# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Written 2007 by j@mailb.org from threading import Event import sha from os import stat from BitTornado.BT1.makemetafile import make_meta_file from BitTornado.bencode import bencode, bdecode def createTorrent(file, url, params = {}, flag = Event(), progress = lambda x: None, progress_percent = 1): "Creates a torrent for a given file, using url as tracker url" return make_meta_file(file, url, params, flag, progress, progress_percent) def getInfoHash(torrentFile): "Returns Torrent Info Hash from torrent file" metainfo_file = open(torrentFile, 'rb') metainfo = bdecode(metainfo_file.read()) info = metainfo['info'] return sha.sha(bencode(info)).hexdigest().upper() def getTorrentInfo(torrentFile): "Returns Torrent Info from torrent file" tinfo = {} metainfo_file = open(torrentFile, 'rb') metainfo = bdecode(metainfo_file.read()) metainfo_file.close() info = metainfo['info'] piece_length = info['piece length'] if info.has_key('length'): # let's assume we just have one file file_length = info['length'] else: # let's assume we have a directory structure file_length = 0; for file in info['files']: path = '' for item in file['path']: if (path != ''): path = path + "/" path = path + item file_length += file['length'] tinfo['size'] = file_length tinfo['hash'] = sha.sha(bencode(info)).hexdigest() tinfo['timestamp'] = stat(torrentFile).st_ctime return tinfo def getTorrentSize(torrentFile): "Returns Size of files in torrent file in bytes" return getTorrentInfo(torrentFile)['size']