211 lines
6.3 KiB
211 lines
6.3 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# GPL 2008
import gzip
import hashlib
import os
import StringIO
import time
import urlparse
import urllib2
import sqlite3
import chardet
import simplejson
import net
from net import DEFAULT_HEADERS, getEncoding
cache_timeout = 30*24*60*60 # default is 30 days
def status(url, data=None, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache_timeout):
>>> status('http://google.com')
>>> status('http://google.com/mysearch')
headers = getHeaders(url, data, headers)
return int(headers['status'])
def exists(url, data=None, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache_timeout):
>>> exists('http://google.com')
>>> exists('http://google.com/mysearch')
s = status(url, data, headers, timeout)
if s >= 200 and s < 400:
return True
return False
def getHeaders(url, data=None, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache_timeout):
url_headers = _getUrlCache(url, data, headers, timeout, "headers")
if url_headers:
url_headers = simplejson.loads(url_headers)
url_headers = net.getHeaders(url, data, headers)
_saveUrlCache(url, data, -1, url_headers)
return url_headers
class InvalidResult(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""
def __init__(self, result, headers):
self.result = result
self.headers = headers
def getUrl(url, data=None, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache_timeout, valid=None):
url - url to load
data - possible post data
headers - headers to send with request
timeout - get from cache if cache not older than given seconds, -1 to get from cache
valid - function to check if result is ok, its passed result and headers
if this function fails, InvalidResult will be raised deal with it in your code
#FIXME: send last-modified / etag from cache and only update if needed
if isinstance(url, unicode):
url = url.encode('utf-8')
result = _getUrlCache(url, data, headers, timeout)
if not result:
#print "get data", url
url_headers, result = net.getUrl(url, data, headers, returnHeaders=True)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
e.headers['Status'] = "%s" % e.code
url_headers = dict(e.headers)
result = e.read()
if url_headers.get('content-encoding', None) == 'gzip':
result = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(result)).read()
if not valid or valid(result, url_headers):
_saveUrlCache(url, data, result, url_headers)
raise InvalidResult(result, url_headers)
return result
def getUrlUnicode(url, data=None, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache_timeout, _getUrl=getUrl, valid=None):
data = _getUrl(url, data, headers, timeout, valid)
encoding = getEncoding(data)
if not encoding:
encoding = 'latin-1'
return unicode(data, encoding)
def _getCacheBase():
'cache base is eather ~/.ox/cache or can set via env variable oxCACHE'
return os.environ.get('oxCACHE', os.path.expanduser('~/.ox/cache'))
def _getCacheDB():
return os.path.join(_getCacheBase(), "cache.sqlite")
def _connectDb():
conn = sqlite3.connect(_getCacheDB(), timeout=10)
conn.text_factory = str
return conn
def _createDb(c):
# Create table and indexes
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cache (url_hash varchar(42) unique, domain text, url text,
post_data text, headers text, created int, data blob, only_headers int)''')
c.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS cache_domain ON cache (domain)''')
c.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS cache_url ON cache (url)''')
c.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS cache_url_hash ON cache (url_hash)''')
def _getUrlCache(url, data, headers=DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=-1, value="data"):
r = None
if timeout == 0:
return r
if data:
url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url + '?' + data).hexdigest()
url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest()
conn = _connectDb()
c = conn.cursor()
sql = 'SELECT %s FROM cache WHERE url_hash=?' % value
if timeout > 0:
now = time.mktime(time.localtime())
t = (url_hash, now-timeout)
sql += ' AND created > ?'
t = (url_hash, )
if value != "headers":
sql += ' AND only_headers != 1 '
c.execute(sql, t)
for row in c:
r = row[0]
if value == 'data':
r = str(r)
return r
def _saveUrlCache(url, post_data, data, headers):
if post_data:
url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url + '?' + post_data).hexdigest()
url_hash = hashlib.sha1(url).hexdigest()
domain = ".".join(urlparse.urlparse(url)[1].split('.')[-2:])
conn = _connectDb()
c = conn.cursor()
# Create table if not exists
# Insert a row of data
if not post_data: post_data=""
only_headers = 0
if data == -1:
only_headers = 1
data = ""
created = time.mktime(time.localtime())
t = (url_hash, domain, url, post_data, simplejson.dumps(headers), created, sqlite3.Binary(data), only_headers)
c.execute(u"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cache values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", t)
# Save (commit) the changes and clean up
def migrate_to_db():
import re
import os
import sqlite3
import glob
conn = _connectDb()
c = conn.cursor()
files = glob.glob(_getCacheBase() + "/*/*/*/*/*")
_files = filter(lambda x: not x.endswith(".headers"), files)
for f in _files:
info = re.compile("%s/(.*?)/../../../(.*)" % _getCacheBase()).findall(f)
domain = url = info[0][0]
url_hash = info[0][1]
post_data = ""
created = os.stat(f).st_ctime
fd = open(f, "r")
data = fd.read()
fd = open(f + ".headers", "r")
headers = fd.read()
t = (url_hash, domain, url, post_data, headers, created, sqlite3.Binary(data), 0)
c.execute(u"""INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cache values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", t)