pandora.ui.renameAnnotationDialog = function() { var dialogHeight = 100, dialogWidth = 512 + 16, formWidth = getFormWidth(), $button, $content = Ox.Element(), old, value, layer =[0].id, $input = [ Ox.Select({ label: Ox._('Layer'), labelWidth: 96, width: 512, items:, }).css({ margin: '8px' }).bindEvent({ change: function(data) { layer = data.value; } }).appendTo($content), Ox.Input({ label: Ox._('From'), labelWidth: 96, width: 512 }).css({ margin: '8px' }).bindEvent({ change: function(data) { $button.options({disabled: !data.value && !value}); old = data.value; } }).appendTo($content), Ox.Input({ label: Ox._('To'), labelWidth: 96, width: 512 }).css({ margin: '8px' }).bindEvent({ change: function(data) { $button.options({disabled: !data.value && !old}); value = data.value; } }).appendTo($content) ], that = Ox.Dialog({ buttons: [ Ox.Button({ id: 'cancel', title: Ox._('Cancel') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.close(); } }), $button = Ox.Button({ disabled: true, id: 'update', title: Ox._('Rename Annotation') }) .bindEvent({ click: function() { that.options({content: Ox.LoadingScreen().start()}); renameAnnotation(layer, old, value, function() { Ox.Request.clearCache(); that.close(); }) } }) ], closeButton: true, content: $content, height: dialogHeight, removeOnClose: true, title: Ox._('Change Annotation'), width: dialogWidth }) .bindEvent({ resize: setSize }); function getFormWidth() { return dialogWidth - 32 - Ox.UI.SCROLLBAR_SIZE; } function setSize(data) { dialogHeight = data.height; dialogWidth = data.width; formWidth = getFormWidth(); $input.forEach(function($element) { $element.options({width: formWidth}); }); } function renameAnnotation(layer, old, value, callback) { pandora.api.findAnnotations({ 'query': { 'conditions': [{ 'key': 'value', 'value': old, 'operator': '==' }, { 'key': 'layer', 'value': layer, 'operator': '==' }], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': ['id', 'in', 'out', 'value', 'user', 'created'], 'range': [0, 500000] }, function(result) { console.log('got annots',; Ox.serialForEach(, function(annotation, index, array, next) { pandora.api.editAnnotation({ id:, value: value }, function(result) { next() }) }, function() { callback() }) }) } return that; }; (function() { var plugins = []; plugins.push(ExtrasMenu()); plugins.length && load(); function load() { patchReload(); plugins.forEach(function(plugin) { plugin.load() }); } function patchReload() { var reload = pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload; pandora.$ui.appPanel.reload = function() { reload(); load(); } } function ExtrasMenu() { var that = {}; var css = { //margin: '2px', }, $item = Ox.MenuButton({ items: [ {id: 'rename', title: 'Rename Annotation...'}, ], style: 'rounded', title: 'set', tooltip: Ox._('Extras'), type: 'image' }).css(css).bindEvent({ click: function(data) { if ( == 'rename') { pandora.ui.renameAnnotationDialog().open() } }, }), plugins = []; that.load = function() { pandora.$ui.mainMenu.find('.OxExtras').prepend($item); pandora.$ui.extraItem = $item; }; return that; } })();