = show,
url = get_url(show),
description = description,
imdb = imdbid,
imdbUserRating = ur
s.thumbnail = thumbnail
meta = metacritic.scrapeMetacritic(s.title, s.metacriticUrl)
if meta:
s.metacriticUrl = meta['url']
s.metacriticScore = "%s" % meta['score']
for review in meta['critics']:
model.addReview(s, review)
log.debug('added %s' % show)
for episode in shows[show]:
episode_title = get_title(shows[show][episode]['description'])
episode_description = ''
episode_imdb = ''
q =
model.Episodes.q.showID ==,
model.Episodes.q.episode == episode))
if q.count() == 0:
if not imdb:
imdbid = IMDb.guess(show)
if imdbid:
imdb = IMDb.parse(imdbid)
if imdb and imdb['episodes'].has_key(episode):
episode_title = imdb['episodes'][episode]['title']
episode_description = imdb['episodes'][episode]['description']
episode_imdb = imdb['episodes'][episode]['imdb']
if not episode_description or not episode_title:
tvcom_data = tvcom.get(show, episode)
if not episode_description:
episode_description = tvcom_data['description']
if not episode_title:
episode_title = tvcom_data['title']
e = model.Episodes(
showID =,
title = episode_title,
episode = episode,
torrent = shows[show][episode]['enclosures'][0]['href'],
description = episode_description,
imdb = episode_imdb,
thumbnail = None,
pubDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(shows[show][episode]['updated_parsed']))
s.lastUpdate =
log.debug("from tvrss add %s %s" %(episode, show))
log.debug("updating tvrss done.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# first look on the command line for a desired config file,
# if it's not on the command line, then
# look for in this directory. If it's not there, this script is
# probably installed
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
elif exists(join(dirname(__file__), "")):
from btvcr.controllers import Root

scrapeit/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
screape tools
import re
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import djangohtml
# Default headers for HTTP requests.
DEFAULT_HEADERS = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5)'}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def quote_plus(s):
A variant of urllib.quote_plus which handles ASCII and Unicode.
return urllib.quote_plus(s.encode('utf-8'))
def read_url_utf8(url, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, blocking=True):
Read str contents of given str URL.
Here headers is a map of str -> str for HTTP request headers. If
blocking is True, returns the str page contents. If blocking is
False, returns an iterator which gives None until a successful read,
at which point the str page contents is yielded.
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
ctype = f.headers.getheader('content-type')
charset = ctype.split('charset=')
if len(charset)>1: charset = charset[1]
else: charset = 'latin-1'
data = unicode(data, charset)
return data
def read_url(url, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, blocking=True):
Read str contents of given str URL.
Here headers is a map of str -> str for HTTP request headers. If
blocking is True, returns the str page contents. If blocking is
False, returns an iterator which gives None until a successful read,
at which point the str page contents is yielded.
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return data
def get_url(url, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, blocking=True):
opens given str URL and returns the url after redirection.
rurl = url
req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers)
rurl = urllib2.urlopen(req).url
rurl = rurl.replace('&src=rss', '')
rurl = url
return rurl
def fix_url(url):
Given url str, trim redirect stuff and return actual URL.
Currently this just returns the URL unmodified.
# if url.lower().find('http%3a//') > 0:
# return 'http://' + url[url.lower().rindex('http%3a//')+9:]
# if url.find('http://') > 0:
# return url[url.rindex('http://'):]
return url
_html_entity_re = re.compile(r'&(?:([a-zA-Z][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)|#(?:([0-9]+)|[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)));?')
import htmlentitydefs
def html_entity_decode(s, encoding = 'utf-8'):
r = []
p = 0
mo =, p)
while mo:
i = mo.lastindex
e =
if i == 1:
c = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[e]
elif i == 2:
c = int(e)
elif i == 3:
c = int(e, 16)
assert 0
except KeyError:
p = mo.end()
mo =, p)
return u''.join(r)
def stripTags(s):
return djangohtml.strip_tags(htmldecode(s))
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
# This pattern matches a character entity reference (a decimal numeric
# references, a hexadecimal numeric reference, or a named reference).
charrefpat = re.compile(r'&(#(\d+|x[\da-fA-F]+)|[\w.:-]+);?')
def htmldecode(text):
"""Decode HTML entities in the given text."""
if type(text) != unicode:
text = unicode(text)
if type(text) is unicode:
uchr = unichr
uchr = lambda value: value > 255 and unichr(value) or chr(value)
def entitydecode(match, uchr=uchr):
entity =
if entity.startswith('#x'):
return uchr(int(entity[2:], 16))
elif entity.startswith('#'):
return uchr(int(entity[1:]))
elif entity in name2codepoint:
return uchr(name2codepoint[entity])
return charrefpat.sub(entitydecode, text)

31 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
# encoding: utf-8
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import os
# uncomment the following lines if you fill them out in
description="collection of scrapers for various websites",
keywords = [
classifiers = [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Programming Language :: Python',
'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules',