from ox.cache import read_url
from ox import find_re, strip_tags
import re
base = ''
def get_data(isbn):
r = {}
url = '%s/Search/Book/%s/1' % (base, isbn)
data = read_url(url).decode('utf-8')
m = re.compile('href="(/Lookup/Book/[^"]+?)"').findall(data)
if m:
ids = m[0].split('/')
r['isbn'] = ids[-2]
r['asin'] = ids[-3]
url = '%s%s' % (base, m[0])
data = read_url(url).decode('utf-8')
r["title"] = find_re(data, "
keys = {
'author': 'Author(s)',
'publisher': 'Publisher',
'date': 'Publication date',
'edition': 'Edition',
'binding': 'Binding',
'volume': 'Volume(s)',
'pages': 'Pages',
for key in keys:
r[key] = find_re(data, '%s:(.*?)'% re.escape(keys[key]))
if r[key] == '--':
r[key] = ''
if key == 'pages' and r[key]:
r[key] = int(r[key])
desc = find_re(data, r'Description:<\/h2>(.*?)
', ' ').replace('
', ' ').replace('
', ' ')
r['description'] = strip_tags(desc).strip()
if r['description'] == u'Description of this item is not available at this time.':
r['description'] = ''
r['cover'] = find_re(data, ')