#!/usr/bin/python3 from collections import defaultdict import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import time from pathlib import Path import ox from .pi import random from .render_kdenlive import KDEnliveProject, _CACHE def random_int(seq, length): n = n_ = length - 1 #print('len', n) if n == 0: return n r = seq() / 9 * 10 base = 10 while n > 10: n /= 10 r += seq() / 9 * 10 base += 10 r = int(round(n_ * r / base)) return r def random_choice(seq, items, pop=False): n = random_int(seq, len(items)) if pop: return items.pop(n) return items[n] def chance(seq, chance): return (seq() / 10) < chance def get_clip_by_seqid(clips, seqid): selected = None for i, clip in enumerate(clips): if clip['seqid'] == seqid: selected = i break if selected is not None: return clips.pop(i) return None def write_if_new(path, data, mode=''): read_mode = 'r' + mode write_mode = 'w' + mode if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, read_mode) as fd: old = fd.read() else: old = "" is_new = data != old if path.endswith(".kdenlive"): is_new = re.sub('\{.{36}\}', '', data) != re.sub('\{.{36}\}', '', old) if is_new: with open(path, write_mode) as fd: fd.write(data) def compose(clips, target=150, base=1024, voice_over=None): length = 0 scene = { 'front': { 'V1': [], 'V2': [], }, 'back': { 'V1': [], 'V2': [], }, 'audio-back': { 'A1': [], }, 'audio-center': { 'A1': [], }, 'audio-front': { 'A1': [], 'A2': [], 'A3': [], 'A4': [], }, 'audio-rear': { 'A1': [], 'A2': [], 'A3': [], 'A4': [], }, } all_clips = clips.copy() seq = random(10000 + base * 1000) used = [] voice_overs = [] if voice_over: vo_keys = list(sorted(voice_over)) if chance(seq, 0.5): vo_key = vo_keys[random_int(seq, len(vo_keys))] voice_overs.append(voice_over[vo_key]) elif len(vo_keys) >= 2: vo1 = vo_keys.pop(random_int(seq, len(vo_keys))) vo2 = vo_keys.pop(random_int(seq, len(vo_keys))) voice_overs.append(voice_over[vo1]) if voice_over[vo1]["duration"] + voice_over[vo2]["duration"] < target: print("adding second vo") voice_overs.append(voice_over[vo2]) print("vo:", [x['src'] for x in voice_overs], list(sorted(voice_over))) vo_min = sum([vo['duration'] for vo in voice_overs]) sub_offset = 0 if vo_min > target: target = vo_min elif vo_min < target: offset = (target - vo_min) / 2 scene['audio-center']['A1'].append({ 'blank': True, 'duration': offset }) scene['audio-rear']['A1'].append({ 'blank': True, 'duration': offset }) vo_min += offset sub_offset = offset subs = [] for vo in voice_overs: voc = vo.copy() a, b = '3', '-6' if 'Whispered' in voc['src']: a, b = '6', '-3' elif 'Read' in voc['src']: a, b = '7', '-2' elif 'Free' in voc['src']: a, b = '5', '-4' elif 'Ashley' in voc['src']: a, b = '5', '-4' voc['filter'] = {'volume': a} scene['audio-center']['A1'].append(voc) vo_low = vo.copy() vo_low['filter'] = {'volume': b} scene['audio-rear']['A1'].append(vo_low) for sub in voc.get("subs", []): sub = sub.copy() sub["in"] += sub_offset sub["out"] += sub_offset subs.append(sub) sub_offset += voc["duration"] if subs: scene["subtitles"] = subs clip = None while target - length > 0 and clips: # coin flip which site is visible (50% chance) if length: remaining = target - length remaining = remaining * 1.05 # allow for max of 10% over time clips_ = [c for c in clips if c['duration'] <= remaining] if clips_: clips = clips_ if clip: if chance(seq, 0.5): next_seqid = clip['seqid'] + 1 clip = get_clip_by_seqid(clips, next_seqid) else: clip = None if not clip: clip = random_choice(seq, clips, True) if not clips: print("not enough clips, need to reset") clips = [c for c in all_clips if c != clip] if not clips: clips = all_clips.copy() if length + clip['duration'] > target and length >= vo_min: break print('%06.3f %06.3f' % (length, clip['duration']), os.path.basename(clip['original'])) length += clip['duration'] if "foreground" not in clip and "animation" in clip: fg = clip['animation'] transparancy = 1 else: fg = clip['foreground'] if 'foreground2' in clip: if 'foreground3' in clip: n = seq() if n <= 3: # 0,1,2,3 clip['foreground'] elif n <= 6: # 4,5,6 clip['foreground2'] else: # 7,8,9 clip['foreground3'] elif chance(seq, 0.5): fg = clip['foreground2'] transparancy = seq() / 9 transparancy = 1 if 'foley' in clip: foley = clip['foley'] else: foley = fg scene['front']['V2'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': fg, "filter": { 'transparency': transparancy, } }) transparency = seq() / 9 # 50% of time no transparancy of foregroudnd layer # 50% some transparancy, 25%, 50%, 75% levels of transparancy transparancy = 1 # coin flip which site is visible (50% chance) if chance(seq, 0.5): transparency_front = transparency transparency_back = 0 else: transparency_back = transparency transparency_front = 0 transparency_original = seq() / 9 transparency_original = 1 if "background" in clip: scene['front']['V1'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['background'], "filter": { 'transparency': transparency_front } }) scene['back']['V2'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['background'], "filter": { 'transparency': transparency_back } }) else: scene['front']['V1'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['animation'], "filter": { 'transparency': 0, } }) scene['back']['V2'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['original'], "filter": { 'transparency': 0, } }) scene['back']['V1'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['original'], "filter": { 'transparency': transparency_original, } }) # 50 % chance to blur original from 0 to 30 if chance(seq, 0.5): blur = seq() * 3 if blur: scene['back']['V1'][-1]['filter']['blur'] = blur scene['audio-back']['A1'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': clip['original'], }) # TBD: Foley scene['audio-front']['A2'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': foley, 'filter': {'volume': '-4'}, }) scene['audio-rear']['A2'].append({ 'duration': clip['duration'], 'src': foley, 'filter': {'volume': '-4'}, }) used.append(clip) print("scene duration %0.3f (target: %0.3f, vo_min: %0.3f)" % (length, target, vo_min)) return scene, used def get_scene_duration(scene): duration = 0 for key, value in scene.items(): for name, clips in value.items(): for clip in clips: duration += clip['duration'] return duration def render(root, scene, prefix=''): fps = 24 files = [] scene_duration = int(get_scene_duration(scene) * 24) for timeline, data in scene.items(): if timeline == "subtitles": path = os.path.join(root, prefix + "front.srt") srt = ox.srt.encode(data) write_if_new(path, srt, 'b') continue #print(timeline) project = KDEnliveProject(root) tracks = [] track_durations = {} for track, clips in data.items(): #print(track) for clip in clips: project.append_clip(track, clip) track_durations[track] = int(sum([c['duration'] for c in clips]) * 24) if timeline.startswith('audio-'): track_duration = project.get_duration() delta = scene_duration - track_duration if delta > 0: for track in track_durations: if track_durations[track] == track_duration: project.append_clip(track, {'blank': True, "duration": delta/24}) break path = os.path.join(root, prefix + "%s.kdenlive" % timeline) project_xml = project.to_xml() write_if_new(path, project_xml) files.append(path) return files def get_fragments(clips, voice_over, prefix): import itemlist.models import item.models fragments = [] for l in itemlist.models.List.objects.filter(status='featured').order_by('name'): if l.name.split(' ')[0].isdigit(): fragment = { 'name': l.name, 'tags': [], 'anti-tags': [], 'description': l.description } for con in l.query['conditions']: if "conditions" in con: for sub in con["conditions"]: if sub['key'] == "tags" and sub['operator'] == '==': fragment['tags'].append(sub['value']) elif sub['key'] == "tags" and sub['operator'] == '!=': fragment['tags'].append(sub['value']) else: print('unknown sub condition', sub) elif con.get('key') == "tags" and con['operator'] == '==': fragment['tags'].append(con['value']) elif con.get('key') == "tags" and con['operator'] == '!=': fragment['anti-tags'].append(con['value']) fragment["id"] = int(fragment['name'].split(' ')[0]) originals = [] for i in l.get_items(l.user): orig = i.files.filter(selected=True).first() if orig: ext = os.path.splitext(orig.data.path)[1] type_ = i.data['type'][0].lower() target = os.path.join(prefix, type_, i.data['title'] + ext) originals.append(target) fragment['clips'] = [] for clip in clips: #if set(clip['tags']) & set(fragment['tags']) and not set(clip['tags']) & set(fragment['anti-tags']): if clip['original'] in originals: fragment['clips'].append(clip) fragment["voice_over"] = voice_over.get(str(fragment["id"]), {}) fragments.append(fragment) fragments.sort(key=lambda f: ox.sort_string(f['name'])) return fragments def render_all(options): prefix = options['prefix'] duration = int(options['duration']) base = int(options['offset']) _cache = os.path.join(prefix, "cache.json") if os.path.exists(_cache): with open(_cache) as fd: _CACHE.update(json.load(fd)) with open(os.path.join(prefix, "clips.json")) as fd: clips = json.load(fd) with open(os.path.join(prefix, "voice_over.json")) as fd: voice_over = json.load(fd) fragments = get_fragments(clips, voice_over, prefix) with open(os.path.join(prefix, "fragments.json"), "w") as fd: json.dump(fragments, fd, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) position = target_position = 0 target = fragment_target = duration / len(fragments) base_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, 'render', str(base)) clips_used = [] stats = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for fragment in fragments: fragment_id = int(fragment['name'].split(' ')[0]) name = fragment['name'].replace(' ', '_') if fragment_id < 10: name = '0' + name if not fragment['clips']: print("skipping empty fragment", name) continue fragment_prefix = os.path.join(base_prefix, name) os.makedirs(fragment_prefix, exist_ok=True) fragment_clips = fragment['clips'] unused_fragment_clips = [c for c in fragment_clips if c not in clips_used] print('fragment clips', len(fragment_clips), 'unused', len(unused_fragment_clips)) scene, used = compose(unused_fragment_clips, target=target, base=base, voice_over=fragment['voice_over']) clips_used += used scene_duration = get_scene_duration(scene) print("%s %6.3f -> %6.3f (%6.3f)" % (name, target, scene_duration, fragment_target)) src = [a for a in scene['audio-rear']['A1'] if 'src' in a][0]['src'] stats[src.split('/')[-2]] += 1 position += scene_duration target_position += fragment_target if position > target_position: target = fragment_target - (position-target_position) print("adjusting target duration for next fragment: %6.3f -> %6.3f" % (fragment_target, target)) elif position < target_position: target = target + 0.1 * fragment_target timelines = render(prefix, scene, fragment_prefix[len(prefix) + 1:] + '/') scene_json = json.dumps(scene, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) write_if_new(os.path.join(fragment_prefix, 'scene.json'), scene_json) if not options['no_video']: for timeline in timelines: print(timeline) ext = '.mp4' if '/audio' in timeline: ext = '.wav' cmd = [ 'xvfb-run', '-a', 'melt', timeline, '-quiet', '-consumer', 'avformat:%s' % timeline.replace('.kdenlive', ext), ] if ext == '.wav': cmd += ['vn=1'] else: #if not timeline.endswith("back.kdenlive"): cmd += ['an=1'] cmd += ['vcodec=libx264', 'x264opts=keyint=1', 'crf=15'] subprocess.call(cmd) if ext == '.wav' and timeline.endswith('audio.kdenlive'): cmd = [ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-nostats', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', timeline.replace('.kdenlive', ext), timeline.replace('.kdenlive', '.mp4') ] subprocess.call(cmd) os.unlink(timeline.replace('.kdenlive', ext)) fragment_prefix = Path(fragment_prefix) cmds = [] for src, out1, out2 in ( ("audio-front.wav", "fl.wav", "fr.wav"), ("audio-center.wav", "fc.wav", "lfe.wav"), ("audio-rear.wav", "bl.wav", "br.wav"), ): cmds.append([ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-nostats", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", fragment_prefix / src, "-filter_complex", "[0:0]pan=1|c0=c0[left]; [0:0]pan=1|c0=c1[right]", "-map", "[left]", fragment_prefix / out1, "-map", "[right]", fragment_prefix / out2, ]) cmds.append([ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-nostats", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", fragment_prefix / "fl.wav", "-i", fragment_prefix / "fr.wav", "-i", fragment_prefix / "fc.wav", "-i", fragment_prefix / "lfe.wav", "-i", fragment_prefix / "bl.wav", "-i", fragment_prefix / "br.wav", "-filter_complex", "[0:a][1:a][2:a][3:a][4:a][5:a]amerge=inputs=6[a]", "-map", "[a]", "-c:a", "aac", fragment_prefix / "audio-5.1.mp4" ]) cmds.append([ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-nostats", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", fragment_prefix / "front.mp4", "-i", fragment_prefix / "audio-5.1.mp4", "-c", "copy", fragment_prefix / "front-5.1.mp4", ]) cmds.append([ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-nostats", "-loglevel", "error", "-i", fragment_prefix / "back.mp4", "-i", fragment_prefix / "audio-back.wav", "-c:v", "copy", fragment_prefix / "back-audio.mp4", ]) for cmd in cmds: #print(" ".join([str(x) for x in cmd])) subprocess.call(cmd) for a, b in ( ("back-audio.mp4", "back.mp4"), ("front-5.1.mp4", "back.mp4"), ): duration_a = ox.avinfo(str(fragment_prefix / a))['duration'] duration_b = ox.avinfo(str(fragment_prefix / b))['duration'] if duration_a != duration_b: print('!!', duration_a, fragment_prefix / a) print('!!', duration_b, fragment_prefix / b) sys.exit(-1) shutil.move(fragment_prefix / "back-audio.mp4", fragment_prefix / "back.mp4") shutil.move(fragment_prefix / "front-5.1.mp4", fragment_prefix / "front.mp4") for fn in ( "audio-5.1.mp4", "audio-center.wav", "audio-rear.wav", "audio-center.wav", "audio-front.wav", "audio-back.wav", "back-audio.mp4", "fl.wav", "fr.wav", "fc.wav", "lfe.wav", "bl.wav", "br.wav", ): fn = fragment_prefix / fn if os.path.exists(fn): os.unlink(fn) print("Duration - Target: %s Actual: %s" % (target_position, position)) print(json.dumps(dict(stats), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) with open(_cache, "w") as fd: json.dump(_CACHE, fd) def get_srt(sub, offset=0): sdata = sub.json(keys=['in', 'out', 'value']) sdata['value'] = sdata['value'].replace('
', '
\n', '\n').replace('
', '\n') if offset: sdata["in"] += offset sdata["out"] += offset return sdata def update_subtitles(options): import item.models prefix = Path(options['prefix']) duration = int(options['duration']) base = int(options['offset']) _cache = os.path.join(prefix, "cache.json") if os.path.exists(_cache): with open(_cache) as fd: _CACHE.update(json.load(fd)) base_prefix = prefix / 'render' / str(base) for folder in os.listdir(base_prefix): folder = base_prefix / folder with open(folder / "scene.json") as fd: scene = json.load(fd) offset = 0 subs = [] for clip in scene['audio-center']['A1']: if not clip.get("blank"): batch, fragment_id = clip['src'].replace('.wav', '').split('/')[-2:] vo = item.models.Item.objects.filter(data__icontains='2-Whispered', data__title__startswith=fragment_id + '_').first() if vo: for sub in vo.annotations.filter(layer="subtitles").exclude(value="").order_by("start"): sdata = get_srt(sub, offset) subs.append(sdata) offset += clip['duration'] path = folder / "front.srt" srt = ox.srt.encode(subs) write_if_new(str(path), srt, 'b')