all new youtube bindings
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 83 additions and 90 deletions
@ -1,37 +1,19 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from urllib import quote, unquote
import httplib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from urllib import quote, unquote_plus
import re
from urlparse import parse_qs
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import feedparser
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode, cache_timeout
from ox import findString, findRe
from ox.cache import readUrl, cache_timeout
def getVideoKey(youtubeId, timeout=cache_timeout):
for el_type in ['&el=embedded', '&el=detailpage', '&el=vevo', '']:
video_info_url = '' % (youtubeId, el_type)
data = readUrl(video_info_url, timeout=timeout)
video_info = parse_qs(data)
if 'token' in video_info:
return video_info['token'][0]
except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
return False
def getVideoUrl(youtubeId, format='mp4', timeout=cache_timeout):
youtubeId - if of video
format - video format, options: webm, 1080p, 720p, mp4, high
youtubeKey = getVideoKey(youtubeId, timeout=timeout)
fmt = None
if format == 'webm':
if format == '1080p':
if format == '720p':
@ -40,83 +22,94 @@ def getVideoUrl(youtubeId, format='mp4', timeout=cache_timeout):
elif format == 'high':
url_template = ""
url = url_template % (youtubeId, youtubeKey)
if fmt:
url += "&fmt=%d"%fmt
elif format == 'webm':
streams = videos(youtubeId, 'webm')
return streams[max(streams.keys())]['url']
return url
streams = videos(youtubeId)
if str(fmt) in streams:
return streams[str(fmt)]['url']
def getMovieInfo(youtubeId, video_url_base=None):
url = "" % youtubeId
data = readUrl(url)
fd = feedparser.parse(data)
return getInfoFromAtom(fd.entries[0], video_url_base)
def getInfoFromAtom(entry, video_url_base=None):
info = dict()
info['title'] = entry['title']
info['description'] = entry['description']
info['author'] = entry['author']
#info['published'] = entry['published_parsed']
if 'media_keywords' in entry:
info['keywords'] = entry['media_keywords'].split(', ')
info['url'] = entry['links'][0]['href']
info['id'] = findRe(info['url'], r'\?v=(.*?)&')
info['thumbnail'] = "" % info['id']
if video_url_base:
info['flv'] = "%s/%s.%s" % (video_url_base, info['id'], 'flv')
info['mp4'] = "%s/%s.%s" % (video_url_base, info['id'], 'mp4')
info['flv'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'flv')
info['flv_high'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'high')
info['webm'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'webm')
info['mp4'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'mp4')
info['720p'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], '720p')
info['1080p'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], '1080p')
info['embed_flash'] = '<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>' % (info['id'], info['id'])
info['embed'] = '<iframe class="youtube-player" width="425" height="355" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>' % info['id']
return info
def find(query, max_results=10, offset=1, orderBy='relevance', video_url_base=None):
def find(query, max_results=10, offset=1, orderBy='relevance'):
query = quote(query)
url = "" % (query, orderBy, offset, max_results)
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
data = readUrl(url)
fd = feedparser.parse(data)
videos = []
for entry in fd.entries:
v = getInfoFromAtom(entry, video_url_base)
for item in fd.entries:
id = item['id'].split('/')[-1]
title = item['title']
description = item['description']
videos.append((title, id, description))
if len(videos) >= max_results:
return videos
return videos
def find(query, max_results=10, offset=1, orderBy='relevance', video_url_base=None):
url = "" % quote(query)
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
regx = re.compile(' <a href="/watch.v=(.*?)" title="(.*?)" ')
regx = re.compile('<a href="/watch\?v=(\w*?)" ><img src="(.*?)" class="vimg120" title="(.*?)" alt="video">')
id_title = regx.findall(data)
data_flat = data.replace('\n', ' ')
videos = {}
for video in id_title:
vid = video[0]
if vid not in videos:
v = dict()
v['id'] = vid
v['link'] = "http//" % v['id']
v['title'] = video[2].strip()
if video_url_base:
v['video_link'] = "%s/%s" % (video_url_base, v['id'])
v['video_url'] = getVideoUrl(v['id'])
v['description'] = findRe(data, 'BeginvidDesc%s">(.*?)</span>' % v['id']).strip().replace('<b>', ' ').replace('</b>', '')
v['thumbnail'] = video[1]
videos[vid] = v
if len(videos) >= max_results:
return videos.values()
return videos.values()
def info(id):
info = {}
url = "" % id
data = readUrl(url)
xml = parseString(data)
info['url'] = '' % id
info['title'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
info['description'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('media:description')[0]
info['date'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('published')[0]'T')[0]
info['author'] = ""%xml.getElementsByTagName('name')[0]
info['categories'] = []
for cat in xml.getElementsByTagName('media:category'):
info['keywords'] = xml.getElementsByTagName('media:keywords')[0]', ')
url = "" % id
data = readUrl(url)
match = re.compile('<h4>License:</h4>(.*?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
if match:
info['license'] = match[0].strip()
info['license'] = re.sub('<.+?>', '', info['license']).strip()
url = ""%id
data = readUrl(url)
xml = parseString(data)
languages = [t.getAttribute('lang_code') for t in xml.getElementsByTagName('track')]
if languages:
info['subtitles'] = {}
for language in languages:
url = ""%(id, language)
data = readUrl(url)
xml = parseString(data)
subs = []
for t in xml.getElementsByTagName('text'):
start = float(t.getAttribute('start'))
duration = t.getAttribute('dur')
if not duration:
duration = '2'
end = start + float(duration)
text =
'start': start,
'end': end,
'value': text,
info['subtitles'][language] = subs
return info
def videos(id, format=''):
stream_type = {
'flv': 'video/x-flv',
'webm': 'video/webm',
'mp4': 'video/mp4'
url = "" % id
data = readUrl(url)
match = re.compile('"url_encoded_fmt_stream_map": "(.*?)"').findall(data)
streams = {}
for x in match[0].split(','):
stream = {}
for s in x.split('\\u0026'):
key, value = s.split('=')
value = unquote_plus(value)
stream[key] = value
if not stream_type or stream['type'].startswith(stream_type):
streams[stream['itag']] = stream
return streams
Add table
Reference in a new issue