add ox.web to this repos

This commit is contained in:
j 2010-07-08 01:25:57 +02:00
parent 0d354d2574
commit 06d61943ac
29 changed files with 2123 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -1,22 +1,37 @@
python-oxlib some tools to build tools python-ox some tools to build tools
Depends: Depends:
python2.5 python2.5
python-chardet ( python-chardet (
python-feedparser (
python-beautifulsoup (
Usage: Usage:
import oxlib import ox
data = oxlib.cache.readUrl('http:/...') data = ox.cache.readUrl('http:/...')
text = oxlib.stripTags(data) text = ox.stripTags(data)
oxlib.normalizeNewlines(text) ox.normalizeNewlines(text)
oxlib.formatBytes(len(data)) ox.formatBytes(len(data))
oxlib.formatBytes(1234567890) ox.formatBytes(1234567890)
'1.15 GB' '1.15 GB'
imdbId ='The Matrix')
info =
Install: Install:
python install python install
some ox.web modules require user accont information or cookies to work,
those are saved in ~/.ox/auth.json, most basic form looks like this:
"key": "value"
Tests: Tests:
nosetests --with-doctest oxlib nosetests --with-doctest ox

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4 # vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# GPL 2008 # GPL 2008
__version__ = '1.0.0' __version__ = '2.0.0'
from file import * from file import *
from format import * from format import *

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# encoding: utf-8
__version__ = '1.0.0'
import imdb
import wikipedia
import google
import piratecinema
import oxdb

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import os
import string
from ox import cache
from ox.html import stripTags, decodeHtml
from ox.text import findRe
from ox.normalize import canonicalName
import auth
def readUrl(url, data=None, headers=cache.DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache.cache_timeout, valid=None):
headers = headers.copy()
headers["Cookie"] = auth.get("aaaarg.cookie")
return cache.readUrl(url, data, headers, timeout)
def readUrlUnicode(url, timeout=cache.cache_timeout):
return cache.readUrlUnicode(url, _readUrl=readUrl, timeout=timeout)
def downloadText(id, filename=None):
#FIXME, what about the cache, this keeps all pdfs in oxcache...
url='' % id
data = readUrl(url, timeout=-1)
headers = cache.getHeaders(url, timeout=-1)
if filename:
with open(filename, "w") as f:
return data
def getTextByLetter(letter):
texts = []
url = '' % letter
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
txts = re.compile('<li class="author">(.*?)</li><li class="title"><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a></li>').findall(data)
author = 'Unknown Author'
for r in txts:
if r[0] != '&nbsp;':
author = r[0]
link = r[1]
id = findRe(link, '/(\d+)')
title = decodeHtml(r[2])
author_foder = canonicalName(author)
author_foder = os.path.join(author_foder[0], author_foder)
filename = os.path.join(author_foder, '%s (aaarg %s).pdf' % (title.replace('/', '_'), id))
'author': author,
'title': title,
'id': id,
'filename': filename,
return texts
def getTexts():
texts = []
for letter in string.letters[:26]:
texts += getTextByLetter(letter)
return texts

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import time
from ox import stripTags, findRe
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
def getId(url):
return url.split("/")[-2]
def getData(id):
>>> getData('129689')['cast'][1][1]
>>> getData('129689')['credits'][0][0]
u'Jean-Luc Godard'
>>> getData('129689')['posters'][0]
>>> getData('129689')['rating']
data = {
"url": getUrl(id)
html = readUrlUnicode(data["url"])
data['aka'] = parseList(html, 'AKA')
data['category'] = findRe(html, '*?">(.*?)</a>')
data['countries'] = parseList(html, 'Countries')
data['director'] = parseEntry(html, 'Director')
data['genres'] = parseList(html, 'Genres')
data['keywords'] = parseList(html, 'Keywords')
data['posters'] = [findRe(html, '<img src="(http://image\..*?)"')]
data['produced'] = parseList(html, 'Produced by')
data['rating'] = findRe(html, 'Stars" title="(.*?) Stars"')
data['released'] = parseEntry(html, 'Released by')
data['releasedate'] = parseEntry(html, 'Release')[0:10].replace(' ', '-')
data['runtime'] = findRe(html, '<td class="formed-sub" style="width: 86px;">(\d+) min.</td>')
data['set'] = parseEntry(html, 'Set In')
data['synopsis'] = parseText(html, 'Plot Synopsis')
data['themes'] = parseList(html, 'Themes')
data['types'] = parseList(html, 'Types')
data['year'] = findRe(html, '"*?)"')
html = readUrlUnicode("" % id)
data['cast'] = parseTable(html)
html = readUrlUnicode("" % id)
data['credits'] = parseTable(html)
html = readUrlUnicode("" % id)
data['review'] = parseText(html, 'Review')
return data
def getUrl(id):
return "" % id
def parseEntry(html, title):
return stripTags(findRe(html, '<span>%s</span>(.*?)</table>' % title)).strip()
def parseList(html, title):
html = findRe(html, '<span>%s</span>(.*?)</table>' % title)
return map(lambda x: stripTags(x), re.compile('<li>(.*?)</li>', re.DOTALL).findall(html))
def parseTable(html):
return map(
lambda x: map(
lambda x: stripTags(x).strip().replace('&nbsp;', ''),
x.split('<td width="305">-')
findRe(html, '<div id="results-table">(.*?)</table>').split('</tr>')[:-1]
def parseText(html, title):
return stripTags(findRe(html, '%s</td>.*?<td colspan="2"><p>(.*?)</td>' % title)).strip()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getData('129689')
# print getData('177524')

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# GPL 2009
import os
import simplejson
def get(key):
user_auth = os.environ.get('oxAUTH', os.path.expanduser('~/.ox/auth.json'))
auth = {}
if os.path.exists(user_auth):
f = open(user_auth, "r")
data =
auth = simplejson.loads(data)
if key in auth:
return auth[key]
print "please add key %s to json file '%s'" % (key, user_auth)
return ""

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import ox.cache
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
from ox.html import stripTags
from ox.text import findRe, removeSpecialCharacters
import imdb
def getId(url):
return url.split("/")[-1]
def getUrl(id):
return "" % id
def getData(id):
>>> getData('1333')['imdbId']
>>> getData('236')['posters'][0]
>>> getData('786')['posters'][0]
data = {
"url": getUrl(id)
html = readUrlUnicode(data["url"])
html = ox.cache.getUrl(data["url"])
data["number"] = findRe(html, "<p class=\"spinenumber\">(.*?)</p>")
data["title"] = findRe(html, "<h2 class=\"movietitle\">(.*?)</h2>")
data["director"] = findRe(html, "<h2 class=\"director\">(.*?)</h2>")
results = re.compile("<p><strong>(.*?)</strong></p>").findall(html)
data["country"] = results[0]
data["year"] = results[1]
result = findRe(html, "<div class=\"synopsis contentbox lightgray\">(.*?)</div>")
data["synopsis"] = findRe(result, "<p>(.*?)</p>")
result = findRe(html, "<div class=\"editioninfo\">(.*?)</div>")
if 'Blu-Ray' in result or 'Essential Art House DVD' in result:
result = re.compile("<div class=\"editioninfo\">(.*?)</div>", re.DOTALL).findall(html)[1]
result = findRe(result, "<a href=\"(.*?)\">")
if not "/boxsets/" in result:
data["posters"] = [result]
html_ = readUrlUnicode(result)
result = findRe(html_, "<a href=\"\">(.*?)</a>" % id)
result = findRe(result, "src=\"(.*?)\"")
data["posters"] = [result.replace("_w100", "")]
result = findRe(html, "<img alt=\"Film Still\" height=\"252\" src=\"(.*?)\"")
if result:
data["stills"] = [result]
data["trailers"] = []
data["stills"] = [findRe(html, "\"thumbnailURL\", \"(.*?)\"")]
data["trailers"] = [findRe(html, "\"videoURL\", \"(.*?)\"")]
data['imdbId'] = imdb.getMovieId(data['title'], data['director'], data['year'])
return data
def getIds():
ids = []
html = readUrlUnicode("")
results = re.compile("page=(.*?)\"").findall(html)
pages = int(results[len(results) - 2])
for page in range(pages, 0, -1):
for id in getIdsByPage(page):
return map(lambda id: str(id), sorted(map(lambda id: int(id), set(ids))))
def getIdsByPage(page):
ids = []
html = readUrlUnicode("" % page)
results = re.compile("films/(.*?)\"").findall(html)
for result in results:
results = re.compile("boxsets/(.*?)\"").findall(html)
for result in results:
html = readUrlUnicode("" + result)
results = re.compile("films/(.*?)\"").findall(html)
for result in results:
return set(ids)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getIds()

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from urllib import unquote
from ox.cache import readUrl
def getVideoUrl(url):
>>> getVideoUrl('').split('?key')[0]
>>> getVideoUrl('').split('?key')[0]
data = readUrl(url)
video = re.compile('''video", "(.*?)"''').findall(data)
for v in video:
v = unquote(v).split('@@')[0]
return "" + v
return ''

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import time
from ox import stripTags, findRe
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
import google
def getShowUrl(title):
Search Epguide Url for Show via Show Title.
Use Google to search the url, this is also done on Epguide.
for (name, url, desc) in google.find('allintitle: %s' % title, 1):
if url.startswith(''):
if, name):
return url
return None
def getShowData(url):
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
r = {}
r['title'] = stripTags(findRe(data, '<h1>(.*?)</h1>'))
r['imdb'] = findRe(data, '<h1><a href=".*?/title/tt(\d.*?)">.*?</a></h1>')
r['episodes'] = {}
#1. 1- 1 1001 7 Aug 05 You Can't Miss the Bear
for episode in re.compile('(\d+?)\..*?(\d+?-.\d.*?) .*?(\d+?) .*?(.*?) <a target="_blank" href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>').findall(data):
air_date = episode[3].strip()
#'22 Sep 04' -> 2004-09-22
air_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.strptime(air_date, '%d %b %y'))
s = episode[1].split('-')[0].strip()
e = episode[1].split('-')[-1].strip()
r['episodes']['S%02dE%02d' % (int(s), int(e))] = {
'prod code': episode[2],
'air date': air_date,
'url': episode[4],
print "oxweb.epguides failed,", url
return r

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import weakref
import threading
import Queue
import simplejson
import ox
from ox import stripTags
import google
for result in google.find(query): result
result is title, url, description
google.find(query, max_results)
FIXME: how search depper than first page?
def readUrl(url, data=None,, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
return ox.cache.readUrl(url, data, headers, timeout)
def quote_plus(s):
return urllib.quote_plus(s.encode('utf-8'))
def find(query, max_results=DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
url = "" % quote_plus(query)
data = readUrl(url, timeout=timeout)
link_re = r'<a href="(?P<url>[^"]*?)" class=l.*?>(?P<name>.*?)</a>' + \
r'.*?(?:<br>|<table.*?>)' + \
r'(?P<desc>.*?)' + '(?:<font color=#008000>|<a)'
results = []
for match in re.compile(link_re, re.DOTALL).finditer(data):
(name, url, desc) ='name', 'url', 'desc')
results.append((stripTags(name), url, stripTags(desc)))
if len(results) > max_results:
results = results[:max_results]
return results
def _find(query):
url = '' % quote_plus(query)
results = simplejson.loads(ox.cache.readUrlUnicode(url))['responseData']['results']
return results

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import urllib2
from urllib import quote, unquote
import re
import os
import time
import ox
from ox import findRe
from ox.normalize import normalizeTitle, normalizeImdbId
from siteparser import SiteParser
import google
class Imdb(SiteParser):
regex = {
'cast': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<td class="nm">.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<td class="char">(.*?)</td>',
'type': 'list'
'cinematographers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'Cinematography by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'connections': {
'page': 'movieconnections',
're': '<h5>(.*?)</h5>(.*?)\n\n',
'type': 'list'
'countries': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Countries/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'directors': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'Directed by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'editors': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'Film Editing by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'filming_locations': {
'page': 'locations',
're': '<a href="/search/title\?locations=.*?">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'genres': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Genres/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'keywords': {
'page': 'keywords',
're': '<a href="/keyword/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'languages': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/Sections/Languages/.*?/">(.*?)</a>',
'type': 'list'
'plot': {
'page': 'plotsummary',
're': '<p class="plotpar">(.*?)<i>',
'type': 'string'
'poster_id': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '/primary-photo/media/rm(.*?)/tt',
'type': 'list'
'poster_ids': {
'page': 'posters',
're': '/unknown-thumbnail/media/rm(.*?)/tt',
'type': 'list'
'producers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'Produced by</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'rating': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<div class="starbar-meta">.*?<b>(.*?)/10</b>',
'type': 'float'
'release_date': {
'page': 'releaseinfo',
're': '<a href="/date/(\d{2})-(\d{2})/">.*?</a> <a href="/year/(\d{4})/">',
'type': 'date'
'runtime': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<h5>Runtime:</h5><div class="info-content">.*?([0-9]+ sec|[0-9]+ min).*?</div>',
'type': 'string'
'title': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<h1>(.*?) <span>',
'type': 'string'
'trivia': {
'page': 'trivia',
're': '<div class="sodatext">(.*?)<br>',
'type': 'list',
'votes': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="ratings" class="tn15more">(.*?) votes</a>',
'type': 'string'
'writers': {
'page': 'combined',
're': [
'Writing credits</a>(.*?)</table>',
'<a href="/name/.*?/">(.*?)</a>'
'type': 'list'
'year': {
'page': 'combined',
're': '<a href="/year/(\d{4})/">',
'type': 'int'
def __init__(self, id):
self.baseUrl = "" % id
super(Imdb, self).__init__()
if 'runtime' in self:
if 'min' in self['runtime']: base=60
else: base=1
self['runtime'] = int(findRe(self['runtime'], '([0-9]+)')) * base
if 'connections' in self:
for rel, data in self['connections']:
cc[unicode(rel)] = re.compile('<a href="/title/tt(\d{7})/">').findall(data)
self['connections'] = cc
def guess(title, director='', timeout=google.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT):
#FIXME: proper file -> title
title = title.split('-')[0]
title = title.split('(')[0]
title = title.split('.')[0]
title = title.strip()
imdb_url = '' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
return_url = ''
#lest first try google
#i.e. Michael Stevens Sin
if director:
search = ' %s "%s"' % (director, title)
search = ' "%s"' % title
for (name, url, desc) in google.find(search, 2, timeout=timeout):
if url.startswith(''):
return normalizeImdbId(int(ox.intValue(url)))
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None,
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
return None
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
if data:
imdb_id = findRe(data.replace('\n', ' '), 'Popular Results.*?<ol><li>.*?<a href="/title/tt(.......)')
if imdb_id:
return imdb_id
imdb_url = ';s=tt;site=aka' % quote(title.encode('utf-8'))
req = urllib2.Request(imdb_url, None,
u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =
return_url = u.url
if return_url.startswith(''):
return return_url[28:35]
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
print json.dumps(Imdb('0306414'), indent=2)
#print json.dumps(Imdb('0133093'), indent=2)

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# encoding: utf-8
import re
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
from ox.html import stripTags
from ox.text import findRe
import imdb
def getData(id):
>>> getData('1991/silence_of_the_lambs')['imdbId']
>>> getData('1991/silence_of_the_lambs')['posters'][0]
>>> getData('1991/silence_of_the_lambs')['url']
data = {
'url': getUrl(id)
html = readUrlUnicode(data['url'])
data['imdbId'] = findRe(html, '*?) ')
data['title'] = stripTags(findRe(html, '<p class="name white">(.*?) \(<a href="alpha1.html">'))
data['year'] = findRe(html, '\(<a href="alpha1.html">(.*?)</a>\)')
data['posters'] = []
results = re.compile('<a href = (%s.*?html)' % id[5:], re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
result = result.replace('_xlg.html', '.html')
url = '' % (data['year'], result)
html = readUrlUnicode(url)
result = findRe(html, '<a href = (\w*?_xlg.html)')
if result:
url = '' % (data['year'], result)
html = readUrlUnicode(url)
poster = '' % (data['year'], findRe(html, '<img SRC="(.*?)"'))
poster = '' % (data['year'], findRe(html, '<img src="(posters.*?)" alt='))
return data
def getId(url):
split = url.split('/')
year = split[3]
split = split[4][:-5].split('_')
if split[-1] == 'xlg':
if findRe(split[-1], 'ver\d+$'):
id = '%s/%s' % (year, '_'.join(split))
return id
def getIds():
ids = []
html = readUrlUnicode('', timeout = 60*60)
pages = int(findRe(html, '<a href= page(.*?).html>')) + 1
for page in range(pages, 0, -1):
for id in getIdsByPage(page):
if not id in ids:
return ids
def getIdsByPage(page):
ids = []
html = readUrlUnicode('' % page, timeout = -1)
results = re.compile('<a href = \.\./(.*?)>', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
url = '' % result
return set(ids)
def getUrl(id):
url = "" % id
html = readUrlUnicode(url)
if findRe(html, "No Movie Posters on This Page"):
url = "" % id
return url
if __name__ == '__main__':
ids = getIds()
print sorted(ids), len(ids)

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
# encoding: utf-8
import re
import urllib
from ox.cache import readUrl
from ox.html import decodeHtml, stripTags
from ox.text import findRe
from ox.text import findString
# to sniff itunes traffic, use something like
# sudo tcpdump -i en1 -Avs 8192 host
'X-Apple-Tz': '0',
'X-Apple-Storefront': '143441-1',
'User-Agent': 'iTunes/7.6.2 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5.2)',
'Accept-Language': 'en-us, en;q=0.50',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
'Connection': 'close',
def composeUrl(request, parameters):
if request == 'advancedSearch':
url = ''
if parameters['media'] == 'music':
url += urllib.urlencode({
'albumTerm': parameters['title'],
'allArtistNames': parameters['artist'],
'composerTerm': '',
'flavor': 0,
'genreIndex': 1,
'media': 'music',
'mediaType': 2,
'ringtone': 0,
'searchButton': 'submit',
'songTerm': ''
elif parameters['media'] == 'movie':
url += urllib.urlencode({
'actorTerm': '',
'closedCaption': 0,
'descriptionTerm': '',
'directorProducerName': parameters['director'],
'flavor': 0,
'media': 'movie',
'mediaType': 3,
'movieTerm': parameters['title'],
'ratingIndex': 1,
'releaseYearTerm': '',
'searchButton': 'submit'
elif request == 'viewAlbum':
url = '' % parameters['id']
elif request == 'viewMovie':
url = '' % parameters['id']
return url
def parseXmlDict(xml):
values = {}
strings = xml.split('<key>')
for string in strings:
if string.find('</key>') != -1:
key = findRe(string, '(.*?)</key>')
type = findRe(string, '</key><(.*?)>')
if type == 'true/':
value = True
value = findRe(string, '<%s>(.*?)</%s>' % (type, type))
if type == 'integer':
value = int(value)
elif type == 'string':
value = decodeHtml(value)
values[key] = value
return values
def parseCast(xml, title):
list = []
strings = findRe(xml, '<SetFontStyle normalStyle="textColor">%s(.*?)</VBoxView>' % title[:-1].upper()).split('</GotoURL>')
for string in strings:
list.append(findRe(string, '<SetFontStyle normalStyle="textColor">(.*?)</SetFontStyle>'))
return list
return list
def parseMovies(xml, title):
list = []
strings = findRe(xml, '<SetFontStyle normalStyle="outlineTitleFontStyle"><b>%s(.*?)</Test>' % title[:-1].upper()).split('</GotoURL>')
for string in strings:
'id': findRe(string, 'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&'),
'title': findRe(string, '<SetFontStyle normalStyle="outlineTextFontStyle"><b>(.*?)</b></SetFontStyle>')
return list
return list
class ItunesAlbum:
def __init__(self, id = '', title = '', artist = ''): = id
self.title = title
self.artist = artist
if not id: = self.getId()
def getId(self):
url = composeUrl('advancedSearch', {'media': 'music', 'title': self.title, 'artist': self.artist})
xml = readUrl(url, headers = ITUNES_HEADERS)
id = findRe(xml, 'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
return id
def getData(self):
data = {'id':}
url = composeUrl('viewAlbum', {'id':})
xml = readUrl(url, None, ITUNES_HEADERS)
data['albumName'] = findRe(xml, '<B>(.*?)</B>')
data['artistName'] = findRe(xml, '<b>(.*?)</b>')
data['coverUrl'] = findRe(xml, 'reflection="." url="(.*?)"')
data['genre'] = findRe(xml, 'Genre:(.*?)<')
data['releaseDate'] = findRe(xml, 'Released(.*?)<')
data['review'] = stripTags(findRe(xml, 'REVIEW</b>.*?<SetFontStyle normalStyle="textColor">(.*?)</SetFontStyle>'))
data['tracks'] = []
strings = findRe(xml, '<key>items</key>.*?<dict>(.*?)$').split('<dict>')
for string in strings:
data['type'] = findRe(xml, '<key>listType</key><string>(.*?)<')
return data
class ItunesMovie:
def __init__(self, id = '', title = '', director = ''): = id
self.title = title
self.director = director
if not id: = self.getId()
def getId(self):
url = composeUrl('advancedSearch', {'media': 'movie', 'title': self.title, 'director': self.director})
xml = readUrl(url, headers = ITUNES_HEADERS)
id = findRe(xml, 'viewMovie\?id=(.*?)&')
return id
def getData(self):
data = {'id':}
url = composeUrl('viewMovie', {'id':})
xml = readUrl(url, None, ITUNES_HEADERS)
f = open('/Users/rolux/Desktop/iTunesData.xml', 'w')
data['actors'] = parseCast(xml, 'actors')
string = findRe(xml, 'Average Rating:(.*?)</HBoxView>')
data['averageRating'] = string.count('rating_star_000033.png') + string.count('&#189;') * 0.5
data['directors'] = parseCast(xml, 'directors')
data['format'] = findRe(xml, 'Format:(.*?)<')
data['genre'] = decodeHtml(findRe(xml, 'Genre:(.*?)<'))
data['plotSummary'] = decodeHtml(findRe(xml, 'PLOT SUMMARY</b>.*?<SetFontStyle normalStyle="textColor">(.*?)</SetFontStyle>'))
data['posterUrl'] = findRe(xml, 'reflection="." url="(.*?)"')
data['producers'] = parseCast(xml, 'producers')
data['rated'] = findRe(xml, 'Rated(.*?)<')
data['relatedMovies'] = parseMovies(xml, 'related movies')
data['releaseDate'] = findRe(xml, 'Released(.*?)<')
data['runTime'] = findRe(xml, 'Run Time:(.*?)<')
data['screenwriters'] = parseCast(xml, 'screenwriters')
data['soundtrackId'] = findRe(xml, 'viewAlbum\?id=(.*?)&')
data['trailerUrl'] = findRe(xml, 'autoplay="." url="(.*?)"')
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
import simplejson
data = ItunesAlbum(title = 'So Red the Rose', artist = 'Arcadia').getData()
print simplejson.dumps(data, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
data = ItunesMovie(title = 'The Matrix', director = 'Wachowski').getData()
print simplejson.dumps(data, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
for v in data['relatedMovies']:
data = ItunesMovie(id = v['id']).getData()
print simplejson.dumps(data, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
data = ItunesMovie(id='272960052').getData()
print simplejson.dumps(data, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from ox import cache
from ox.html import stripTags
from ox.text import findRe
import auth
def readUrl(url, data=None, headers=cache.DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache.cache_timeout, valid=None):
headers = headers.copy()
headers["Cookie"] = auth.get("karagarga.cookie")
return cache.readUrl(url, data, headers, timeout)
def readUrlUnicode(url, timeout=cache.cache_timeout):
return cache.readUrlUnicode(url, _readUrl=readUrl, timeout=timeout)
def getData(id):
data = {
"url": getUrl(id)
html = readUrlUnicode("%s%s" % (data["url"], "&filelist=1"))
if 'No torrent with ID' in html:
return False
data['added'] = stripTags(parseTable(html, 'Added'))
data['country'] = findRe(html, 'title="([\w ]*?)" border="0" width="32" height="20"')
# data['description'] = parseTable(html, 'Description')
data['director'] = stripTags(parseTable(html, 'Director / Artist'))
data['files'] = []
result = findRe(html, '<table class=main border="1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding="5">(.*?)</table>')
results = re.compile('<td>(.*?)</td><td align="right">(.*?)</td>', re.DOTALL).findall(result)
for name, size in results:
'name': name,
'size': '%s %s' % (size[:-2], size[-2:].strip().upper())
data['format'] = ''
if html.find('genreimages/dvdr.png') != -1:
data['format'] = 'DVD'
elif html.find('genreimages/hdrip.png') != -1:
data['format'] = 'HD'
data['genre'] = []
result = parseTable(html, 'Genres')
for string in result.split('\n'):
string = stripTags(findRe(string, '<a href="browse.php\?genre=.*?">(.*?)</a>'))
if string:
data['id'] = id
data['imdbId'] = findRe(html, '\d{7})')
data['language'] = stripTags(parseTable(html, 'Language'))
data['leechers'] = int(findRe(html, 'seeder\(s\), (.*?) leecher\(s\)'))
data['link'] = stripTags(parseTable(html, 'Internet Link'))
data['links'] = []
results = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>', re.DOTALL).findall(parseTable(html, 'Description'))
for (url, title) in results:
if url.find('javascript') == -1:
'title': title,
'url': url.replace('', '')
data['people'] = 0
result = stripTags(findRe(html, '<a href="top10others.php.*?>(.*?) people')).strip()
if result:
data['people'] = int(result)
data['posters'] = []
results = re.compile('<img border=0 src="(http://.*?)"', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
data['seeders'] = int(findRe(html, '#seeders" class="sublink".*?colspan=2>(.*?) seeder\(s\)'))
data['size'] = int(findRe(parseTable(html, 'Size'), '\((.*?) ').replace(',', ''))
data['snatched'] = int(findRe(html, '<a name="snatchers">.*?colspan=2>(.*?) '))
data['subtitle'] = findRe(parseTable(html, 'Subtitles'), '>(.*?)<hr>').replace('included: ', '')
data['subtitles'] = []
results = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>', re.DOTALL).findall(parseTable(html, 'Subtitles'))
for (url, language) in results:
'language': language.replace('click here for ', ''),
'url': url
data['torrent'] = '' % findRe(html, '(down.php/.*?)"')
data['year'] = stripTags(parseTable(html, 'Year'))
data['title'] = stripTags(findRe(html, '<h1>(.*?)</h1>')).strip()
data['title'] = re.sub('^%s - ' % re.escape(data['director']), '', data['title'])
data['title'] = re.sub(' \(%s\)$' % re.escape(data['year']), '', data['title'])
return data
def getId(url):
return url.split("=")[-1]
def getTorrent(id):
return readUrl(getData(id)['torrent'])
def getIds(lastId = 20):
lastId = '%s' % lastId
ids = []
page = 0
while True:
for id in getIdsByPage(page):
if not id in ids:
if lastId in ids:
page += 1
return map(lambda id: str(id), sorted(map(lambda id: int(id), set(ids))))
def getIdsByPage(page):
ids = []
url = '' % page
html = readUrlUnicode(url, timeout = 23*60*60) #get new ids once per day
strings = html.split('<td width="42" style="padding:0px;">')
for string in strings:
ids.append(findRe(string, '"details.php\?id=(.*?)"'))
return ids
def getUrl(id):
return "" % id
def parseTable(html, title):
if title == 'Genres':
return findRe(html, '<td class="heading" [\w=" ]*?>%s</td>(.*?)</table>' % title)
return findRe(html, '<td class="heading" [\w=" ]*?>%s</td>(.*?)</td>' % title)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print getIds("79317")
print getData("79317")

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from ox.cache import readUrl
from ox.html import decodeHtml
from ox.text import findRe
def getLyrics(title, artist):
html = readUrl('')
key = findRe(html, '<font color=green><b>(.*?)</b></font>')
url = '' % (key, artist, title)
xml = readUrl(url)
lyrics = findRe(xml, '<tx>(.*?)\[br\] Lyrics [a-z]* by')
lyrics = lyrics.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
lyrics = lyrics.replace('[br]', '\n').strip()
lyrics.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
lyrics = decodeHtml(lyrics.replace('&amp;', '&'))
return lyrics
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getLyrics('Election Day', 'Arcadia')

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from urllib import quote
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, decodeHtml, stripTags
def getMetacriticShowUrl(title):
title = quote(title)
url = "" % title
data = readUrl(url)
return findRe(data, '(*?)\?')
def getData(title, url=None):
if not url:
url = getMetacriticShowUrl(title)
if not url:
return None
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
score = findRe(data, 'ALT="Metascore: (.*?)"')
if score:
score = int(score)
score = -1
reviews = re.compile(
'<div class="scoreandreview"><div class="criticscore">(.*?)</div>'
'.*?<span class="publication">(.*?)</span>'
'.*?<span class="criticname">(.*?)</span></div>'
'.*?<div class="quote">(.*?)<br>'
'.*?<a href="(.*?)" ', re.DOTALL).findall(data)
metacritics = []
for review in reviews:
'score': int(review[0]),
'quote': stripTags(review[3]).strip(),
'link': review[4],
return dict(score = score, critics = metacritics, url = url)

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from datetime import datetime
import re
import socket
from urllib import quote
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, cache, stripTags, decodeHtml, getTorrentInfo, intValue, normalizeNewlines
from ox.normalize import normalizeImdbId
import ox
from torrent import Torrent
def _parseResultsPage(data, max_results=10):
regexp = '''<tr><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)<a href="/tor/(.*?)">(.*?)</a>.*?</td>.*?</tr>'''
for row in re.compile(regexp, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
torrentDate = row[0]
torrentExtra = row[1]
torrentId = row[2]
torrentTitle = decodeHtml(row[3]).strip()
torrentLink = "" + torrentId
privateTracker = 'priv.gif' in torrentExtra
if not privateTracker:
results.append((torrentTitle, torrentLink, ''))
return results
def findMovie(query, max_results=10):
'''search for torrents on mininova
url = "" % quote(query)
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
return _parseResultsPage(data, max_results)
def findMovieByImdb(imdbId):
'''find torrents on mininova for a given imdb id
results = []
imdbId = normalizeImdbId(imdbId)
data = readUrlUnicode("" % imdbId)
return _parseResultsPage(data)
def getId(mininovaId):
mininovaId = unicode(mininovaId)
d = findRe(mininovaId, "/(\d+)")
if d:
return d
mininovaId = mininovaId.split('/')
if len(mininovaId) == 1:
return mininovaId[0]
return mininovaId[-1]
def exists(mininovaId):
mininovaId = getId(mininovaId)
data ="" % mininovaId)
if not data or 'Torrent not found...' in data:
return False
if 'tracker</a> of this torrent requires registration.' in data:
return False
return True
def getData(mininovaId):
_key_map = {
'by': u'uploader',
mininovaId = getId(mininovaId)
torrent = dict()
torrent[u'id'] = mininovaId
torrent[u'domain'] = ''
torrent[u'comment_link'] = "" % mininovaId
torrent[u'torrent_link'] = "" % mininovaId
torrent[u'details_link'] = "" % mininovaId
data = readUrlUnicode(torrent['comment_link']) + readUrlUnicode(torrent['details_link'])
if '<h1>Torrent not found...</h1>' in data:
return None
for d in re.compile('<p>.<strong>(.*?):</strong>(.*?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
key = d[0].lower().strip()
key = _key_map.get(key, key)
value = decodeHtml(stripTags(d[1].strip()))
torrent[key] = value
torrent[u'title'] = findRe(data, '<title>(.*?):.*?</title>')
torrent[u'imdbId'] = findRe(data, 'title/tt(\d{7})')
torrent[u'description'] = findRe(data, '<div id="description">(.*?)</div>')
if torrent['description']:
torrent['description'] = normalizeNewlines(decodeHtml(stripTags(torrent['description']))).strip()
t = readUrl(torrent[u'torrent_link'])
torrent[u'torrent_info'] = getTorrentInfo(t)
return torrent
class Mininova(Torrent):
>>> Mininova('123')
>>> Mininova('1072195')['infohash']
def __init__(self, mininovaId): = getData(mininovaId)
if not
ratio =['share ratio'].split(',')
self['seeder'] = -1
self['leecher'] = -1
if len(ratio) == 2:
val = intValue(ratio[0].replace(',','').strip())
if val:
self['seeder'] = int(val)
val = intValue(ratio[1].replace(',','').strip())
if val:
self['leecher'] = int(val)
val = intValue(['downloads'].replace(',','').strip())
if val:
self['downloaded'] = int(val)
self['downloaded'] = -1
published =['added on']
published = published.split(' +')[0]
self['published'] = datetime.strptime(published, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe
def getData(id):
>>> getData('0060304')['posters'][0]
>>> getData('0123456')['posters']
data = {
"url": getUrl(id)
data["posters"] = getPostersByUrl(data["url"])
return data
def getId(url):
return url.split("/")[-2]
def getPostersByUrl(url, group=True):
posters = []
html = readUrlUnicode(url)
if url in html:
if group:
results = re.compile('<a href="(\??">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
posters += getPostersByUrl(result, False)
results = re.compile('<a href="(">', re.DOTALL).findall(html)
for result in results:
html = readUrlUnicode(result)
posters.append(findRe(html, '"(\.jpg)"'))
return posters
def getUrl(id):
return "" % id
if __name__ == '__main__':
print getData('0060304')
print getData('0133093')

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import feedparser
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, stripTags
from ox import langCode2To3, langTo3Code
def findSubtitlesByImdb(imdb, parts = 1, language = "eng"):
if len(language) == 2:
language = langCode2To3(language)
elif len(language) != 3:
language = langTo3Code(language)
url = ""
if language:
url += "sublanguageid-%s/" % language
url += "subsumcd-%s/subformat-srt/imdbid-%s/rss_2_00" % (parts, imdb)
data = readUrl(url)
if "title> - search results</title" in data:
fd = feedparser.parse(data)
opensubtitleId = None
if fd.entries:
link = fd.entries[0]['links'][0]['href']
opensubtitleId = re.compile('subtitles/(.*?)/').findall(link)
if opensubtitleId:
opensubtitleId = opensubtitleId[0]
opensubtitleId = findRe(data, '/en/subtitles/(.*?)/')
return opensubtitleId
def downloadSubtitleById(opensubtitle_id):
srts = {}
data = readUrl('' % opensubtitle_id)
reg_exp = 'href="(/en/download/file/.*?)">(.*?)</a>'
for f in re.compile(reg_exp, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
name = stripTags(f[1]).split('\n')[0]
url = "" % f[0]
srts[name] = readUrlUnicode(url)
return srts

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import ox.cache
def getPosterUrl(id):
url = "" % id
if ox.cache.exists(url):
return url
return ''

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import ox.cache
from ox.cache import exists
def getPosterUrl(id):
url = "" % (id[:4], id)
if ox.cache.exists(url):
return url
return ''

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from ox.cache import getHeaders, readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, stripTags
def readUrlByImdb(imdb):
#this would also wor but does not cache:
from urllib2 import urlopen
u = urlopen(url)
return u.url
url = "" % imdb
data = readUrl(url)
if "movie_title" in data:
movies = re.compile('(/m/.*?/)').findall(data)
if movies:
return "" + movies[0]
return None
def getData(url):
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
r = {}
r['title'] = findRe(data, '<h1 class="movie_title">(.*?)</h1>')
if '(' in r['title']:
r['year'] = findRe(r['title'], '\((\d*?)\)')
r['title'] = re.sub('\((\d*?)\)', '', r['title']).strip()
r['synopsis'] = findRe(data, '<span id="movie_synopsis_all".*?>(.*?)</span>')
r['average rating'] = findRe(data, '<div id="bubble_allCritics".*?>(.*?)</div>').strip()
return r

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
from datetime import datetime
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
from ox import stripTags, decodeHtml
def cleanup(key, data, data_type):
if data:
if isinstance(data[0], basestring):
#FIXME: some types need stripTags
#data = [stripTags(decodeHtml(p)).strip() for p in data]
data = [decodeHtml(p).strip() for p in data]
elif isinstance(data[0], list) or isinstance(data[0], tuple):
data = [cleanup(key, p, data_type) for p in data]
while len(data) == 1:
data = data[0]
if data_type == 'list' and isinstance(data, basestring):
data = [data, ]
elif data_type != 'list':
data = ''
return data
class SiteParser(dict):
baseUrl = ''
regex = {}
def getUrl(self, page):
return "%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, page)
def __init__(self):
for key in self.regex:
url = self.getUrl(self.regex[key]['page'])
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
if isinstance(self.regex[key]['re'], basestring):
data = re.compile(self.regex[key]['re'], re.DOTALL).findall(data)
data = cleanup(key, data, self.regex[key]['type'])
for r in self.regex[key]['re']:
if isinstance(data, basestring):
data = re.compile(r, re.DOTALL).findall(data)
data = [re.compile(r, re.DOTALL).findall(d) for d in data]
data = cleanup(key, data, self.regex[key]['type'])
def apply_f(f, data):
if data and isinstance(data[0], list):
data = [f(d) for d in data]
data = f(data)
return data
if self.regex[key]['type'] == 'float':
data = apply_f(float, data)
elif self.regex[key]['type'] == 'int':
data = apply_f(int, data)
elif self.regex[key]['type'] == 'date':
parse_date = lambda d: datetime.strptime('-'.join(d), '%m-%d-%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
data = apply_f(parse_date, data)
self[key] = data

ox/web/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from datetime import datetime
import re
import time
import ox.cache
from ox.html import decodeHtml, stripTags
def getNews(year, month, day):
sections = [
'politik', 'wirtschaft', 'panorama', 'sport', 'kultur', 'netzwelt',
'wissenschaft', 'unispiegel', 'schulspiegel', 'reise', 'auto'
dt = datetime(year, month, day)
day = int(dt.strftime('%j'))
date = dt.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
news = []
for section in sections:
url = ',1518,archiv-%d-%03d,00.html' % (section, year, day)
if date == time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y', time.localtime()):
html =
html = ox.cache.readUrl(url)
for item in re.compile('<div class="spTeaserCenterpage(.*?)</p>', re.DOTALL).findall(html):
dateString = stripTags(re.compile('<div class="spDateTime">(.*?)</div>', re.DOTALL).findall(item)[0]).strip()
description = formatString(re.compile('<p>(.*?)<', re.DOTALL).findall(item)[0])
description = ''
imageUrl = re.compile('<img src="(.*?)"').findall(item)[0]
imageUrl = ''
title = formatString(re.compile('alt=[\'|"](.*?)[\'|"] title=', re.DOTALL).findall(item)[0]).replace(' : ', ': ').replace('::', ':')
title = ''
if dateString[:10] == date and description and imageUrl and title.find(': ') != -1:
new = {}
if len(dateString) == 10:
new['date'] = '%s-%s-%s 00:00' % (dateString[6:10], dateString[3:5], dateString[:2])
new['date'] = '%s-%s-%s %s:%s' % (dateString[6:10], dateString[3:5], dateString[:2], dateString[12:14], dateString[15:17])
# fix decodeHtml
# new['description'] = formatString(decodeHtml(description))
new['description'] = formatString(description)
new['imageUrl'] = imageUrl
new['section'] = formatSection(section)
new['title'] = formatString(title)
new['title1'] = new['title'].replace('\xdf', '\xdf\xdf')[:len(formatString(re.compile('<h4>(.*?)</h4>', re.DOTALL).findall(item)[0]))].replace('\xdf\xdf', '\xdf')
if new['title1'][-1:] == ':':
new['title1'] = new['title1'][0:-1]
new['title2'] = new['title'][len(new['title1']) + 2:]
new['url'] = re.compile('<a href="(.*?)"').findall(item)[0]
if new['url'][:1] == '/':
new['url'] = '' + new['url']
# print '%s, %s' % (new['section'], dateString)
elif dateString[:10] == date and not description:
print dateString + ' - no description'
elif dateString[:10] == date and not imageUrl:
print dateString + ' - no image'
return news
def splitTitle(title):
title1 = re.compile('(.*?): ').findall(title)[0]
title2 = re.compile(': (.*?)$').findall(title)[0]
return [title1, title2]
def formatString(string):
string = string.replace('<span class="spOptiBreak"> </span>', '')
string = string.replace('\n', ' ').replace(' ', ' ').strip()
string = string.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&apos;', '\'').replace('&quot;', '"')
return string
def formatSection(string):
return string[:1].upper() + string[1:].replace('spiegel', 'SPIEGEL')
def formatSubsection(string):
subsection = {
'abi': 'Abi - und dann?',
'formel1': 'Formel 1',
'jobundberuf': 'Job & Beruf',
'leben': 'Leben U21',
'mensch': 'Mensch & Technik',
'sonst': '',
'staedte': u'St\xc3dte',
'ussports': 'US-Sports',
'wunderbar': 'wunderBAR'
if subsection.has_key(string):
return subsection[string].replace(u'\xc3', 'ae')
return string[:1].upper() + string[1:]
def getIssue(year, week):
coverUrl = '' % (year, week, year, week)
if not
return None
url = '' % (year, week)
contents = []
data = ox.cache.readUrl(url)
items = re.compile('<a.?href="\?Q=SP&JG=".?>(.*?)</a>').findall(data)
for item in items:
item = item[1]
page = int(re.compile('&amp;SE=(.*?)"').findall(item)[0])
title = stripTags(item).strip()
contents.append({'title': title, 'page': page})
pageUrl = {}
pages = page + 2
for page in range(1, pages + 10):
url = '' % (year, week, year, week, page)
if ox.cache.exists(url):
pageUrl[page] = url
pageUrl[page] = ''
return {'pages': pages, 'contents': contents, 'coverUrl': coverUrl, 'pageUrl': pageUrl}
def archiveIssues():
this is just an example of an archiving application
p = {}
import os
import simplejson
import time
archivePath = '/Volumes/Rolux Home/Desktop/Data/ Spiegel'
localtime = time.localtime()
year = int(time.strftime('%Y', localtime))
week = int(time.strftime('%W', localtime))
for y in range(year, 1993, -1):
if y == year:
wMax = week + 1
wMax = 53
for w in range(wMax, 0, -1):
print 'getIssue(%d, %d)' % (y, w)
issue = getIssue(y, w)
if issue:
dirname = '%s/%d/%02d' % (archivePath, y, w)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
filename = '%s/Der Spiegel %d %02d.json' % (dirname, y, w)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
data = simplejson.dumps(issue, ensure_ascii = False)
f = open(filename, 'w')
filename = '%s/Der Spiegel %d %02d.txt' % (dirname, y, w)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
data = []
for item in issue['contents']:
data.append('%3d %s' % (item['page'], item['title']))
data = '\n'.join(data)
f = open(filename, 'w')
filename = '%s/Der Spiegel %d %02d.jpg' % (dirname, y, w)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
data = ox.cache.readUrl(issue['coverUrl'])
f = open(filename, 'w')
for page in issue['pageUrl']:
url = issue['pageUrl'][page]
if url:
filename = '%s/Der Spiegel %d %02d %03d.jpg' % (dirname, y, w, page)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
data = ox.cache.readUrl(url)
f = open(filename, 'w')
if not p:
p = {'num': 1, 'sum': issue['pages'], 'min': issue['pages'], 'max': issue['pages']}
p['num'] += 1
p['sum'] += issue['pages']
if issue['pages'] < p['min']:
p['min'] = issue['pages']
if issue['pages'] > p['max']:
p['max'] = issue['pages']
print p['min'], p['sum'] / p['num'], p['max']
def archiveNews():
this is just an example of an archiving application
import os
import simplejson
import time
count = {}
colon = []
archivePath = '/Volumes/Rolux Home/Desktop/Data/ Online'
days = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
localtime = time.localtime()
year = int(time.strftime('%Y', localtime))
month = int(time.strftime('%m', localtime))
day = int(time.strftime('%d', localtime)) - 1
for y in range(year, 1999, -1):
if y == year:
mMax = month
mMax = 12
for m in range(mMax, 0, -1):
if y == year and m == month:
dMax = day
elif m == 2 and y % 4 == 0 and y % 400 != 0:
dMax = days[m] + 1
dMax = days[m]
for d in range(dMax, 0, -1):
print 'getNews(%d, %d, %d)' % (y, m, d)
news = getNews(y, m ,d)
for new in news:
dirname = archivePath + '/' + new['date'][0:4] + '/' + new['date'][5:7] + new['date'][8:10] + '/' + new['date'][11:13] + new['date'][14:16]
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
if new['url'][-5:] == '.html':
filename = dirname + '/' + new['url'].split('/')[-1][:-5] + '.json'
filename = dirname + '/' + new['url'] + '.json'
if not os.path.exists(filename) or True:
data = simplejson.dumps(new, ensure_ascii = False)
f = open(filename, 'w')
filename = filename[:-5] + '.txt'
if not os.path.exists(filename) or True:
data = splitTitle(new['title'])
data = '\n'.join(data)
f = open(filename, 'w')
filename = dirname + '/' + new['imageUrl'].split('/')[-1]
if not os.path.exists(filename):
data = ox.cache.readUrl(new['imageUrl'])
f = open(filename, 'w')
strings = new['url'].split('/')
string = strings[3]
if len(strings) == 6:
string += '/' + strings[4]
if not count.has_key(string):
count[string] = {'count': 1, 'string': '%s %s,1518,archiv-%d-%03d,00.html' % (new['date'], new['date'], new['section'].lower(), y, int(datetime(y, m, d).strftime('%j')))}
count[string] = {'count': count[string]['count'] + 1, 'string': '%s %s' % (new['date'], count[string]['string'][17:])}
strings = splitTitle(new['title'])
if strings[0] != new['title1'] or strings[1] != new['title2']:
colon.append('%s %s %s: %s' % (new['date'], new['title'], new['title1'], new['title2']))
for key in sortDictByKey(count):
print '%6d %-24s %s' % (count[key]['count'], key, count[key]['string'])
for value in colon:
print value
def sortDictByKey(d):
keys = d.keys()
return keys
if __name__ == '__main__':
# spiegel = Spiegel(2008, 8)
# print spiegel.getContents()
# news = News(2001, 9, 10)
# output(news.getNews())
x = []
for d in range(10, 30):
print '2/%d' % d
news = getNews(2008, 2, d)
for new in news:
strings = new['url'].split('/')
string = formatSection(strings[3])
if len(strings) == 6:
string += '/' + formatSubsection(strings[4])
if not string in x:
print x
# archiveIssues()

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from datetime import datetime
import re
import socket
from urllib import quote, urlencode
from urllib2 import URLError
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, cache, stripTags, decodeHtml, getTorrentInfo, normalizeNewlines
from ox.normalize import normalizeImdbId
import ox
from torrent import Torrent
cache_timeout = 24*60*60 # cache search only for 24 hours
season_episode = re.compile("S..E..", re.IGNORECASE)
def _readUrl(url, data=None, headers=cache.DEFAULT_HEADERS, timeout=cache.cache_timeout, valid=None):
headers = headers.copy()
headers['Cookie'] = 'language=en_EN'
return cache.readUrl(url, data, headers, timeout)
def _readUrlUnicode(url, timeout=cache.cache_timeout):
return cache.readUrlUnicode(url, _readUrl=_readUrl, timeout=timeout)
def findMovies(query, max_results=10):
results = []
next = ["" % quote(query), ]
page_count = 1
while next and page_count < 4:
page_count += 1
url = next[0]
if not url.startswith('http'):
if not url.startswith('/'):
url = "/" + url
url = "" + url
data = _readUrlUnicode(url, timeout=cache_timeout)
regexp = '''<tr.*?<td class="vertTh"><a href="/browse/(.*?)".*?<td><a href="(/torrent/.*?)" class="detLink".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?</tr>'''
for row in re.compile(regexp, re.DOTALL).findall(data):
torrentType = row[0]
torrentLink = "" + row[1]
torrentTitle = decodeHtml(row[2])
# 201 = Movies , 202 = Movie DVDR, 205 TV Shows
if torrentType in ['201']:
results.append((torrentTitle, torrentLink, ''))
if len(results) >= max_results:
return results
next = re.compile('<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>.*?next.gif.*?</a>').findall(data)
return results
def findMovieByImdb(imdb):
return findMovies("tt" + normalizeImdbId(imdb))
def getId(piratebayId):
if piratebayId.startswith(''):
piratebayId = piratebayId.split('org/')[1]
d = findRe(piratebayId, "tor/(\d+)")
if d:
piratebayId = d
d = findRe(piratebayId, "torrent/(\d+)")
if d:
piratebayId = d
return piratebayId
def exists(piratebayId):
piratebayId = getId(piratebayId)
return"" % piratebayId)
def getData(piratebayId):
_key_map = {
'spoken language(s)': u'language',
'texted language(s)': u'subtitle language',
'by': u'uploader',
'leechers': 'leecher',
'seeders': 'seeder',
piratebayId = getId(piratebayId)
torrent = dict()
torrent[u'id'] = piratebayId
torrent[u'domain'] = ''
torrent[u'comment_link'] = '' % piratebayId
data = _readUrlUnicode(torrent['comment_link'])
torrent[u'title'] = findRe(data, '<title>(.*?) \(download torrent\) - TPB</title>')
if not torrent[u'title']:
return None
torrent[u'title'] = decodeHtml(torrent[u'title']).strip()
torrent[u'imdbId'] = findRe(data, 'title/tt(\d{7})')
title = quote(torrent['title'].encode('utf-8'))
torrent[u'torrent_link']="" % (piratebayId, title)
for d in re.compile('dt>(.*?):</dt>.*?<dd.*?>(.*?)</dd>', re.DOTALL).findall(data):
key = d[0].lower().strip()
key = _key_map.get(key, key)
value = decodeHtml(stripTags(d[1].strip()))
torrent[key] = value
torrent[u'description'] = findRe(data, '<div class="nfo">(.*?)</div>')
if torrent[u'description']:
torrent['description'] = normalizeNewlines(decodeHtml(stripTags(torrent['description']))).strip()
t = _readUrl(torrent[u'torrent_link'])
torrent[u'torrent_info'] = getTorrentInfo(t)
return torrent
class Thepiratebay(Torrent):
>>> Thepiratebay('123')
>>> Thepiratebay('3951349')['infohash']
def __init__(self, piratebayId): = getData(piratebayId)
if not
published =['uploaded']
published = published.replace(' GMT', '').split(' +')[0]
self['published'] = datetime.strptime(published, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from ox import intValue
class Torrent(dict):
>>> Torrent()
{'files': 1, 'domain': u'', 'subtitle language': u'', 'seeder': -1, 'description': u'', 'language': u'', 'title': u'', 'imdbId': u'', 'downloaded': -1, 'leecher': -1, 'torrent_link': u'', 'torrent_info': {}, 'published': u'', 'announce': '', 'infohash': '', 'id': u'', 'comment_link': u'', 'size': -1}
_string_keys = ('id', 'title', 'description', 'infohash', 'torrent_link', 'comment_link',
'imdbId', 'announce', 'domain', 'published', 'language', 'subtitle language')
_int_keys = ('size', 'seeder', 'leecher', 'downloaded', 'files')
_dict_keys = ('torrent_info', )
_list_keys = ()
data = {'torrent_info': {}}
def __init__(self):
for key in self._string_keys:
self[key] =, u'')
for key in self._dict_keys:
self[key] =, {})
for key in self._list_keys:
self[key] =, [])
for key in self._int_keys:
value =, -1)
if not isinstance(value, int):
value = int(intValue(value))
self[key] = value
self['infohash'] =['torrent_info'].get('hash', '')
self['size'] =['torrent_info'].get('size', -1)
self['announce'] =['torrent_info'].get('announce', '')
if 'files' in['torrent_info']:
self['files'] = len(['torrent_info']['files'])
self['files'] = 1

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
import re
import time
from ox import stripTags, findRe
from ox.cache import readUrlUnicode
def getEpisodeData(url):
prases informatin on tvcom episode pages
returns dict with title, show, description, score
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
r = {}
r['description'] = stripTags(findRe(data, 'div id="main-col">.*?<div>(.*?)</div').split('\r')[0])
r['show'] = findRe(data, '<h1>(.*?)</h1>')
r['title'] = findRe(data, '<title>.*?: (.*?) - </title>')
#episode score
r['episode score'] = findRe(data, '<span class="f-28 f-bold mt-10 mb-10 f-FF9 db lh-18">(.*?)</span>')
match = re.compile('Episode Number: (\d*?) &nbsp;&nbsp; Season Num: (\d*?) &nbsp;&nbsp; First Aired: (.*?) &nbsp').findall(data)
if match:
r['season'] = int(match[0][1])
r['episode'] = int(match[0][0])
#'Wednesday September 29, 2004' -> 2004-09-29
r['air date'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.strptime(match[0][2], '%A %B %d, %Y'))
return r

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from urllib import urlencode
import simplejson
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findRe, decodeHtml
def getId(url):
return url.split("/")[-1]
def getUrl(id):
return "" % id
def getMovieId(title, director='', year=''):
query = '"%s" film %s %s' % (title, director, year)
result = find(query, 1)
if result:
return result[0][1]
return ''
def getUrlByImdbId(imdbId):
query = '"%s"'% imdbId
result = find(query)
if result:
url = result[0][1]
return url
return ""
def getUrlByImdb(imdbId):
# deprecated, use getUrlByImdbId()
return getUrlByImdbId(imdbId)
def getUrlByAllmovieId(allmovieId):
query = '"amg_id = 1:%s"'% allmovieId
result = find(query)
if result:
url = result[0][1]
return url
return ''
def getWikiData(wikipediaUrl):
url = wikipediaUrl.replace('', '')
url = "%s&action=raw" % url
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
return data
def getMovieData(wikipediaUrl):
if not wikipediaUrl.startswith('http'): wikipediaUrl = getUrl(wikipediaUrl)
data = getWikiData(wikipediaUrl)
filmbox_data = findRe(data, '''\{\{Infobox.Film(.*?)\n\}\}''')
filmbox = {}
_box = filmbox_data.strip().split('\n|')
if len(_box) == 1:
_box = _box[0].split('|\n')
for row in _box:
d = row.split('=')
if len(d) == 2:
key = d[0].strip()
if key[0] == '|':
key = key[1:]
value = d[1].strip()
filmbox[key] = value
if 'imdb title' in data:
filmbox['imdb_id'] = findRe(data, 'imdb title\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
elif 'imdb episode' in data:
filmbox['imdb_id'] = findRe(data, 'imdb episode\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'Amg movie' in data:
filmbox['amg_id'] = findRe(data, 'Amg movie\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'amg_id' in filmbox and filmbox['amg_id'].startswith('1:'):
filmbox['amg_id'] = filmbox['amg_id'][2:]
if 'rotten-tomatoes' in data:
filmbox['rottentomatoes_id'] = findRe(data, 'rotten-tomatoes\|id\=(.*?)\|')
if not filmbox['rottentomatoes_id']:
filmbox['rottentomatoes_id'] = findRe(data, 'rotten-tomatoes\|(.*?)\|')
if 'google video' in data:
filmbox['google_video_id'] = findRe(data, 'google video\|.*?(\d*?)\|')
if 'DEFAULTSORT' in data:
filmbox['title_sort'] = findRe(data, '''\{\{DEFAULTSORT:(.*?)\}\}''')
return filmbox
def getImageUrl(name):
data = readUrlUnicode('' + name)
url = findRe(data, 'href="(*?)"')
return url
def getPosterUrl(wikipediaUrl):
if not wikipediaUrl.startswith('http'): wikipediaUrl = getUrl(wikipediaUrl)
data = getMovieData(wikipediaUrl)
if 'image' in data:
return getImageUrl(data['image'])
return ''
def getMoviePoster(wikipediaUrl):
# deprecated, use getPosterUrl()
return getPosterUrl(wikipediaUrl)
def getAllmovieId(wikipediaUrl):
data = getMovieData(wikipediaUrl)
return data.get('amg_id', '')
def find(query, max_results=10):
query = {'action': 'query', 'list':'search', 'format': 'json',
'srlimit': max_results, 'srwhat': 'text', 'srsearch': query.encode('utf-8')}
url = "" + urlencode(query)
data = readUrl(url)
if not data:
data = readUrl(url, timeout=0)
result = simplejson.loads(data)
results = []
if result and 'query' in result:
for r in result['query']['search']:
title = r['title']
url = "" % title.replace(' ', '_')
results.append((title, url, ''))
return results

ox/web/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
from urllib import quote, unquote
import httplib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
import feedparser
from ox.cache import readUrl, readUrlUnicode
from ox import findString, findRe
def getVideoKey(youtubeId):
data = readUrl("" % youtubeId)
match = re.compile("token=(.+)&thumbnail").findall(data)
if match:
return unquote(match[0])
return False
def getVideoUrl(youtubeId, format='mp4'):
youtubeKey = getVideoKey(youtubeId)
if format == '1080p':
url = "" % (youtubeId, youtubeKey, fmt)
if format == '720p':
url = "" % (youtubeId, youtubeKey, fmt)
elif format == 'mp4':
url = "" % (youtubeId, youtubeKey, fmt)
elif format == 'high':
url = "" % (youtubeId, youtubeKey, fmt)
url = "" % (youtubeId, youtubeKey)
return url
def getMovieInfo(youtubeId, video_url_base=None):
url = "" % youtubeId
data = readUrl(url)
fd = feedparser.parse(data)
return getInfoFromAtom(fd.entries[0], video_url_base)
def getInfoFromAtom(entry, video_url_base=None):
info = dict()
info['title'] = entry['title']
info['description'] = entry['description']
info['author'] = entry['author']
#info['published'] = entry['published_parsed']
if 'media_keywords' in entry:
info['keywords'] = entry['media_keywords'].split(', ')
info['url'] = entry['links'][0]['href']
info['id'] = findString(info['url'], "/watch?v=")
info['thumbnail'] = "" % info['id']
if video_url_base:
info['flv'] = "%s/%s.%s" % (video_url_base, info['id'], 'flv')
info['mp4'] = "%s/%s.%s" % (video_url_base, info['id'], 'mp4')
info['flv'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'flv')
info['flv_high'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'high')
info['mp4'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], 'mp4')
info['720p'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], '720p')
info['1080p'] = getVideoUrl(info['id'], '1080p')
info['embed'] = '<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>' % (info['id'], info['id'])
return info
def find(query, max_results=10, offset=1, orderBy='relevance', video_url_base=None):
query = quote(query)
url = "" % (query, orderBy, offset, max_results)
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
fd = feedparser.parse(data)
videos = []
for entry in fd.entries:
v = getInfoFromAtom(entry, video_url_base)
if len(videos) >= max_results:
return videos
return videos
def find(query, max_results=10, offset=1, orderBy='relevance', video_url_base=None):
url = "" % quote(query)
data = readUrlUnicode(url)
regx = re.compile(' <a href="/watch.v=(.*?)" title="(.*?)" ')
regx = re.compile('<a href="/watch\?v=(\w*?)" ><img src="(.*?)" class="vimg120" title="(.*?)" alt="video">')
id_title = regx.findall(data)
data_flat = data.replace('\n', ' ')
videos = {}
for video in id_title:
vid = video[0]
if vid not in videos:
v = dict()
v['id'] = vid
v['link'] = "http//" % v['id']
v['title'] = video[2].strip()
if video_url_base:
v['video_link'] = "%s/%s" % (video_url_base, v['id'])
v['video_url'] = getVideoUrl(v['id'])
v['description'] = findRe(data, 'BeginvidDesc%s">(.*?)</span>' % v['id']).strip().replace('<b>', ' ').replace('</b>', '')
v['thumbnail'] = video[1]
videos[vid] = v
if len(videos) >= max_results:
return videos.values()
return videos.values()