from celery.schedules import crontab from django.conf import settings from ..signalbot import rpc from ..celery import app from . import models @app.task(queue="default") def announce_items(): pass @app.task(queue="default") def notify_moderators(id, link): comment = models.Comment.objects.filter(id=id).first() if comment: message = "%s commnented on %s\n\n%s" % (, link, comment.text) r = rpc.send(message, group=settings.SIGNAL_MODERATORS_GROUP) if r and "timestamp" in r:["moderator_ts"] = r["timestamp"] else: print("failed to notify", r) @app.on_after_finalize.connect def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs): sender.add_periodic_task(crontab(minute="*/2"), announce_items.s())