# pandora_transcribe use whisper_timestamped to add automatic transcriptions to pan.do/ra ## installation cd /srv/pandora/pandora git clone https://code.0x2620.org/0x2620/pandora_transcribe transcribe add "transcribe" to LOCAL_APPS in local_setttings.py ## install whisper_timestamped apt install portaudio19-dev python3 -m venv venv /opt/whisper-timestamped/ /opt/whisper-timestamped/bin/pip install \ torch==2.3.1+cpu \ torchaudio==2.3.1+cpu \ -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html /opt/whisper-timestamped/bin/pip install whisper-timestamped transformers auditok ## configuration add a user called subtitles and create 2 lists for that user: Queue and Transcribed alternatively see options for `./manage.py transcribe` to use another user or list name ## run in a terminal run ./manage.py transcribe ## install a service copy systemd/service/pandora-transcribe.service to /etc/systemd/system/pandora-transcribe.service and systemctl enable --now pandora-transcribe.service