{ "pages": { "": "

pan.do/ra |panˈdôrə| Greek Mythology

The first mortal woman. She was created by Zeus and sent to earth with a box of evils in revenge for Prometheus' having brought the gift of fire back to the world. Pandora let out all the evils from the box to infect the earth; hope alone remained to assuage the lot of humankind.

", "about": "

pan.do/ra is a free, open source media archive. It allows you to manage large, decentralized collections of video, to collaboratively create metadata and time-based annotations, and to serve your archive as a cutting-edge web application.

", "news": [ [ "pan.do/ra has a website", "2012-03-15", "We finally have a website. The URL is pan dot do slash ra. Yes, that's a slash. Not sure yet what to do with pan dot do. If you have any ideas, let us know." ], [ "Pad.ma has made the switch", "2012-02-21", "Four years after its initial launch, the Bombay-based video archive Pad.ma has been re-implemented in pan.do/ra.

" ], [ "The first instance of pan.do/ra goes live", "2011-11-11", "Today, the 0xDB Movie Database has been relaunched. 0xDB is the very first public manifestation of pan.do/ra." ] ], "faq": [ [ "Q1?", "A1!" ], [ "Q2?", "A2!" ], [ "Q3?", "A3!" ] ], "tour": [ [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0000.jpg", "pan.do/ra home screen" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0001.jpg", "Videos as a list" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0002.jpg", "Videos in a grid" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0003.jpg", "Videos with clips" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0004.jpg", "Videos with timelines" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0005.jpg", "Videos on a map" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0006.jpg", "Videos on a calendar" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0007.jpg", "A video in clips view" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0008.jpg", "Fullscreen player" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0009.jpg", "Annotation editor" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0010.jpg", "Full text search" ], [ "http://0x2620.org/jpg/jpg/0xDB/Screenshots/IMG_0011.jpg", "As you may have noticed, this tour is mostly a placeholder. For more, please come back soon." ] ], "demo": "

While we're still working on a sandbox to demonstrate pan.do/ra's admin features, you can already try out the sites below to see how pan.do/ra works as a regular user:

0xDB is an experimental online movie database. At its core, it provides full text search for more than a hundred years of cinema.

Pad.ma, short for Public Access Digital Media Archive, is an online repository of densely annotated video materials, primarily documentary footage.

", "download": "pan.do/ra will be officially released later in 2012. Until then, you can download and install the latest version here.

pan.do/ra can be installed on most Linux distributions, preferably Ubuntu. It works fine on many other systems, for example on a MacBook, using a virtual machine.

", "documentation": "

As pan.do/ra has not yet been released, documentation is still a work in progress.

A lot of information can be found on our Wiki. If you need instructions for setting up pan.do/ra, check out the readme file that comes with it.

pan.do/ra's public API includes its own documentation. You can browse it at any live instance of pan.do/ra, for example at 0xDB.org/api.

Detailed documentation of OxJS, the JavaScript library used to build pan.do/ra's frontend, can be found at OxJS.org.

", "development": "

In a nutshell, pan.do/ra is a python backend, based on Django, a JavaScript frontend, using OxJS, and a variety of tools around it.

To browse or check out the source, take a look at our repository. If you want to report bugs or request features, please use our tracker. For everything else, there's IRC, and our development mailing list.

pan.do/ra's interface was made with OxJS, a new JavaScript library for web applications. To learn more about OxJS, check out OxJS.org.

pan.do/ra comes with Firefogg, a browser extension for client-side video encoding and upload. Please visit firefogg.org for more information.

", "support": "

In case you just need help with installing, configuring or running pan.do/ra yourself, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Beyond that, we provide support and offer hosting for individual instances of pan.do/ra. For more details, please send us an e-mail.

", "credits": "

pan.do/ra is being developed and maintained by Jan Gerber and Sebastian Lütgert at 0x2620 in Berlin and Sanjay Bhangar at CAMP in Bombay.

From its early stages on, pan.do/ra has received valuable feedback, especially from Zinnia Ambarpardiwala, Shaina Anand and Ashok Sukumaran.

Last but not least, pan.do/ra would not have been possible without the support of the Bohen Foundation.

", "contact": "

E-mail: 0x2620@0x2620.org

IRC: freenode.net/#pan.do/ra

Twitter: @0x2620

Memhardtstrasse 2
10178 Berlin

" } }