122 lines
3.9 KiB
122 lines
3.9 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from urllib import urlencode
import simplejson
from oxlib.cache import getUrlUnicode
from oxlib import findRe, decodeHtml
def getId(url):
return url.split("/")[-1]
def getUrl(id):
return "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % id
def getMovieId(title, director='', year=''):
query = '"%s" film %s %s' % (title, director, year)
result = find(query, 1)
if result:
return result[0][1]
return ''
def getUrlByImdbId(imdbId):
query = '"%s"'% imdbId
result = find(query)
if result:
url = result[0][1]
return url
if str(imdbId).startswith('0'):
imdbId = imdbId[1:]
return getUrlByImdb(imdbId)
def getUrlByImdb(imdbId):
# deprecated, use getUrlByImdbId()
return getUrlByImdbId(imdbId)
def getUrlByAllmovieId(allmovieId):
query = '"amg_id = 1:%s"'% allmovieId
result = find(query)
if result:
url = result[0][1]
return url
return ''
def getWikiData(wikipediaUrl):
url = wikipediaUrl.replace('wikipedia.org/wiki/', 'wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=')
url = "%s&action=raw" % url
data = getUrlUnicode(url)
return data
def getMovieData(wikipediaUrl):
if not wikipediaUrl.startswith('http'): wikipediaUrl = getUrl(wikipediaUrl)
data = getWikiData(wikipediaUrl)
filmbox_data = findRe(data, '''\{\{Infobox.Film(.*?)\n\}\}''')
filmbox = {}
_box = filmbox_data.strip().split('\n|')
if len(_box) == 1:
_box = _box[0].split('|\n')
for row in _box:
d = row.split('=')
if len(d) == 2:
key = d[0].strip()
if key[0] == '|':
key = key[1:]
value = d[1].strip()
filmbox[key] = value
if 'imdb title' in data:
filmbox['imdb_id'] = findRe(data, 'imdb title\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
elif 'imdb episode' in data:
filmbox['imdb_id'] = findRe(data, 'imdb episode\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'Amg movie' in data:
filmbox['amg_id'] = findRe(data, 'Amg movie\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'amg_id' in filmbox and filmbox['amg_id'].startswith('1:'):
filmbox['amg_id'] = filmbox['amg_id'][2:]
if 'rotten-tomatoes' in data:
filmbox['rottentomatoes_id'] = findRe(data, 'rotten-tomatoes\|id\=(.*?)\|')
if not filmbox['rottentomatoes_id']:
filmbox['rottentomatoes_id'] = findRe(data, 'rotten-tomatoes\|(.*?)\|')
if 'google video' in data:
filmbox['google_video_id'] = findRe(data, 'google video\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'DEFAULTSORT' in data:
filmbox['title_sort'] = findRe(data, '''\{\{DEFAULTSORT:(.*?)\}\}''')
return filmbox
def getImageUrl(name):
data = getUrlUnicode('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:' + name)
url = findRe(data, 'href="(http://upload.wikimedia.org/.*?)"')
return url
def getPosterUrl(wikipediaUrl):
if not wikipediaUrl.startswith('http'): wikipediaUrl = getUrl(wikipediaUrl)
data = getMovieData(wikipediaUrl)
if 'image' in data:
return getImageUrl(data['image'])
return ''
def getMoviePoster(wikipediaUrl):
# deprecated, use getPosterUrl()
return getPosterUrl(wikipediaUrl)
def getAllmovieId(wikipediaUrl):
data = getMovieData(wikipediaUrl)
return data.get('amg_id', '')
def find(query, max_results=10):
from oxlib.cache import getUrl
query = {'action': 'query', 'list':'search', 'format': 'json',
'srlimit': max_results, 'srwhat': 'text', 'srsearch': query.encode('utf-8')}
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?" + urlencode(query)
data = getUrl(url)
if not data:
data = getUrl(url, timeout=0)
result = simplejson.loads(data)
results = []
if result and 'query' in result:
for r in result['query']['search']:
title = r['title']
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s" % title.replace(' ', '_')
results.append((title, url, ''))
return results