# -*- Mode: Python; -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vi:si:et:sw=2:sts=2:ts=2 import re import time import urllib import urllib2 import weakref import threading import Queue import oxutils from oxutils import stripTags ''' FIXME this function should be replaced by something more minimal find function usage: import google google.find(query) for result in google.find(query): result result is title, url, description google.find(query, max_results) ''' DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS = 10 def getUrl(url, data=None, headers=oxutils.net.DEFAULT_HEADERS): google_timeout=24*60*60 return oxutils.cache.getUrl(url, data, headers, google_timeout) def quote_plus(s): return urllib.quote_plus(s.encode('utf-8')) def get_search_page_links(page, results_per_page, begin, end, link_re): """ Given str contents of search result page, return list of links. Returns list of (name, url, desc) str tuples. See make_searcher() for a description of results_per_page and link_re. """ if begin is not None and begin in page: page = page[page.index(begin):] if end is not None and end in page: page = page[:page.index(end)] ans = [] for match in re.compile(link_re, re.DOTALL).finditer(page): (name, url, desc) = match.group('name', 'url', 'desc') ans += [(stripTags(name), url, stripTags(desc))] return ans def nonblocking(f, blocking_return=None, sleep_time=0.01): """ Wrap a callable which returns an iter so that it no longer blocks. The wrapped iterator returns blocking_return while callable f is blocking. The callable f is called in a background thread. If the wrapped iterator is deleted, then the iterator returned by f is deleted also and the background thread is terminated. """ def g(*args, **kwargs): f_iter = f(*args, **kwargs) g_iter = None def run(): while True: g_obj = g_iter() if g_obj is None: return if g_obj.q.qsize() == 0: try: f_next = f_iter.next() except Exception, e: g_obj.exc = e return g_obj.q.put(f_next) else: del g_obj time.sleep(sleep_time) class Iter: def __init__(self): self.q = Queue.Queue() self.exc = None self.thread = threading.Thread(target=run) self.thread.setDaemon(True) def next(self): if self.exc is not None: raise self.exc try: return self.q.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: return blocking_return def __iter__(self): return self obj = Iter() g_iter = weakref.ref(obj) obj.thread.start() try: return obj finally: del obj return g def make_searcher(query_url, results_per_page, page_url, page_mode, begin, end, link_re): """ Return a search function for the given search engine. Here query_url is the URL for the initial search, with %(q)s for the query string, results_per_page is the number of search results per page, page_url is the URL for the 2nd and subsequent pages of search results, with %(q)s for the query string and %(n)s for the page "number." Here page_mode controls the actual value for the page "number:" - page_mode='page0': Use 0-based index of the page. - page_mode='page1': Use 1-based index of the page. - page_mode='offset0': Use 0-based index of the search result, which is a multiple of results_per_page. - page_mode='offset1': Use 1-based index of the search result (one plus a multiple of results_per_page). If begin is not None, then only text after the first occurrence of begin will be used in the search results page. If end is not None, then only text before the first occurrence of end will be used. Finally, link_re is a regex string (see module re) which matches three named groups: 'name', 'url', and 'desc'. These correspond to the name, URL and description of each search result. The regex is applied in re.DOTALL mode. Returns a search() function which has the same interface as described in the module docstring. """ def search_blocking(query, max_results): last_links = None page_num = 0 q = Queue.Queue() for i in range(max_results): if q.qsize() == 0: if page_num == 0: page = getUrl(query_url % {'q': quote_plus(query)}) else: if page_mode == 'page0': n = page_num elif page_mode == 'page1': n = page_num + 1 elif page_mode == 'offset0': n = page_num * results_per_page elif page_mode == 'offset1': n = page_num * results_per_page + 1 else: raise ValueError('unknown page mode') page = getUrl(page_url % {'n': n, 'q': quote_plus(query)}) page_num += 1 links = get_search_page_links(page, results_per_page, begin, end, link_re) if len(links) == 0 or links == last_links: break last_links = links for link in links: q.put(link) yield q.get() search_nonblocking = nonblocking(search_blocking) def search(query, max_results=DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS, blocking=True): """ See docstring for web_search module. """ if blocking: return search_blocking(query, max_results) else: return search_nonblocking(query, max_results) return search find = make_searcher('http://www.google.com/search?q=%(q)s', 10, 'http://www.google.com/search?start=%(n)d&q=%(q)s', 'offset0', None, None, r'(?P.*?)' + r'.*?(?:
|)' + r'(?P.*?)' + '(?:|