# -*- Mode: Python; -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2
from oxutils import *
import urllib2
from urllib import quote
import re, time
import os
import time
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import chardet
import oxutils
from oxutils import stripTags, htmldecode
from oxutils.cache import getUrl, getUrlUnicode
from oxutils.normalize import normalizeTitle
import google
def _get_data(url):
data = None
data = getUrl(url)
print "error reading data from", url
return data
def get_image(url):
return getUrl(url)
def _castList(data, regexp):
soup = re.compile(regexp).findall(data)
if soup:
soup = BeautifulSoup(soup[0])
names = []
for i in soup('a', {'href': re.compile('/name/nm')}):
if i.string:
cast = stripTags(i.string)
if cast not in names:
return names
return []
def _getTerm(data, regexp):
term = ''
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
m = reg.search(data)
if m:
term = stripTags(m.group(1)).strip()
print "waring, parsing failed for", regexp
return term.encode('utf8')
class IMDb:
def __init__(self, imdb):
self.imdb = imdb
self.pageSource = None
self.pageUrl = "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt%s/" % self.imdb
self.businessSource = None
self.businessUrl = "%sbusiness" % self.pageUrl
self.connectionsSource = None
self.connectionsUrl = "%smovieconnections" % self.pageUrl
self.creditsSource = None
self.creditsUrl = "%sfullcredits" % self.pageUrl
self.episodesSource = None
self.episodesUrl = "%sepisodes" % self.pageUrl
self.keywordSource = None
self.keywordUrl = "%skeywords" % self.pageUrl
self.plotSource = None
self.plotUrl = "%splotsummary" % self.pageUrl
self.releaseinfoSource = None
self.releaseinfoUrl = "%sreleaseinfo" % self.pageUrl
self.triviaSource = None
self.triviaUrl = "%strivia" % self.pageUrl
self.locationSource = None
self.locationUrl = "%slocations" % self.pageUrl
self.externalreviewsSource = None
self.externalreviewsUrl = "%sexternalreviews" % self.pageUrl
self.trailerSource = None
self.trailerUrl = "%strailers" % self.pageUrl
def getPage(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.pageSource:
self.pageSource = getUrlUnicode(self.pageUrl)
return self.pageSource
def parse_raw_value(self, key, value):
if key in ('runtime', 'language', 'genre', 'country', 'tagline', 'plot_outline'):
value = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
value = stripTags(value).strip()
if key == 'runtime':
parsed_value = _getTerm(value, '(.*?) min')
parsed_value = _getTerm(parsed_value, '([0-9]+)')
if not parsed_value:
parsed_value = _getTerm(value, '(.*?) sec')
parsed_value = _getTerm(parsed_value, '([0-9]+)')
if not parsed_value:
parsed_value = 0
parsed_value = int(parsed_value)
parsed_value = int(parsed_value) * 60
elif key in ('country', 'language'):
parsed_value = value.split(' / ')
elif key == 'genre':
parsed_value = value.replace('more', '').strip().split(' / ')
elif key == 'tagline':
parsed_value = value.replace('more', '').strip()
elif key == 'plot_outline':
parsed_value = value.replace('(view trailer)', '').strip()
if parsed_value.endswith('more'):
parsed_value = parsed_value[:-4].strip()
elif key == 'tv_series':
m = re.compile('(.*?)').findall(value)
if m:
parsed_value = m[0][0]
parsed_value = ''
elif key == 'also_known_as':
parsed_value = ''
m = re.compile('(.*) \(International: English title').findall(value)
if m:
parsed_value = m[0]
m = re.compile('(.*) \(USA').findall(value)
if m:
parsed_value = m[0]
parsed_value = parsed_value.split('
director = self.parseCredits().get('director', None)
if director:
director = director[0]
parsed_value = parsed_value.replace(director, '')
if parsed_value.startswith("'s"):
parsed_value = parsed_value[2:].strip()
parsed_value = parsed_value.strip()
print value
parsed_value = value
return parsed_value
def parseTitle(self):
title = ''
data = self.getPage()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
html_title = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15title'})
if not html_title:
html_title = soup('title')
if html_title:
html_title = str(html_title[0])
html_title = html_title.replace('
', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
title = stripTags(html_title)
title = re.sub('\(\d\d\d\d\)', '', title)
title = re.sub('\(\d\d\d\d/I*\)', '', title)
for t in ('TV series', 'TV-Series', 'TV mini-series', '(mini)', '(VG)', '(V)', '(TV)'):
title = title.replace(t, '')
if title.find(u'\xa0') > -1:
title = title[:title.find(u'\xa0')]
title = normalizeTitle(title.strip())
if title.startswith('"') and title.endswith('"'):
title = normalizeTitle(title[1:-1])
elif title.startswith('"') and title.find('"',1) > 0 and \
title.find('"',1) == title.rfind('"'):
se = re.compile("Season (\d*), Episode (\d*)\)").findall(data)
if se:
se = se[0]
se = ' (S%02dE%02d)' % (int(se[0]), int(se[1]))
title = normalizeTitle(title[1:title.rfind('"')]) + se + title[title.rfind('"')+1:]
title = normalizeTitle(title[1:title.rfind('"')]) + ':' + title[title.rfind('"')+1:]
return normalizeTitle(title)
def parseYear(self):
year = ''
data = self.getPage()
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
html_title = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15title'})
if not html_title:
html_title = soup('title')
if html_title:
html_title = str(html_title[0])
html_title = stripTags(html_title)
year = re.compile('\((\d\d\d\d)\)').findall(html_title)
if not year:
year = re.compile('\((\d\d\d\d)/').findall(html_title)
if year:
year = year[0]
else: year = ''
return year
def parse(self):
data = self.getPage()
IMDbDict ={}
IMDbDict['poster'] = _getTerm(data, 'name="poster".*?
(.*?)/10', re.IGNORECASE).search(data)
if m:
IMDbDict['rating'] = int(float(m.group(1)) * 1000)
IMDbDict['rating'] = -1
m = re.compile('\((.*?) votes\)', re.IGNORECASE).findall(data)
if m:
IMDbDict['votes'] = int(m[0].replace(',', ''))
IMDbDict['votes'] = -1
data = data.replace('\n',' ')
#some values
keys = ('runtime', 'language', 'genre', 'country', 'tagline', 'plot_outline', 'tv_series', 'also_known_as')
for key in keys:
IMDbDict[key] = ''
IMDbDict['runtime'] = 0
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for info in soup('div', {'class': 'info'}):
key = str(info).split('')[0].split('
if len(key) > 1:
raw_value = str(info).split('
key = key[1][:-1].lower().replace(' ', '_')
if key in keys:
IMDbDict[key] = self.parse_raw_value(key, raw_value)
IMDbDict['title_english'] = IMDbDict.pop('also_known_as', IMDbDict['title'])
#is episode
IMDbDict['episode_of'] = IMDbDict.pop('tv_series', '')
IMDbDict['episodes'] = self.parseEpisodes()
if IMDbDict['episodes']:
IMDbDict['tvshow'] = True
IMDbDict['tvshow'] = False
IMDbDict['credits'] = self.parseCredits()
IMDbDict['plot'] = self.parsePlot()
IMDbDict['keywords'] = self.parseKeywords()
IMDbDict['trivia'] = self.parseTrivia()
IMDbDict['connections'] = self.parseConnections()
IMDbDict['locations'] = self.parseLocations()
IMDbDict['release_date'] = self.parseReleaseinfo()
IMDbDict['business'] = self.parseBusiness()
IMDbDict['reviews'] = self.parseExternalreviews()
IMDbDict['stills'] = getMovieStills(self.imdb)
#IMDbDict['trailer'] = self.parseTrailer()
self.IMDbDict = IMDbDict
if IMDbDict['episode_of']:
episode_of =IMDb(IMDbDict['episode_of']).parse()
for key in ('country', 'language'):
if not IMDbDict[key]:
IMDbDict[key] = episode_of[key]
return self.IMDbDict
def getCredits(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.creditsSource:
self.creditsSource = getUrlUnicode(self.creditsUrl)
return self.creditsSource
def parseCredits(self):
data = self.getCredits()
credits = {}
credits['director'] = _castList(data, 'Directed by.*?(.*?)')
credits['writer'] = _castList(data, 'Writing credits.*?(
credits['producer'] = _castList(data, 'Produced by.*?(
#credits['cast'] = _castList(data, 'Cast.*?(
credits['cast'] = []
soup = re.compile('Cast.*?(').findall(data)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
cast = soup('table', {'class': 'cast'})
if cast:
cast = str(cast[0]).replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
names = re.compile('(.*?).*?(.*?) | ').findall(cast)
for name in names:
real_name = name[0]
role_name = name[1]
if role_name:
role_name = role_name.split('(')[0].replace('/ ...','')
credits['cast'].append((stripTags(real_name), stripTags(role_name)))
self.credits = credits
return self.credits
def getPlot(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.plotSource:
self.plotSource = getUrlUnicode(self.plotUrl)
return self.plotSource
def parsePlot(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getPlot())
plot = soup('p', {'class':'plotpar'})
if plot:
plot = unicode(plot[0]).split('')[0]
plot = u''
plot = stripTags(plot).strip()
self.plot = plot
return plot
def getEpisodes(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.episodesSource:
self.episodesSource = getUrlUnicode(self.episodesUrl)
return self.episodesSource
def parseEpisodes(self):
episodes = {}
cdata = self.getEpisodes().replace('\r\n', ' ')
regexp = r'''Season (.*?), Episode (.*?): (.*?)
reg = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
m = reg.findall(cdata)
for match in m:
episode = "S%02dE%02d" % (int(match[0]), int(match[1]))
episodes[episode] = {}
episodes[episode]['imdb'] = match[2]
episodes[episode]['title'] = match[3].strip()
if episodes[episode]['title'].startswith('Episode #%d'%int(match[0])):
episodes[episode]['title'] = u''
description = htmldecode(match[5])
description = stripTags(description.split('Next US airings:')[0])
episodes[episode]['description'] = description
episodes[episode]['date'] = ''
d = stripTags(match[4])
d = d.replace('Original Air Date: ', '')
d = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.strptime(d, '%d %B %Y'))
episodes[episode]['date'] = d
import traceback
print traceback.print_exc()
self.episodes = episodes
return self.episodes
def getLocations(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.locationSource:
self.keywordSource = getUrlUnicode(self.locationUrl)
return self.keywordSource
def parseLocations(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getLocations())
locations = []
for key in soup('a', {'href': re.compile('^/List')}):
self.locations = locations
return self.locations
def getKeywords(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.keywordSource:
self.keywordSource = getUrlUnicode(self.keywordUrl)
return self.keywordSource
def parseKeywords(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getKeywords())
keywords = []
for key in soup('a', {'href': re.compile('^/keyword/')}):
k = htmldecode(key.string)
k = k.replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
self.keywords = keywords
return self.keywords
def getTrivia(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.triviaSource:
self.triviaSource = getUrlUnicode(self.triviaUrl)
return self.triviaSource
def parseTrivia(self):
trivia = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getTrivia())
triviaList = []
for i in soup('ul', {'class': "trivia"}):
for t in i('li'):
t = str(t).replace('
', '').strip()
if t.startswith('') and t.endswith(''):
t = t[4:-5].strip()
self.trivia = trivia
return self.trivia
def getConnections(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.connectionsSource:
self.connectionsSource = getUrlUnicode(self.connectionsUrl)
return self.connectionsSource
def parseConnections(self):
connections = {}
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getConnections())
content = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15content'})[0]
blocks = str(content).split('')[1:]
for c in blocks:
connection = c.split('
cs = BeautifulSoup(c)
if connection:
#relation -> list of imdb ids
connections[connection] = [a.get('href')[-8:-1] for a in cs('a', {'href': re.compile('/title/tt')})]
return connections
def getReleaseinfo(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.releaseinfoSource:
self.releaseinfoSource = getUrlUnicode(self.releaseinfoUrl)
return self.releaseinfoSource
def parseReleaseinfo(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getReleaseinfo())
info = soup('table',{'border': '0', 'cellpadding':'2'})
if info:
for row in info[0]('tr'):
d = row('td', {'align':'right'})
if d:
possible_date = stripTags(str(d[0])).strip()
rdate = time.strptime(possible_date, "%d %B %Y")
rdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', rdate)
return rdate
return None
def getBusiness(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.businessSource:
self.businessSource = getUrlUnicode(self.businessUrl)
return self.businessSource
def parseBusiness(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getBusiness())
business = {'budget': 0, 'gross': 0, 'profit': 0}
content = soup('div', {'id': 'tn15content'})[0]
blocks = str(content).split('')[1:]
for c in blocks:
cs = BeautifulSoup(c)
line = c.split('
if line:
title = line[0]
line = line[1]
if title in ['Budget', 'Gross']:
values = re.compile('\$(.*?) ').findall(line)
values = [int(value.replace(',','')) for value in values]
if values:
business[title.lower()] = max(values)
if business['budget'] and business['gross']:
business['profit'] = business['gross'] - business['budget']
return business
def getExternalreviews(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.externalreviewsSource:
self.externalreviewsSource = getUrlUnicode(self.externalreviewsUrl)
return self.externalreviewsSource
def parseExternalreviews(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getExternalreviews())
ol = soup('ol')
if ol:
ol = ol[0]
ret = {}
for li in ol('li'):
a = li('a')[0]
href = a.get('href')
txt = a.contents[0]
ret[href] = txt
return ret
return {}
def getTrailer(self, forcereload = False):
if forcereload or not self.trailerSource:
self.trailerSource = getUrlUnicode(self.trailerUrl)
return self.trailerSource
def parseTrailer(self):
ret = {}
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.getTrailer())
for p in soup('p'):
if p('a') and p.firstText():
a = p('a')[0]
href = a['href']
if href and href.startswith('http'):
title = a.string
title = title.replace('www.', '')
ret[href] = title
return ret
def guess(title, director=''):
#FIXME: proper file -> title
title = title.split('-')[0]
title = title.split('(')[0]
title = title.split('.')[0]
title = title.strip()
imdb_url = 'http://www.imdb.com/find?q=%s' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
return_url = ''
#lest first try google
#i.e. site:imdb.com Michael Stevens Sin
if director:
search = 'site:imdb.com %s "%s"' % (director, title)
search = 'site:imdb.com "%s"' % title
for (name, url, desc) in google.find(search, 2):
if url.startswith('http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'):
return url[28:35]
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None, oxutils.net.DEFAULT_HEADERS)
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data = u.read()
return_url = u.url
return None
if return_url.startswith('http://www.imdb.com/title/tt'):
return return_url[28:35]
if data:
imdb_id = _getTerm(data.replace('\n', ' '), 'Popular Results.*?- .*? int(s[1]):
stills.append("http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/%s/%s.jpg" % (id, s[2]))
if not stills:
s_ = re.compile('''
stills.append("http://%sf.jpg" % s[2])
return stills
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
#print parse(sys.argv[1])
print "imdb:", guess(sys.argv[1])