escape strings
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 74 additions and 74 deletions
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def highlight(text, query, hlClass="hl"):
query = re.escape(query).replace(r'\ ', '.')
m = re.compile("(%s)" % query, re.IGNORECASE).findall(text)
for i in m:
text = re.sub(r"(%s)" % re.escape(i).replace(r'\ ', '.'), r'<span class="%s">\\1</span>' % hlClass, text)
text = re.sub(r"(%s)" % re.escape(i).replace(r'\ ', '.'), '<span class="%s">\\1</span>' % hlClass, text)
text = text.replace('|', '<br />')
return text
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def parse_path(path, directory_key='director'):
# '$' or '_ (' is '?'
string = re.sub(re.compile(r'_(?=(\.\w+$| \())', re.U), '?', string)
# ' _..._ ' is '<...>'
string = re.sub('(?<= )_(.+)_(?= )', '<\g<1>>', string)
string = re.sub(r'(?<= )_(.+)_(?= )', r'<\g<1>>', string)
# 'foo_bar' or 'foo _ bar' is '/'
string = re.sub(re.compile(r'(?<=\w)_(?=\w)', re.U), '/', string)
string = re.sub(' _ ', ' / ', string)
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def parse_path(path, directory_key='director'):
data['year'] =[2:-1] if match else None
file_title = re.sub('[/:]', '_', data['title'])
# (remove title from beginning of filename if the rest contains a dot)
file = re.sub('^' + re.escape(file_title) + '(?=.*\.)', '', file)
file = re.sub(r'^' + re.escape(file_title) + r'(?=.*\.)', '', file)
# (split by nospace+dot+word, but remove spaces preceding extension)
parts = re.split(r'(?<!\s)\.(?=\w)', re.sub(r'\s+(?=.\w+$)', '', file))
title, parts, extension = [
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def get_data(id, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout, get_imdb=False):
html = read_url(data["url"], timeout=timeout).decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
data["number"] = find_re(html, "<b>Spine #(\d+)")
data["number"] = find_re(html, r"<b>Spine #(\d+)")
data["title"] = decode_html(find_re(html, "<h1 class=\"header__primarytitle\".*?>(.*?)</h1>"))
data["title"] = data["title"].split(' \u2014 The Television Version')[0].strip()
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def get_data(id, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout, get_imdb=False):
data["posters"] = [result.replace("_w100", "")]
data["posters"] = []
data['posters'] = [re.sub('(\?\d+)$', '', p) for p in data['posters']]
data['posters'] = [re.sub(r'(\?\d+)$', '', p) for p in data['posters']]
data['posters'] = [p for p in data['posters'] if p]
posters = find_re(html, '<div class="product-box-art".*?>(.*?)</div>')
@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ def get_data(id, timeout=ox.cache.cache_timeout, get_imdb=False):
def get_ids(page=None):
ids = []
html = read_url("", unicode=True)
results = re.compile("films/(\d+)-").findall(html)
results = re.compile(r"films/(\d+)-").findall(html)
ids += results
results = re.compile("boxsets/(.*?)\"").findall(html)
results = re.compile(r"boxsets/(.*?)\"").findall(html)
for result in results:
html = read_url("" + result, unicode=True)
results = re.compile("films/(\d+)-").findall(html)
results = re.compile(r"films/(\d+)-").findall(html)
ids += results
return sorted(set(ids), key=int)
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ def get_show_data(url):
data = read_url(url, unicode=True)
r = {}
r['title'] = strip_tags(find_re(data, '<h1>(.*?)</h1>'))
r['imdb'] = find_re(data, '<h1><a href=".*?/title/tt(\d.*?)">.*?</a></h1>')
r['imdb'] = find_re(data, r'<h1><a href=".*?/title/tt(\d.*?)">.*?</a></h1>')
r['episodes'] = {}
#1. 1- 1 1001 7 Aug 05 You Can't Miss the Bear
for episode in re.compile('(\d+?)\..*?(\d+?-.\d.*?) .*?(\d+?) .*?(.*?) <a target="_blank" href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
for episode in re.compile(r'(\d+?)\..*?(\d+?-.\d.*?) .*?(\d+?) .*?(.*?) <a target="_blank" href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
air_date = episode[3].strip()
#'22 Sep 04' -> 2004-09-22
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def get_ids():
for i in string.ascii_uppercase:
url = "" % i
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
links = re.compile('view_video.php\?movId=(.*?)[\'"]', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
links = re.compile(r'view_video.php\?movId=(.*?)[\'"]', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
result += links
return list(set(result))
@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ def get_data(id):
url = "" % id
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
result['title'] = re.compile('<td.*?class="vdoheadtxt".*?>(.*?)</td>').findall(data)[0]
result['year'] = re.compile('Release: (\d{4})').findall(data)[0]
result['duration'] = int(re.compile('Duration: (\d+)mins').findall(data)[0]) * 60
result['producer'] = re.compile('Producer: (.*?)\t').findall(data)[0].strip()
result['year'] = re.compile(r'Release: (\d{4})').findall(data)[0]
result['duration'] = int(re.compile(r'Duration: (\d+)mins').findall(data)[0]) * 60
result['producer'] = re.compile(r'Producer: (.*?)\t').findall(data)[0].strip()
if 'Director:' in data:
result['director'] = re.compile('Director: (.*?)\t').findall(data)[0].strip()
result['director'] = re.compile(r'Director: (.*?)\t').findall(data)[0].strip()
result['director'] = "Unknown Director"
result['url'] = re.compile('value="(.*?.wmv)"').findall(data)[0]
result['url'] = re.compile(r'value="(.*?.wmv)"').findall(data)[0]
return result
def download_video(url, filename):
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
p = subprocess.Popen(['gst-launch', 'mmssrc', 'location=%s'%url, '!', 'filesink', 'locaiton='%filename])
p = subprocess.Popen(['gst-launch', 'mmssrc', 'location=%s' % url, '!', 'filesink', 'location=' % filename])
return p.returncode == 0
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Freebase(dict):
if 'nytimes' in self:
self['nytimes'] = self['nytimes'].replace('_/overview', '%s/overview' % self['name'].replace(' ', '-'))
self['amgId'] = find_re(self['nytimes'], 'movie/(\d+)/')
self['amgId'] = find_re(self['nytimes'], r'movie/(\d+)/')
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ def get_data(id):
'url': get_url(id)
html = read_url(data['url'])
data['imdbId'] = find_re(html, '\d{7})')
data['imdbId'] = find_re(html, r'\d{7})')
if not data['imdbId']:
data['imdbId'] = _id_map.get(id, '')
data['title'] = strip_tags(find_re(html, '<p class="name white">(.*?) \(<a href="alpha1.html">'))
data['year'] = find_re(html, '\(<a href="alpha1.html">(.*?)</a>\)')
data['title'] = strip_tags(find_re(html, r'<p class="name white">(.*?) \(<a href="alpha1.html">'))
data['year'] = find_re(html, r'\(<a href="alpha1.html">(.*?)</a>\)')
data['posters'] = []
poster = find_re(html, '<img src="(posters.*?)"')
poster = find_re(html, r'<img src="(posters.*?)"')
if poster:
poster = '' % (data['year'], poster)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def get_data(id):
result = result.replace('_xlg.html', '.html')
url = '' % (data['year'], result)
html = read_url(url)
result = find_re(html, '<a href = (\w*?_xlg.html)')
result = find_re(html, r'<a href = (\w*?_xlg.html)')
if result:
url = '' % (data['year'], result)
html = read_url(url)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def get_id(url):
split = split[4][:-5].split('_')
if split[-1] == 'xlg':
if find_re(split[-1], 'ver\d+$'):
if find_re(split[-1], r'ver\d+$'):
id = '%s/%s' % (year, '_'.join(split))
return id
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def get_ids(page=None):
ids = []
if page:
html = read_url('' % page, timeout=-1)
results = re.compile('<a href = \.\./(.*?)>', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
results = re.compile(r'<a href = \.\./(.*?)>', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
url = '' % result
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ def parse_movies(xml, title):
for string in strings:
'id': find_re(string, 'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&'),
'title': find_re(string, '<SetFontStyle normalStyle="outlineTextFontStyle"><b>(.*?)</b></SetFontStyle>')
'id': find_re(string, r'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&'),
'title': find_re(string, r'<SetFontStyle normalStyle="outlineTextFontStyle"><b>(.*?)</b></SetFontStyle>')
return list
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ItunesAlbum:
def get_id(self):
url = compose_url('advancedSearch', {'media': 'music', 'title': self.title, 'artist': self.artist})
xml = read_url(url, headers = ITUNES_HEADERS)
id = find_re(xml, 'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
id = find_re(xml, r'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
return id
def get_data(self):
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class ItunesMovie:
def get_id(self):
url = compose_url('advancedSearch', {'media': 'movie', 'title': self.title, 'director': self.director})
xml = read_url(url, headers = ITUNES_HEADERS)
id = find_re(xml, 'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&')
id = find_re(xml, r'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&')
return id
def get_data(self):
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class ItunesMovie:
data['releaseDate'] = find_re(xml, 'Released(.*?)<')
data['runTime'] = find_re(xml, 'Run Time:(.*?)<')
data['screenwriters'] = parse_cast(xml, 'screenwriters')
data['soundtrackId'] = find_re(xml, 'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
data['soundtrackId'] = find_re(xml, r'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
data['trailerUrl'] = find_re(xml, 'autoplay="." url="(.*?)"')
return data
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def get_data(isbn):
r[key] = ''
if key == 'pages' and r[key]:
r[key] = int(r[key])
desc = find_re(data, '<h2>Description:<\/h2>(.*?)<div ')
desc = find_re(data, r'<h2>Description:<\/h2>(.*?)<div ')
desc = desc.replace('<br /><br />', ' ').replace('<br /> ', ' ').replace('<br />', ' ')
r['description'] = strip_tags(desc).strip()
if r['description'] == u'Description of this item is not available at this time.':
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def get_lyrics(title, artist):
key = find_re(html, '<font color=green><b>(.*?)</b></font>')
url = '' % (key, artist, title)
xml = read_url(url)
lyrics = find_re(xml, '<tx>(.*?)\[br\] Lyrics [a-z]* by')
lyrics = find_re(xml, r'<tx>(.*?)\[br\] Lyrics [a-z]* by')
lyrics = lyrics.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
lyrics = lyrics.replace('[br]', '\n').strip()
lyrics.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def get_show_url(title):
title = quote(title)
url = "" % title
data = read_url(url)
return find_re(data, '(*?)\?')
return find_re(data, r'(*?)\?')
def get_data(url):
data = read_url(url, unicode=True)
@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ def get_posters(url, group=True, timeout=-1):
html = read_url(url, timeout=timeout, unicode=True)
if url in html:
if group:
results = re.compile('<a href="(\??">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
results = re.compile(r'<a href="(\??">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
posters += get_posters(result, False)
results = re.compile('<a href="(">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
results = re.compile(r'<a href="(">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
html = read_url(result, timeout=timeout, unicode=True)
posters.append(find_re(html, '"(\.jpg)"'))
posters.append(find_re(html, r'"(\.jpg)"'))
return posters
def get_url(id):
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ def get_data(url):
r = {}
r['title'] = find_re(data, '<h1 class="movie_title">(.*?)</h1>')
if '(' in r['title']:
r['year'] = find_re(r['title'], '\((\d*?)\)')
r['title'] = strip_tags(re.sub('\((\d*?)\)', '', r['title'])).strip()
r['year'] = find_re(r['title'], r'\((\d*?)\)')
r['title'] = strip_tags(re.sub(r'\((\d*?)\)', '', r['title'])).strip()
r['summary'] = strip_tags(find_re(data, '<p id="movieSynopsis" class="movie_synopsis" itemprop="description">(.*?)</p>')).strip()
r['summary'] = r['summary'].replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
if not r['summary']:
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ def get_data(url):
meter = [m for m in meter if m[1].isdigit()]
if meter:
r['tomatometer'] = meter[0][1]
r['rating'] = find_re(data, 'Average Rating: <span>([\d.]+)/10</span>')
r['user_score'] = find_re(data, '<span class="meter popcorn numeric ">(\d+)</span>')
r['user_rating'] = find_re(data, 'Average Rating: ([\d.]+)/5')
r['rating'] = find_re(data, r'Average Rating: <span>([\d.]+)/10</span>')
r['user_score'] = find_re(data, r'<span class="meter popcorn numeric ">(\d+)</span>')
r['user_rating'] = find_re(data, r'Average Rating: ([\d.]+)/5')
poster = get_og(data, 'image')
if poster and not 'poster_default.gif' in poster:
r['posters'] = [poster]
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def get_issue(year, week):
url = '' % (year, week)
contents = []
data = ox.cache.read_url(url)
items = re.compile('<a.?href="\?Q=SP&JG=".?>(.*?)</a>').findall(data)
items = re.compile(r'<a.?href="\?Q=SP&JG=".?>(.*?)</a>').findall(data)
for item in items:
item = item[1]
page = int(re.compile('&SE=(.*?)"').findall(item)[0])
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ def find_movies(query=None, imdb=None, max_results=10):
def get_id(piratebayId):
if piratebayId.startswith(''):
piratebayId = piratebayId.split('org/')[1]
d = find_re(piratebayId, "tor/(\d+)")
d = find_re(piratebayId, r"tor/(\d+)")
if d:
piratebayId = d
d = find_re(piratebayId, "torrent/(\d+)")
d = find_re(piratebayId, r"torrent/(\d+)")
if d:
piratebayId = d
return piratebayId
@ -72,26 +72,26 @@ def get_data(piratebayId):
piratebayId = get_id(piratebayId)
torrent = dict()
torrent[u'id'] = piratebayId
torrent[u'domain'] = ''
torrent[u'comment_link'] = baseurl + 'torrent/%s' % piratebayId
torrent['id'] = piratebayId
torrent['domain'] = ''
torrent['comment_link'] = baseurl + 'torrent/%s' % piratebayId
data = read_url(torrent['comment_link'], unicode=True)
torrent[u'title'] = find_re(data, '<title>(.*?) \(download torrent\) - TPB</title>')
if not torrent[u'title']:
torrent['title'] = find_re(data, r'<title>(.*?) \(download torrent\) - TPB</title>')
if not torrent['title']:
return None
torrent[u'title'] = decode_html(torrent[u'title']).strip()
torrent[u'imdbId'] = find_re(data, 'title/tt(\d{7})')
torrent['title'] = decode_html(torrent['title']).strip()
torrent['imdbId'] = find_re(data, r'title/tt(\d{7})')
title = quote(torrent['title'].encode('utf-8'))
torrent[u'magent_link']= find_re(data, '"(magnet:.*?)"')
torrent[u'infohash'] = find_re(torrent[u'magent_link'], "btih:(.*?)&")
for d in re.compile('dt>(.*?):</dt>.*?<dd.*?>(.*?)</dd>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
torrent['magent_link'] = find_re(data, r'"(magnet:.*?)"')
torrent['infohash'] = find_re(torrent['magent_link'], "btih:(.*?)&")
for d in re.compile(r'dt>(.*?):</dt>.*?<dd.*?>(.*?)</dd>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
key = d[0].lower().strip()
key = _key_map.get(key, key)
value = decode_html(strip_tags(d[1].strip()))
if not '<' in key:
if '<' not in key:
torrent[key] = value
torrent[u'description'] = find_re(data, '<div class="nfo">(.*?)</div>')
if torrent[u'description']:
torrent['description'] = find_re(data, '<div class="nfo">(.*?)</div>')
if torrent['description']:
torrent['description'] = normalize_newlines(decode_html(strip_tags(torrent['description']))).strip()
return torrent
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def get_episode_data(url):
#episode score
r['episode score'] = find_re(data, '<span class="f-28 f-bold mt-10 mb-10 f-FF9 db lh-18">(.*?)</span>')
match = re.compile('Episode Number: (\d*?) Season Num: (\d*?) First Aired: (.*?)  ').findall(data)
match = re.compile(r'Episode Number: (\d*?) Season Num: (\d*?) First Aired: (.*?)  ').findall(data)
if match:
r['season'] = int(match[0][1])
r['episode'] = int(match[0][0])
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ def find(query=None, user=None, timeout=60):
user = re.compile('data-name="(.*?)"').findall(t)[0]
user = ox.decode_html(ox.strip_tags(user)).strip()
'id': re.compile('data-tweet-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
'user-id': re.compile('data-user-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
'name': re.compile('data-screen-name="(.*?)"').findall(t)[0],
'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(re.compile('data-time="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0])),
'id': re.compile(r'data-tweet-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
'user-id': re.compile(r'data-user-id="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0],
'name': re.compile(r'data-screen-name="(.*?)"').findall(t)[0],
'time': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(re.compile(r'data-time="(\d+)"').findall(t)[0])),
'user': user,
'text': text,
'html': html,
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def get_data(url):
if not 'url' in m:
print(url, 'missing')
if 'title' in m:
m['title'] = re.sub('(.*?) \(\d{4}\)$', '\\1', m['title'])
m['title'] = re.sub(r'(.*?) \(\d{4}\)$', '\\1', m['title'])
if not 'title' in m:
match = re.compile('<span id="ubuwork">(.*?)</span>').findall(data)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def get_data(url):
if not 'title' in m:
match = re.compile("<title>.*?&(.*?)</title>", re.DOTALL).findall(data)
if match:
m['title'] = re.sub('\s+', ' ', match[0]).strip()
m['title'] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', match[0]).strip()
if ' - ' in m['title']:
m['title'] = m['title'].split(' - ', 1)[-1]
if 'title' in m:
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def get_data(url):
if len(txt) > 1 and txt[0].strip() == m.get('title'):
txt = txt[1:]
m['description'] = '\n\n'.join(txt).split('RESOURCES')[0].split('RELATED')[0].strip()
y = re.compile('\((\d{4})\)').findall(data)
y = re.compile(r'\((\d{4})\)').findall(data)
if y:
m['year'] = int(y[0])
d = re.compile('Director: (.+)').findall(data)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def get_data(url):
if a:
m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0][1])).strip()
a = re.compile('<b>(.*?)\(b\..*?\d{4}\)').findall(data)
a = re.compile(r'<b>(.*?)\(b\..*?\d{4}\)').findall(data)
if a:
m['artist'] = strip_tags(decode_html(a[0])).strip()
elif m['id'] == 'film/lawder_color':
@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ def get_ids():
data = read_url('')
ids = []
author_urls = []
for url, author in re.compile('<a href="(\./.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
for url, author in re.compile(r'<a href="(\./.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
url = '' + url[1:]
data = read_url(url)
for u, title in re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
for u, title in re.compile(r'<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
if not u.startswith('http'):
if u == '../../sound/burroughs.html':
u = ''
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def get_ids():
def get_sound_ids():
data = read_url('')
ids = []
for url, author in re.compile('<a href="(\./.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
for url, author in re.compile(r'<a href="(\./.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
url = '' + url[1:]
ids = [get_id(url) for url in sorted(set(ids))]
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def get_movie_data(wikipedia_url):
if not wikipedia_url.startswith('http'):
wikipedia_url = get_url(wikipedia_url)
data = get_wiki_data(wikipedia_url)
filmbox_data = find_re(data, '''\{\{[Ii]nfobox.[Ff]ilm(.*?)\n\}\}''')
filmbox_data = find_re(data, r'''\{\{[Ii]nfobox.[Ff]ilm(.*?)\n\}\}''')
filmbox = {}
_box = filmbox_data.strip().split('|')
for row in _box:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def video_url(youtubeId, format='mp4', timeout=cache_timeout):
def get_video_info(id):
eurl = get_url(id)
data = read_url(eurl).decode('utf-8')
t = re.compile('\W[\'"]?t[\'"]?: ?[\'"](.+?)[\'"]').findall(data)
t = re.compile(r'\W[\'"]?t[\'"]?: ?[\'"](.+?)[\'"]').findall(data)
if t:
t = t[0]
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ def videos(id, format=''):
def playlist(url):
data = read_url(url).decode('utf-8')
items = []
for i in list(set(re.compile('<a href="(/watch\?v=.*?)" title="(.*?)" ').findall(data))):
for i in list(set(re.compile(r'<a href="(/watch\?v=.*?)" title="(.*?)" ').findall(data))):
'title': i[1],
'url': '' + i[0].split('&')[0]
Add table
Reference in a new issue