2010-12-07 19:29:53 +01:00

368 lines
13 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import urllib2
from urllib import quote, unquote
import re
import os
import time
import ox
from ox import findRe, stripTags
from ox.normalize import normalizeTitle, normalizeImdbId
import ox.cache
from ox.cache import readUrl
from siteparser import SiteParser
import google
def readUrl(url, data=None, headers=ox.cache.DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout, valid=None):
headers = headers.copy()
headers["Cookie"] = 'session-id=061-6553581-0286357; uu=bl8Nra2zsmTjesDEOxamlwVkXrKj8h6ygOFd1LDhKNGwxHjk4LQopMCxSNGTU3nl88Ro5FCSHrKjUi2RoREt4SEhDZGA8Q4SILFsUfUFbhLFgr6EZTD4RYTFSEWWwr4UV+K+l/eivpfX51v2Y1JrhvCg/ZEg4QxRsLEcUYDivmGwwW3hINGNodNSvhGz0h6ypaRIUuPyHvWQ8paioNENkaDRndHw4r4RsKEt4SDRndHzwr4Rs9IesqPUWCLg4h6yoMGNISDRndHD4r4Rs9IesqPyHvLjom6Co=; cs=pReiGikHkbKk4Fhkk8Meyw5/E6t6mVT9+v+ACx7KZ/rpfwPtXklU/c7BdHWNegduvco3rq7p9+7eSVT9yK4Uvd5JVMtpSdz9/kliy+7BVP392hR17RoHzq1ad36dSlRdWF+Srs7fYurOSVS9XlkU3f5pVP3+SVS9vhkkzf; session-id-time=1286639981'
return ox.cache.readUrl(url, data, headers, timeout)
def readUrlUnicode(url, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout):
return ox.cache.readUrlUnicode(url, _readUrl=readUrl, timeout=timeout)
class Imdb(SiteParser):
regex = {
'alternative_titles': {
'page': 'releaseinfo',
're': [
'type': 'list'
'cast': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'<td class="nm">.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<td class="char">(.*?)</td>',
lambda ll: [stripTags(l) for l in ll]
'type': 'list'
'cinematographers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Cinematography by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'connections': {
'page': 'movieconnections',
're': '<h5>(.*?)</h5>(.*?)\n\n',
'type': 'list'
'countries': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Countries/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'creators': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'<h5>Creators:</h5>.*?<div class="info-content">(.*?)</div>',
'<a href="/name/.*?>(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'directors': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Directed by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?>(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'editors': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Film Editing by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?>(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'episode_title': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<div id="tn15title">.*?<em>(.*?)</em>',
'type': 'string'
'filming_locations': {
'page': 'locations',
're': '<a href="/search/title\?locations=.*?">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'genres': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Genres/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'keywords': {
'page': 'keywords',
're': '<a href="/keyword/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'languages': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Languages/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'original_title': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<span class="title-extra">(.*?) <i>(original title)</i></span>',
'type': 'string'
'plot': {
'page': 'plotsummary',
're': '</div>.*?<p class="plotpar">(.*?)<i>',
'type': 'string'
'poster_id': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '/primary-photo/media/rm(.*?)/tt',
'type': 'string'
'poster_ids': {
'page': 'posters',
're': '/unknown-thumbnail/media/rm(.*?)/tt',
'type': 'list'
'producers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Produced by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'rating': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<div class="starbar-meta">.*?<b>([\d,.]?)/10</b>',
'type': 'float'
'release date': {
'page': 'releaseinfo',
're': '<a href="/date/(\d{2})-(\d{2})/">.*?</a> <a href="/year/(\d{4})/">',
'type': 'date'
'reviews': {
'page': 'externalreviews',
're': [
'<li><a href="(http.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a></li>'
'type': 'list'
'runtime': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<h5>Runtime:</h5><div class="info-content">.*?([0-9]+ sec|[0-9]+ min).*?</div>',
'type': 'string'
'season': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'<h5>Original Air Date:</h5>.*?<div class="info-content">(.*?)</div>',
'\(Season (\d+), Episode \d+\)',
'type': 'int'
'episode': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'<h5>Original Air Date:</h5>.*?<div class="info-content">(.*?)</div>',
'\(Season \d+, Episode (\d+)\)',
'type': 'int'
'series': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<h5>TV Series:</h5>.*?<a href="/title/tt(\d{7})',
'type': 'string'
'title': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<h1>(.*?) <span>',
'type': 'string'
'trivia': {
'page': 'trivia',
're': '<div class="sodatext">(.*?)<br>',
'type': 'list',
'votes': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="ratings" class="tn15more">([\d,]*?) votes</a>',
'type': 'string'
'writers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Writing credits</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'year': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '="og:title" content=".*?\((\d{4})\).*?"',
'type': 'int'
def readUrlUnicode(self, url, timeout):
return readUrlUnicode(url, timeout)
def __init__(self, id, timeout=-1):
self.baseUrl = "" % id
super(Imdb, self).__init__(timeout)
if 'title' in self and self['title'].startswith('"') and self['title'].endswith('"'):
self['title'] = self['title'][1:-1]
if 'runtime' in self and self['runtime']:
if 'min' in self['runtime']: base=60
else: base=1
self['runtime'] = int(findRe(self['runtime'], '([0-9]+)')) * base
if 'runtime' in self and not self['runtime']:
del self['runtime']
if 'votes' in self: self['votes'] = self['votes'].replace(',', '')
if 'connections' in self:
if len(self['connections']) == 2 and isinstance(self['connections'][0], basestring):
self['connections'] = [self['connections']]
for rel, data in self['connections']:
cc[unicode(rel)] = re.compile('<a href="/title/tt(\d{7})/">').findall(data)
self['connections'] = cc
for key in ('countries', 'genres'):
if key in self:
self[key] = filter(lambda x: x.lower() != 'home', self[key])
if 'creators' in self:
self['directors'] = self['creators']
del self['creators']
if 'series' in self:
if 'episode_title' in self:
self['series_title'] = self['title']
self['title'] = "%s: %s" % (self['series_title'], self['episode_title'])
if 'episode_title' in self and 'season' in self and 'episode' in self:
self['title'] = "%s (S%02dE%02d) %s" % (
self['series_title'], self['season'], self['episode'], self['episode_title'])
for key in ('directors', 'year'):
if key in self:
self['episode_%s'%key] = self[key]
series = Imdb(self['series'])
for key in ['directors', 'year']:
if key in series:
self[key] =series[key]
for key in ('series_title', 'episode_title', 'season', 'episode'):
if key in self:
del self[key]
class ImdbCombined(Imdb):
def __init__(self, id, timeout=-1):
_regex = {}
for key in self.regex:
if self.regex[key]['page'] == 'combined':
_regex[key] = self.regex[key]
self.regex = _regex
super(ImdbCombined, self).__init__(id, timeout)
def getMovieId(title, director='', year=''):
>>> getMovieId('The Matrix')
>>> getMovieId('2 or 3 Things I Know About Her', 'Jean-Luc Godard')
>>> getMovieId('2 or 3 Things I Know About Her', 'Jean-Luc Godard', '1967')
if director:
query = ' %s "%s" ' % (director, title)
query = ' "%s" ' % title
if year:
query += year
for (name, url, desc) in google.find(query, 5, timeout=-1):
if url.startswith(''):
return url[28:35]
return ''
def getMoviePoster(imdbId):
>>> getMoviePoster('0133093')
>>> getMoviePoster('0994352')
info = ImdbCombined(imdbId)
if 'poster_id' in info:
url = "" % (info['poster_id'], imdbId)
data = readUrl(url)
poster = findRe(data, 'img id="primary-img".*?src="(.*?)"')
return poster
elif 'series' in info:
return getMoviePoster(info['series'])
return ''
def guess(title, director='', timeout=google.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
#FIXME: proper file -> title
title = title.split('-')[0]
title = title.split('(')[0]
title = title.split('.')[0]
title = title.strip()
imdb_url = '' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
return_url = ''
#lest first try google
#i.e. Michael Stevens "Sin"
if director:
search = ' %s "%s"' % (director, title)
search = ' "%s"' % title
for (name, url, desc) in google.find(search, 2, timeout=timeout):
if url.startswith(''):
return normalizeImdbId(int(ox.intValue(url)))
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None,
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
return None
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
if data:
imdb_id = findRe(data.replace('\n', ' '), 'Popular Results.*?<ol><li>.*?<a href="/title/tt(.......)')
if imdb_id:
return imdb_id
imdb_url = ';s=tt;site=aka' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None,
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
print json.dumps(Imdb('0306414'), indent=2)
#print json.dumps(Imdb('0133093'), indent=2)