import json import logging import os import shutil import signal import subprocess import tempfile import time import ox import ox.iso from django.conf import settings from annotation import tasks from item import utils from itemlist.models import List from item.models import Item from user.models import User logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TARGET_LENGTH = getattr(settings, 'TRANSCRIBE_TARGET_LENGTH', 200) def prepare_annotations(result, join_sentences=False): if join_sentences: return prepare_joint_annotations(result) annotations = [] for segment in result["segments"]: annotations.append( { "in": segment["start"], "out": segment["end"] + 0.3, "value": segment["text"].strip(), } ) return annotations def prepare_joint_annotations(result, target_length=TARGET_LENGTH): abbrevs = ["Mr.", "Mrs.", "Dr."] ignore = [] phrase_sounds = [] segments = result["segments"] all_words = [] for s in segments: all_words.extend(s["words"]) new_segs = [] sentence = "" for w in all_words: if not w == all_words[-1]: next_w = all_words[all_words.index(w) + 1] else: # w is last word if sentence == "" and w["text"] in ignore: continue if sentence == "": in_ = w["start"] # 0th word of a sentence if w["text"] in ignore and next_w["text"][0].isupper(): continue if sentence == "The music " and next_w["text"][0] == "The": sentence = "" continue sentence += w["text"] + " " # if this is a short sentence and next word starts less than 1 sec away # and not last word of entire text if ( w["text"].endswith(".") and w != all_words[-1] and (next_w["start"] - w["end"]) < 0.8 and len(sentence) < target_length and next_w["text"] not in ignore ): # then do not end this sentence yet continue if ( w["text"].endswith(".") and w["text"] not in abbrevs and len(w["text"]) > 2 ) or ( w["text"] in ignore and sentence.strip() == w["text"] and (w == all_words[-1] or next_w["text"][0].isupper()) ): # end the sentence, delay end a bit out_ = w["end"] + 0.3 sentence_dict = {"in": in_, "out": out_, "value": sentence.strip()} new_segs.append(sentence_dict) sentence = "" annotations = list(filter(lambda i: i["value"].strip() not in ignore, new_segs)) return annotations def run_demucs(src, output): cmd = [ "/opt/whisper-timestamped/bin/demucs" "--two-stems", "vocals", "-o", output, src ] subprocess.check_call(cmd) wav = glob("%s/htdemucs/*/vocals.wav" % output)[0] return wav def run_whisper(src, language=None, translate=False, gpu=False, model="small", demucs=False): tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() if demucs: try: src = run_demucs(src, tmp) except: logger.error("failed to run demucs for %s", src) shutil.rmtree(tmp) return None output = os.path.join(tmp, "output.json") run_py = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "") cmd = ["/opt/whisper-timestamped/bin/python", run_py] cmd += ["--model", model] if language: cmd += ["--language", language] if translate and language in translate: cmd += ["--translate"] language = "en" cmd += [src, output] try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except: logger.error("failed to run: %s", cmd) shutil.rmtree(tmp) return None with open(output) as fd: response = json.load(fd) #shutil.rmtree(tmp) return response def extract_subtitles(item, user, layer, translate, gpu=False, join_sentences=False, model="small"): language = None if "language" not in language = None else: language = ox.iso.langTo2Code(["language"][0]) if not item.streams(): logger.error("skip item without media %s: %s", item.public_id) return False src = item.streams()[0].media.path response = run_whisper(src, language, translate, gpu, model) if not response: logger.error("extract failed for %s", item.public_id) return False annotations = prepare_annotations(response, join_sentences=join_sentences) if not annotations: return False if language and language != "en": for annotation in annotations: annotation["value"] = '%s' % ( language, annotation["value"], ) tasks.add_annotations.delay( { "item": item.public_id, "layer": layer, "user": user.username, "annotations": annotations, } ) return True def extract_subtitles_cmd(item, user, layer, translate, gpu=False, model="small"): if "language" not in language = None else: language = ox.iso.langTo2Code(["language"][0]) if not item.streams(): logger.error("skip item without media %s: %s", item.public_id) return False src = item.streams()[0].media.path tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() cmd = ["/opt/whisper-timestamped/bin/whisper_timestamped", "--model", model] if language: cmd += ["--language", language] if translate and language in translate: cmd += ["--task", "translate"] language = "en" if not gpu: cmd += [ "--fp16", "False", ] cmd += [ "-f", "srt", "--accurate", "--output_dir", tmp, src, ] try: subprocess.check_output(cmd) except: logger.error( "failed to extract subtitles from item %s\n%s", item.public_id, cmd ) shutil.rmtree(tmp) return False annotations = [] for f in os.listdir(tmp): if f.endswith(".srt") and "" not in f: srt = os.path.join(tmp, f) annotations = if not annotations: logger.error("no subtitles detected %s", item.public_id) return True if language and language != "en": for annotation in annotations: annotation["value"] = '%s' % ( language, annotation["value"], ) tasks.add_annotations.delay( { "item": item.public_id, "layer": layer, "user": user.username, "annotations": annotations, } ) shutil.rmtree(tmp) return True def main(**kwargs): user = User.objects.get(username=kwargs["user"]) queue = List.objects.get(user=user, name=kwargs["queue"]) done = List.objects.get(user=user, name=kwargs["done"]) layer = kwargs.get("layer") translate = kwargs.get("translate") if translate: translate = dict([tt.split(":") for tt in translate.split(",")]) if not layer: layer = utils.get_by_key(settings.CONFIG["layers"], "isSubtitles", True) if layer: layer = layer["id"] else: logger.error("no layer defined and config has no subtitle layer") return try: while True: wait = True for item in queue.get_items(queue.user).all(): if extract_subtitles( item, user, layer, translate, kwargs.get("gpu"), join_sentences=kwargs.get("join_sentences"), model=kwargs.get("model", "small") ): done.items.add(item) queue.items.remove(item) wait = False if wait: time.sleep(5 * 60) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass