rewrite sanitize_html to support global attributes

This commit is contained in:
j 2013-11-10 22:00:24 +00:00
parent d8bb547e25
commit d664d99f89

View file

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ def escape_html(value):
return escape(decode_html(value))
def sanitize_html(html, tags=None, wikilinks=False):
def sanitize_html(html, tags=None, global_attributes=[]):
>>> sanitize_html(', bar')
u'<a href=""></a>, bar'
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ def sanitize_html(html, tags=None, wikilinks=False):
u'&lt;a href="javascript:alert()"&gt;foo'
>>> sanitize_html('[ foo]')
u'<a href="">foo</a>'
>>> sanitize_html('<rtl>foo</rtl>')
>>> sanitize_html('<div style="direction: rtl">foo</div>')
u'<div style="direction: rtl">foo</div>'
>>> sanitize_html('<script>alert()</script>')
@ -223,93 +223,172 @@ def sanitize_html(html, tags=None, wikilinks=False):
u"Anniversary of Daoud's Republic"
if not tags:
valid_url = '^((https?:\/\/|\/|mailto:).*?)'
tags = [
# inline formatting
'b', 'bdi', 'code', 'em', 'i', 'q', 's', 'span', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'u',
{'name': 'b'},
{'name': 'bdi'},
{'name': 'code'},
{'name': 'em'},
{'name': 'i'},
{'name': 'q'},
{'name': 's'},
{'name': 'span'},
{'name': 'strong'},
{'name': 'sub'},
{'name': 'sup'},
{'name': 'u'},
# block formatting
'blockquote', 'cite', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'pre',
{'name': 'blockquote'},
{'name': 'cite'},
'name': 'div',
'optional': ['style'],
'validation': {
'style': '^direction: rtl$'
{'name': 'h1'},
{'name': 'h2'},
{'name': 'h3'},
{'name': 'h4'},
{'name': 'h5'},
{'name': 'h6'},
{'name': 'p'},
{'name': 'pre'},
# lists
'li', 'ol', 'ul',
{'name': 'li'},
{'name': 'ol'},
{'name': 'ul'},
# tables
'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr',
{'name': 'table'},
{'name': 'tbody'},
{'name': 'td'},
{'name': 'tfoot'},
{'name': 'th'},
{'name': 'thead'},
{'name': 'tr'},
# other
'a', 'br', 'img', 'figure', 'figcaption',
# iframe
# special
'rtl', '[]'
{'name': '[]'},
'name': 'a',
'required': ['href'],
'validation': {
'href': valid_url
{'name': 'br'},
'name': 'iframe',
'optional': ['width', 'height'],
'required': ['src'],
'validation': {
'width': '^\d+$',
'height': '^\d+$',
'src': valid_url
'name': 'img',
'optional': ['width', 'height'],
'required': ['src'],
'validation': {
'width': '^\d+$',
'height': '^\d+$',
'src': valid_url
{'name': 'figure'},
{'name': 'figcaption'}
parse = {
'a': [
'<a [^<>]*?href="((https?:\/\/|\/|mailto:).+?)".*?>',
'<a href="{1}">'
['<\/a>', '</a>']
'img': [
'<img [^<>]*?src="((https?:\/\/|\/)[^"]+?)".*?>',
'<img src="{1}">'
'iframe': [
'<iframe [^<>]*?width="(\d+)" height="(\d+)"[^<>]*?src="((\/|https?:\/\/)[^"]+?)".*?>',
'<iframe width="{1}" height="{2}" src="{3}">'
'<iframe [^<>]*?src="((\/|https?:\/\/)[^"]+?)".*?>',
'<iframe src="{1}">'
'rtl': [
'<div style="direction: rtl">'
['<\/rtl>', '</div>']
'*': lambda tag: [['<(/?' + tag + ') ?/?>', '<{1}>']]
matches = []
#makes parse_html output the same value if run twice
html = decode_html(html)
tag_re = re.compile('<(/)?([^\ /]+)(.*?)(/)?>')
attr_re = re.compile('([^=\ ]+)="([^"]+)"')
if '[]' in tags:
html = re.sub(
re.compile('\[((https?:\/\/|\/).+?) (.+?)\]', re.IGNORECASE),
'<a href="\\1">\\3</a>', html);
tags = filter(lambda tag: tag != '[]', tags)
def replace_match(match, value, regexp):
i = 1
for m in match.groups():
value = value.replace('{%d}'%i, m)
i += 1
return '\t%d\t' % len(matches)
escaped = {}
level = 0
non_closing_tags = ['img', 'br']
required_attributes = {}
validation = {}
valid_attributes = {}
valid_tags = set([tag['name'] for tag in tags if tag['name'] != '[]'])
for tag in tags:
p = parse.get(tag, parse['*'](tag))
for regexp, value in p:
html = re.sub(
re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE),
lambda match: replace_match(match, value[:], regexp),
html = escape(html)
for i in range(0, len(matches)):
html = html.replace('\t%d\t'%(i+1), matches[i])
valid_attributes[tag['name']] = tag.get('required', []) \
+ tag.get('optional', []) \
+ global_attributes
required_attributes[tag['name']] = tag.get('required', [])
validation[tag['name']] = tag.get('validation', {})
if '[]' in validation:
html = re.sub(
re.compile('\[((https?:\/\/|\/).+?) (.+?)\]', re.IGNORECASE),
'<a href="\\1">\\3</a>', html);
parts = split_tags(html)
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
is_tag = i % 2
if is_tag:
t = tag_re.findall(part)
if not t:
parts[i] = escape_html(decode_html(part))
closing, name, attributes, end = t[0]
closing = closing != ''
a = attr_re.findall(attributes)
attrs = dict(a)
if not closing and not name in non_closing_tags:
level += 1
if not attrs and attributes or name not in valid_tags:
valid = False
valid = True
for key in set(attrs) - set(valid_attributes[name]):
del attrs[key]
for key in required_attributes[tag['name']]:
if not key in attrs:
valid = False
if valid:
for attr in attrs:
if attr in validation[name]:
if not re.compile(validation[name][attr]).findall(attrs[attr]):
valid = False
if valid and closing:
valid = not escaped.get(level)
escaped[level] = not valid
if closing:
level -= 1
if valid:
parts[i] = '<%s%s%s>' % (
('/' if closing else ''),
(' ' + ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (key, attrs[key]) for key, value in a if key in attrs])
if not closing and attrs else '')
parts[i] = escape_html(decode_html(part))
parts[i] = escape_html(decode_html(part))
html = ''.join(parts)
html = html.replace('\n\n', '<br/><br/>')
html = add_links(html)
return sanitize_fragment(html)
def split_tags(string):
tags = []
def collect(match):
return '\0'
strings = re.sub('<[^<>]+>', collect, string).split('\0')
return [item for sublist in zip(strings, tags) for item in sublist][:-1]
def sanitize_fragment(html):
#html5lib reorders arguments, so not usable