//open User->Preferences->Advanced->Run Script on Load and paste this script (function() { edit('user:example'); // settings and helper functions below var resolution = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], outerHeight = 24 + 16 + 16 + 96, // menu bars + timeline bottom sidebarSize = resolution[0] - ((resolution[1] - outerHeight) * 4/3), tvUI = { clipSize: sidebarSize, annotationsRange: 'position', editView: 'annotations', section: 'edits', showAnnotations: true, showTimeline: true, showSidebar: false, videoLoop: true, videoScale: 'fit' }; function edit(edit, position) { pandora.UI.set({ page: '' }); position = position || 0; pandora.UI.set(Ox.extend({ edit: edit }, tvUI, 'edits.' + edit + '.position', position)); waitForPlayer(function(player) { //fixGUI(); player.options({ paused: false, position: position }); }); } function waitForPlayer(callback) { var $player, player; if (pandora.$ui.editPanel) { $player = $('.OxVideoPlayer').not('.OxBar'); var readyState = 0; if($player.find('video').length) { $player.find('video').each(function() { readyState = Math.max(readyState, this.readyState); }); } if(readyState && $player.data('oxid') && Ox.$elements[$player.data('oxid')]) { player = Ox.$elements[$player.data('oxid')]; } } if (player) { setTimeout(function() { callback(player, $player); }, 250); } else { setTimeout(function() { waitForPlayer(callback); }, 250); } } function fixGUI() { // hide menu pandora.$ui.appPanel.resizeElement(0, 0); } })();