# python-ox - the web in a dict ## Depends: - python >= 2.7 or python3 >= 3.4 - python-chardet (http://chardet.feedparser.org/) - python-feedparser (http://www.feedparser.org/) - python-lxml (http://codespeak.net/lxml/) [optional] - django (otherwise dates < 1900 are not supported) [optional] ## Usage: import ox data = ox.cache.read_url('http:/...') text = ox.strip_tags(data) ox.normalize_newlines(text) ox.format_bytes(len(data)) ox.format_bytes(1234567890) '1.15 GB' import ox.web.imdb imdbId = ox.web.imdb.guess('The Matrix') info = ox.web.imdb.Imdb(imdbId) info['year'] 1999 ## Install: python setup.py install ## Cookies: some ox.web modules require user accont information or cookies to work, those are saved in ~/.ox/auth.json, most basic form looks like this: { "key": "value" } ## Tests: nosetests --with-doctest ox nosetests3 --with-doctest ox