# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import lxml.html
from ox import strip_tags, decode_html
from ox.cache import read_url
def get_id(url):
return url.replace('http://www.ubu.com/', '').split('.html')[0].replace('/./', '/')
def get_url(id):
return 'http://www.ubu.com/%s.html' % id
def get_data(url):
if not url.startswith('http:'):
url = get_url(url)
data = read_url(url, unicode=True)
m = {
'id': get_id(url),
'url': url,
'type': re.compile('ubu.com/(.*?)/').findall(url)[0]
for videourl, title in re.compile('href="(http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/.*?)">(.*?)').findall(data):
if videourl.endswith('.srt'):
m['srt'] = videourl
elif not 'video' in m:
m['video'] = videourl
m['video'] = m['video'].replace('/video/ ', '/video/').replace(' ', '%20')
if m['video'] == 'http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/video/':
del m['video']
if not 'title' in m:
m['title'] = strip_tags(decode_html(title)).strip()
if not 'url' in m:
print(url, 'missing')
if 'title' in m:
m['title'] = re.sub('(.*?) \(\d{4}\)$', '\\1', m['title'])
if not 'title' in m:
match = re.compile("
if match:
m['title'] = match[0].strip()
if ' - ' in m['title']:
m['title'] = m['title'].split(' - ', 1)[-1]
match = re.compile("flashvars','file=(.*?.flv)'").findall(data)
if match:
m['flv'] = match[0]
m['flv'] = m['flv'].replace('/video/ ', '/video/').replace(' ', '%20')
match = re.compile('''src=(.*?) type="video/mp4"''').findall(data)
if match:
m['mp4'] = match[0].strip('"').strip("'")
elif 'video' in m and m['video'].endswith('.mp4'):
m['mp4'] = m['video']
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(read_url(url))
desc = doc.xpath("//div[contains(@id, 'ubudesc')]")
if len(desc):
txt = []
for part in desc[0].text_content().split('\n\n'):
if part == 'RESOURCES:':
if part.strip():
if txt:
if len(txt) > 1 and txt[0].strip() == m.get('title'):
txt = txt[1:]
m['description'] = '\n\n'.join(txt).split('RESOURCES')[0].strip()
y = re.compile('\((\d{4})\)').findall(data)
if y:
m['year'] = int(y[0])
d = re.compile('Director: (.+)').findall(data)
if d:
m['director'] = strip_tags(decode_html(d[0])).strip()
a = re.compile('Back to (.*?)', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
if a:
m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0][1])).strip()
a = re.compile('(.*?) in UbuWeb Film').findall(data)
if a:
m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0][1])).strip()
a = re.compile('(.*?)\(b\..*?\d{4}\)').findall(data)
if a:
m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0])).strip()
elif m['id'] == 'film/lawder_color':
m['artist'] = 'Standish Lawder'
if 'artist' in m:
m['artist'] = m['artist'].replace('in UbuWeb Film', '')
m['artist'] = m['artist'].replace('on UbuWeb Film', '').strip()
if m['id'] == 'film/coulibeuf':
m['title'] = 'Balkan Baroque'
m['year'] = 1999
return m
def get_films():
ids = get_ids()
films = []
for id in ids:
info = get_data(id)
if info['type'] == 'film' and ('flv' in info or 'video' in info):
return films
def get_ids():
data = read_url('http://www.ubu.com/film/')
ids = []
author_urls = []
for url, author in re.compile('(.*?)').findall(data):
url = 'http://www.ubu.com/film' + url[1:]
data = read_url(url)
for u, title in re.compile('(.*?)').findall(data):
if not u.startswith('http'):
if u == '../../sound/burroughs.html':
u = 'http://www.ubu.com/sound/burroughs.html'
elif u.startswith('../'):
u = 'http://www.ubu.com/' + u[3:]
u = 'http://www.ubu.com/film/' + u
if u not in author_urls and u.endswith('.html'):
ids = [get_id(url) for url in list(set(ids))]
return ids