([\d,]*?) votes',
'type': 'string'
'writer': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
lambda data: data.split('Series Crew')[0],
'Writing credits(.*?)',
'type': 'list'
'year': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '="og:title" content=".*?\((\d{4}).*?"',
'type': 'int'
def read_url(self, url, timeout):
if not url in self._cache:
self._cache[url] = read_url(url, timeout=timeout, unicode=True)
return self._cache[url]
def __init__(self, id, timeout=-1):
#use akas.imdb.com to always get original title:
self.baseUrl = "http://akas.imdb.com/title/tt%s/" % id
super(Imdb, self).__init__(timeout)
url = self.baseUrl + 'combined'
page = self.read_url(url, timeout=-1)
if '
IMDb: Page not found' in page \
or 'The requested URL was not found on our server.' in page:
if "
We're sorry, something went wrong.
" in page:
super(Imdb, self).__init__(0)
#only list one country per alternative title
def is_international_title(t):
if 'script title' in t[1].lower(): return False
if 'recut version' in t[1].lower(): return False
if 'working title' in t[1].lower(): return False
if 'complete title' in t[1].lower(): return False
if 'usa (imdb display title)' in t[1].lower(): return True
if t[1].lower() == 'usa': return True
if 'international (english title)' in t[1].lower(): return True
#fails if orignial is english... Japan (English title)
#if 'english title' in t[1].lower(): return True
return False
ititle = filter(is_international_title, self.get('alternativeTitles', []))
if ititle:
self['englishTitle'] = ititle[0][0]
self['title'] = self.get('englishTitle', self['originalTitle'])
for t in ('title', 'englishTitle', 'originalTitle'):
if t in self and self[t].startswith('"') and self[t].endswith('"'):
self[t] = self[t][1:-1]
if 'alternativeTitles' in self:
if len(self['alternativeTitles']) == 2 and \
isinstance(self['alternativeTitles'][0], basestring):
self['alternativeTitles'] = [self['alternativeTitles']]
self['alternativeTitles'] = [[t[0],
t[1].split(' / ')[0].split('(')[0].strip()]
for t in self['alternativeTitles']]
if 'runtime' in self and self['runtime']:
if 'min' in self['runtime']: base=60
else: base=1
self['runtime'] = int(find_re(self['runtime'], '([0-9]+)')) * base
if 'runtime' in self and not self['runtime']:
del self['runtime']
if 'votes' in self: self['votes'] = self['votes'].replace(',', '')
if 'cast' in self:
if isinstance(self['cast'][0], basestring):
self['cast'] = [self['cast']]
self['actor'] = [c[0] for c in self['cast']]
self['cast'] = [{'actor': x[0], 'character': x[1]} for x in self['cast']]
if 'connections' in self:
if len(self['connections']) == 2 and isinstance(self['connections'][0], basestring):
self['connections'] = [self['connections']]
for rel, data in self['connections']:
#cc[unicode(rel)] = re.compile('
def get_conn(c):
title = c[1]
if title.startswith('"') and title.endswith('"'):
title = title[1:-1]
return {
'id': c[0],
'title': title
cc[unicode(rel)] = map(get_conn, re.compile('
self['connections'] = cc
for key in ('country', 'genre'):
if key in self:
self[key] = filter(lambda x: x.lower() != 'home', self[key])
if '_director' in self:
if 'series' in self or 'isSeries' in self:
self['creator'] = self.pop('_director')
del self['_director']
if 'isSeries' in self:
del self['isSeries']
if 'series' in self:
if 'episodeTitle' in self:
self['seriesTitle'] = self['title']
self['title'] = "%s (S01) %s" % (self['seriesTitle'], self['episodeTitle'])
if 'episodeTitle' in self and 'season' in self and 'episode' in self:
self['title'] = "%s (S%02dE%02d) %s" % (
self['seriesTitle'], self['season'], self['episode'], self['episodeTitle'])
if 'director' in self:
self['episodeDirector'] = self['director']
series = Imdb(self['series'])
if not 'creator' in series and 'director' in series:
series['creator'] = series['director']
if len(series['creator']) > 10:
series['creator'] = series['director'][:1]
for key in ['creator', 'country']:
if key in series:
self[key] = series[key]
if 'year' in series:
self['seriesYear'] = series['year']
if not 'year' in self:
self['year'] = series['year']
if 'year' in self:
self['episodeYear'] = self['year']
if 'creator' in self:
self['seriesDirector'] = self['creator']
if 'originalTitle' in self:
del self['originalTitle']
for key in ('seriesTitle', 'episodeTitle', 'season', 'episode'):
if key in self:
del self[key]
if 'creator' in self:
if 'director' in self:
self['episodeDirector'] = self['director']
self['director'] = self['creator']
for key in ('actor', 'writer', 'producer', 'editor'):
if key in self:
if isinstance(self[key][0], list):
self[key] = [i[0] for i in self[key] if i]
self[key] = sorted(list(set(self[key])),
lambda a, b: self[key].index(a) - self[key].index(b))
if 'budget' in self and 'gross' in self:
self['profit'] = self['gross'] - self['budget']
if 'releasedate' in self:
if isinstance(self['releasedate'], list):
self['releasedate'] = min(self['releasedate'])
if 'summary' in self:
self['summary'] = self['summary'].split('>> get_movie_by_title(u'"Father Knows Best" (1954) {(#5.34)}')
>>> get_movie_by_title(u'The Matrix (1999)')
>>> get_movie_by_title(u'Little Egypt (1951)')
>>> get_movie_by_title(u'Little Egypt (1897/I)')
>>> get_movie_by_title(u'Little Egypt')
>>> get_movie_by_title(u'"Dexter" (2006) {Father Knows Best (#1.9)}')
params = {'s':'tt','q': title}
if isinstance(title, unicode):
params['q'] = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', params['q']).encode('latin-1')
params['q'] = params['q'].encode('utf-8')
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
url = "http://akas.imdb.com/find?" + params
data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout, unicode=True)
#if search results in redirect, get id of current page
r = '
results = re.compile(r).findall(data)
if results:
return results[0]
return None
def get_movie_id(title, director='', year='', timeout=-1):
>>> get_movie_id('The Matrix')
>>> get_movie_id('2 or 3 Things I Know About Her', 'Jean-Luc Godard')
>>> get_movie_id('2 or 3 Things I Know About Her', 'Jean-Luc Godard', '1967')
>>> get_movie_id(u"Histoire(s) du cinema: Le controle de l'univers", 'Jean-Luc Godard')
>>> get_movie_id(u"Histoire(s) du cinéma: Le contrôle de l'univers", 'Jean-Luc Godard')
imdbId = {
(u'Le jour se l\xe8ve', u'Marcel Carn\xe9'): '0031514',
(u'Wings', u'Larisa Shepitko'): '0061196',
(u'The Ascent', u'Larisa Shepitko'): '0075404',
(u'Fanny and Alexander', u'Ingmar Bergman'): '0083922',
(u'Torment', u'Alf Sj\xf6berg'): '0036914',
(u'Crisis', u'Ingmar Bergman'): '0038675',
(u'To Joy', u'Ingmar Bergman'): '0043048',
(u'Humain, trop humain', u'Louis Malle'): '0071635',
(u'Place de la R\xe9publique', u'Louis Malle'): '0071999',
(u'God\u2019s Country', u'Louis Malle'): '0091125',
(u'Flunky, Work Hard', u'Mikio Naruse'): '0022036',
(u'The Courtesans of Bombay', u'Richard Robbins') : '0163591',
(u'Je tu il elle', u'Chantal Akerman') : '0071690',
(u'Hotel Monterey', u'Chantal Akerman') : '0068725',
(u'No Blood Relation', u'Mikio Naruse') : '023261',
(u'Apart from You', u'Mikio Naruse') : '0024214',
(u'Every-Night Dreams', u'Mikio Naruse') : '0024793',
(u'Street Without End', u'Mikio Naruse') : '0025338',
(u'Sisters of the Gion', u'Kenji Mizoguchi') : '0027672',
(u'Osaka Elegy', u'Kenji Mizoguchi') : '0028021',
(u'Blaise Pascal', u'Roberto Rossellini') : '0066839',
(u'Japanese Girls at the Harbor', u'Hiroshi Shimizu') : '0160535',
(u'The Private Life of Don Juan', u'Alexander Korda') : '0025681',
(u'Last Holiday', u'Henry Cass') : '0042665',
(u'A Colt Is My Passport', u'Takashi Nomura') : '0330536',
(u'Androcles and the Lion', u'Chester Erskine') : '0044355',
(u'Major Barbara', u'Gabriel Pascal') : '0033868',
(u'Come On Children', u'Allan King') : '0269104',
(u'Jimi Plays Monterey & Shake! Otis at Monterey', u'D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus') : '',
(u'Martha Graham: Dance on Film', u'Nathan Kroll') : '',
(u'Carmen', u'Carlos Saura'): '0085297',
(u'The Story of a Cheat', u'Sacha Guitry'): '0028201',
(u'Weekend', 'Andrew Haigh'): '1714210',
}.get((title, director), None)
if imdbId:
return imdbId
params = {'s':'tt','q': title}
if director:
params['q'] = u'"%s" %s' % (title, director)
if year:
params['q'] = u'"%s (%s)" %s' % (title, year, director)
google_query = "site:imdb.com %s" % params['q']
if isinstance(params['q'], unicode):
params['q'] = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', params['q']).encode('latin-1')
params['q'] = params['q'].encode('utf-8')
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
url = "http://akas.imdb.com/find?" + params
#print url
data = read_url(url, timeout=timeout, unicode=True)
#if search results in redirect, get id of current page
r = '
results = re.compile(r).findall(data)
if results:
return results[0]
#otherwise get first result
r = '
.*?>> get_movie_poster('0133093')
>>> get_movie_poster('0994352')
info = ImdbCombined(imdbId)
if 'posterId' in info:
url = "http://www.imdb.com/rg/action-box-title/primary-photo/media/rm%s/tt%s" % (info['posterId'], imdbId)
data = read_url(url)
poster = find_re(data, 'img id="primary-img".*?src="(.*?)"')
return poster
elif 'series' in info:
return get_movie_poster(info['series'])
return ''
def get_episodes(imdbId, season=None):
episodes = {}
url = 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt%s/episodes' % imdbId
if season:
url += '?season=%d' % season
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
for e in re.compile('.*? S(\d+), Ep(\d+)<\/div>\n<\/div>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
episodes['S%02dE%02d' %(int(e[1]), int(e[2]))] = e[0]
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
match = re.compile('Season (\d+)').findall(data)
if match:
for season in range(1, int(match[0]) + 1):
episodes.update(get_episodes(imdbId, season))
return episodes
def max_votes():
url = 'http://www.imdb.com/search/title?num_votes=500000,&sort=num_votes,desc'
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
votes = max([int(v.replace(',', ''))
for v in re.compile(' ([\d,]+) | ').findall(data)])
return votes
def guess(title, director='', timeout=-1):
return get_movie_id(title, director, timeout=timeout)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
print json.dumps(Imdb('0306414'), indent=2)
#print json.dumps(Imdb('0133093'), indent=2)